Nikita Wiki
Adrian's Garden
La Femme Nikita
02x21 Adrian's Garden1997
Episode no. Season 2
Episode 21
Directed by Brad Turner
Written by Michael Loceff
Production code 221
Original air date August 23, 1998
Episode guide
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"Adrian's Garden" is the twenty first episode of the second season of La Femme Nikita.


Nikita is recruited for her most dangerous mission yet but not by Section. Adrian, the exiled founder of Section One, is convinced that Operations is using the organization as a cover up for a political power grab, and seeks Nikita's help to bring him down. She is initially skeptical, but when an upcoming mission failed exactly as Adrian detailed it would, Nikita must confront the truth of her claims about Operations.



In Nikita's apartment, Carla checks that her handgun is loaded. She's alone and she walks to the counter and pours herself a glass of wine. She turns when she hears the front door opening and Nikita arrives home. With concern, Carla asks Nikita where she's been the last few days. After a vague response, Carla good naturally remarks that she'd forgotten that she's not supposed to ask. She offers Nikita a glass of wine and she agrees. They stand together and Nikita asks Carla how she's holding up. She talks of how taken aback she is by the change in her boyfriend when hit her. Nikita apologizes for not being around as much for her and offers her a place to stay for as long as she'd like. Nikita's phone rings but once answers it, there's no one on the other end. Carla asks Nikita if she's still seeing "that guy who was coming around here." Nikita assumes she means Michael. Carla wants to know what's going on with him. "Nothing," she tells her. "It's too bad. He was cute," Carla tells her. A knock at the front door draws both of their attentions. Nikita rises and checks her security camera. She tells Carla that it's Stephen and that she can tell him to leave if Carla wants that. Nikita opens the door to Steven and he tells Nikita that he wants to see Carla. Behind Nikita, Carla tells her that she's changed her mind. Nikita turns to her and when she does, Steven injects Nikita in the shoulder with a knockout drug. Nikita collapses on the floor.

Act 1[]

Madeline and Operations have breakfast together. They discuss intel they've received on a situation in central Africa. Madeline is adamant about making the very narrow window they have to work with. Operations agrees that it would be nice to finally put it to rest and he asks her who the assignment should be given to. "Michael," Madeline asserts. With that settled, Operations asks if she's available for dinner that evening, but she questions why. "You confuse me, Madeline. If you don't want to enjoy my company, why did you agree to open things up again," he asks. "I didn't open anything up. I slept with you. There's a difference," she answers unemotional. Going along with train of thought, he asks whey she slept with him. "Because you wanted it." When he asks if she didn't. Madeline tells him that it's "irrelevant." She tells him that, "The foreplay was becoming a distraction, for both of us. It was affecting your work and your decisions. And in turn affecting mine." Operations tells her that she's being "especially cold." He further ponders if her behavior has anything to do with Charles. "What? That you allowed me to believe that my husband had been dead for the past nine years?" He wonders if she could bear him some ill will over the situation but she denies it. He tells her that she didn't need to kill Charles but she disagrees. Operations rises to leave. "What we had has been over for years. The other night doesn't change a thing. I think you need to face that."

Michael sits in his office. He's on the phone and trying to reach Nikita. Her phone lies forgotten on the floor of her apartment. It continues to ring with no answer until he hangs up. Nikita lies in an unknown bed unconscious. She suddenly jerks awake and rolls over. At Nikita's apartment, Michael's arrival can be seen on the video feed of her hallway. With his gun drawn, Michael enters. He takes in the empty apartment and the fallen wine glass and phone. Nikita slowly tries to roll herself off the bed. She's been stripped down to her underwear. She's woozy as she sits up and notices that her feet are clamped together. Michael walks up to the apartment's second level. He passes Nikita's bedroom and checks inside the bathroom. Nikita works her way to a window and looks outside to see a woman pruning flowers. Finding nothing, Michael descends back to the first level of Nikita's apartment and leaves. The doors to the room where Nikita is being held. A very serious looking Carla enters. She and Nikita stare at each other.

Michael approaches Birkoff at Comm to request the password to the clock frequencies. He tells him that they've lost an operative. When asked who, Michael reveals that it's Nikita.

In bedroom where she finds herself, Nikita asks Carla who she is but Carla tells her it's not important. She tells Nikita that she has to get ready to meet someone. She asks Carla if she's a terrorist and she tells her no. Nikita accuses Carla of deceiving her for two years by pretending to be her friend. "You seem to be clearheaded," Carla concludes. Just as she leaves, Carla tells Nikita that she has five minutes to freshen up.

In Comm, Birkoff calls up Nikita clock. It shows that she's in southern Spain near Torremolinos. Section has two panda teams in Valencia and they call up an operative named Olan. Michael tells him that his priority has been downgraded and that he'll soon be receiving an address. Birkoff interrupts and tells Michael that Nikita's clock is now indicating that she's in Inchon, South Korea. The signal then jumps to Japan, Athens and Los Angeles. Birkoff concludes that Nikita must have tampered with her clock. "How? She doesn't even know she has one." Michael points out.

Now fully dressed, Nikita uses a mirror to inspect a small line of stitches on the back of her upper torso. She's surprised when the woman she spotted earlier in the garden catches her off guard. "The Section placed a ceysium crystal inside you for tracking. It's probably because you were outside the rim for those six months. It's astonishing, isn't it, what they can do without your knowledge." The woman walks closer to a clearly confused Nikita. "'The operative is to assume that any information revealed under interrogation, no matter how insignificant, will result in the loss of innocent life.' Is it still worded that way?" Nikita looks at her, lost for words. "That's fine, dear. A response isn't necessary." The woman assures her. "I do need something from you, but I need your compliance. And at this point, no doubt, you would inlay against any request." Nikita quickly interrupts. "Why am I here?" She demands. "It's an orientation. My name is Adrian." She changes the subject by discussing the tree peonies she was planting and carried in her arms. Nikita is somewhat dismisses of Adrian's commentary on risking the chance that the peonies won't survive the harsh conditions. "What are your hobbies, Nikita?" Adrian fires back. "We've been watching you for some time and haven't been able to detect much of an inner life." Annoyed, Nikita wants more information. "I'm sorry, who are you?" Adrian only provides basic information. "Someone unlike anyone you've ever met," Adrian supposes that Madeline has acquired her fascination with horticulture. "When you go back, Section won't even know you've been gone. Michael will see to that," Adrian tells Nikita. "Why would he do that?" Nikita asks. "He loves, of course," Adrian replies matter of fact. "But you will need to give him a plausible scenario. So, two members of L'Heure Sanguine, former colleagues of Michael's, sought revenge for the death of Rene Dian. They grabbed you inside your apartment and took you to Vienna where you overcame them." Nikita wants to know what everything is about. "What it's always been about, a small matter of saving the world," Adrian tells her sagely. She hands Nikita small pill case. "On your next mission, something will happen that will convince you of the gravity of all this. Oh, one last thing, anything you might want to say to Michael apart from the story I've just given you, would endanger his life." Adrian departs and leaves Nikita alone. Nikita opensthe small pill case and the gold bullet inside it.

Act 2[]

In a secluded area of Section One, Michael waits for Nikita. She arrives and approaches him. "Michael, why are we meeting here?" She asks. Michael approaches Nikita slowly until they're standing face to face. "Tell me again what happened?" He requests. "I told you everything I remembered. They wanted to get to you. They mentioned Rene Dian's death. It sounded like revenge." Michael studies her for a moment. "You sure there's nothing more," he asks. Nikita tells him that she's sure. 'It's hard to believe that Rene had friends who could have tracked either of us down." Nikita leans back casually against the wall. "Yeah, obviously he did. So did you tell anyone?" Nikita asks. "No one needs to know," Michael answers. Nikita straightens up and closes the distance between them. "That's fine with me." She takes a moment and looks at him. "Is everything alright?" Michael doesn't delay his answer. "Yes," Michael and Nikita stare at each other until Michael speaks. "Get upstairs. We have to ready the mission," he tells her just as he departs.

Operations and another man enter Madeline's office. "You know Ray Leeds from Oversight," Operations says in introduction. Madeline rises and greets him. "As of today, he's going to be working with us," Operations shares. Madeline is surprised at the news and barely conceals it under false cheer. "Executive Strategist," Leeds tells her. "He's not here to take your job. He's here to learn it," Operations tells her. "Why?" Madeline asks, pointedly. "George has been pressuring me for months now to have backups in place. In practical terms. it'll help all of us lighten our work loads." Madeline is forceful in her acceptance. "Good," she asserts. "Then I suggest you get started. Five recruits have just been brought in. They need to be evaluated. There's a debrief in progress on Level Three and there are two missions going out today that need to be profiled. I'll handle central Africa. I'm already up to speed on it." It's a long to do list that she's just outlined. "I was going to take him up to Systems, today. Get oriented," Operations mentions. "Fine, if you'd rather have him to that," she notes. "Look, I don't want to get in the middle of any politics here," Leeds adds. "All we do here is politics," Madeline tells him cooly. "If you don't want to get in the middle of that, then I suggest you return to the Department." Madeline stares Leeds down. Operations agrees to do Systems later in the week and he leaves the two of them alone.

Operations leads a mission briefing. "At the beginning of this century, central Africa has been the theater for several covert wars engaged in by various Western interests. Currently, secret cells inside one of the French ministries are preparing retaliations in areas where they recently lost influence." He displays an image of Maurice Sauvage, the man leading the raids. Section has been asked to take him and his encampment out. Michael points out that it looks like a straight military operation and questions why they're involved. "He's not static and the government hasn't been able to take him," Operations tells him. Birkoff adds that an advance team is collecting data in Rwanda for the profile, which should be ready by that afternoon. Operations tells everyone that they're on standby until the mission goes out.

Under the cover of darkness, the Section team arrives at Sauvage's compound by truck. Operatives exit and disperse into the night. Nikita inquires with Michael on whether or not there were other variables involved. He wants to know the reason for her concern but she tells him that she's just being careful. He tells her that everything is covered and for her to get to her position. Michael and the team spread out towards the compound. Nikita climbs to the top of the truck. She will be providing cover as a sharpshooter. At Section, Birkoff informs Michael that there appear to be six bodies inside the compound but he can't tell which one is Sauvage and he recommends that they flush everyone out. Michael announces that he's going to second mark. He runs alongside the building and uses a drainage pipe to climb to the roof.

The team arrives back at Section via Van Access. Michael hands a woozy Sauvage over to some waiting operatives and orders that he be taken to Containment. Nikita and Michael begin to walk away when Operation, in the walkway above the hall interrupts them. "Where's our losses?" He asks. Michael tells him that they're in the van. Operations wants to know what happened and Michael tells him that the shots came from above. Nikita confirms that they came from a plane. She didn't see it but heard it. "We're lucky the entire team wasn't lost," Operations points out. "It wasn't luck. The rounds were grounded within centimeters of me. Whoever did this could have killed me if they wanted to." Behind Michael, Nikita takes in Michael's assessment with concern and understanding. Operations wants them to start putting the incident together.

Nikita walks past Munitions and see Walter. She approaches him to say hello. The tone is somber between them. "I really hate it when we lose Ops," he tells her. Nikita agrees and notes that it was scary. He asks with concern if she's okay and Nikita tells him that she is. Nikita is quiet for a moment until she shares with Walter that she doesn't believe Savauge was behind ambush. Walter agrees because the analysis does not have signature. Nikita asks about what it did show. "Firstly the ammo is way off, also we pulled audio on the aircraft and it doesn't match anything Savauge could put his hands on." Nikita inquires further about the ammo and gets closer to Walter's worktable, where he holds one of the spent rounds with a pair of forceps. "It's a very strange thing." Nikita takes ahold of the forceps and inspects the round. "I haven't seen rounds like that in years. We used to use it here. Used mostly for distance. It's gold," he adds. Nikita looks contemplative at the spent round before turning her attention back to Walter. "Tell me about Adrian," Nikita requests and completely catches Walter off guard. "You know, Adrian. English, mid 60s," Nikita elaborates. "Who told you about her?" Walter asks cautiously. "Was she in the community?" Nikita presses. "Adrian founded this place. She's the mother of Section One." That surprises Nikita and inquires if she's alive. Walter is unsure. "If she is, she's invisible. Adrian's the only one that ever got away from here," Walter muses. Nikita asks about what Adrian was like. "Let's just say that Adrian is the only person Madeline has ever been afraid of," Walter shares, cryptically. Nikita thinks that over and guesses that Adrian chose Operations. Walter quickly corrects her. "Chose him? No. Operations took control himself. And it was a bitter struggle. Left Operations with a whole lot of enemies, and a whole lot of power." Walter heads over to the close gate that secures his storage area. He raises it, enters, and then closes it once again. Nikita asks Adrain through the gate. "She got what we all want. Freedom," Walter replies and walks away, disappearing into the back and leaving Nikita with her thoughts.

Nikita arrives in her apartment and begins to take her coat off but she's immediately interrupted by Steven and instructed to keep her coat on. He and his twin escort Nikita out of the apartment.

Nikita arrives at Adrian's home and she's instructed to take a seat but Nikita wants nothing to do with her hospitality. "Why don't you just quit with the English gentility and tell me what you want from me," Nikita demands. The two women stare at each other. "Together, my dear, you and I, are going to destroy Section One," Adrian reveals. Nikita stands in shock while Adrian telephones to her aid Malcolm to bring her some tea and scones.

Act 3[]

Adrian and Nikita walk around the property together. "It happened almost by accident. After the engagement in Korea in the early 50s, there were several factions in the West who were frustrated by the failures of Communism in Asia. They conspired to take down the capitalist regimes they saw as impeding their ideology. They targeted civilian populations in many metropolitan areas. It was the aborted birth of modern terrorism. CIA, MI-5, Mossad, NATO a handful of others worked to together to prevent the calamity. It was this federation that gave me the idea to start the Sections. The other don't matter. Section One is where the power resides."

"Alright, dear. You're done. Fold it up and go," Adrian says. Nikita does as told and walks back to the elevator. She summons it and waits. When it opens, Michael is on the other side. "Hi," he tells Nikita. Adrian is surprised to hear Michael's voice. "Hi," Nikita responds. "What are you doing here?" Michael asks. Nikita looks momentarily at a loss on how to answer his question.

Act 4[]

"How did you get access to this level," Michael asks once Nikita is in the elevator and they're moving. "I had clearance," Nikita answers. "From whom?" He asks. Adrian tells Nikita to tell Michael that she can't answer him. Michael wants to know why. Adrian instructs Nikita to tell him that she's "tracing a linkage vector". He wants to know for whom and she tells him it's for Section Four in Northern Europe. "Why would they use you?" He inquires but Nikita refuses to tell him more. The elevator arrives on Section's main floor and they exit. Nikita tells Michael that he should ask Operations if he wants to know more. "Which bureau op?" Michael asks. Adrian tells Nikita not to answer and so she doesn't.


Madeline sits in her office alone. Operations arrives and she solemnly asks how his meeting went. "Not well. Oversight is not going to let this one go. Marin was important to them. They're going to make us pay." Madeline asks how. He tells her that they'll be rescinding Leeds and the implication is that he'll be cancelled. Madeline is somber at the news. "If you hadn't brought in Leeds, I'd be the one facing cancellation now. Instead, it's him." Operations agrees. "I thought you did it out of hurt feelings, but it had nothing to do with that did it?" Operations tells her that she was right when she said that they should not dwell on the past. He leaves her office immediately after.

Nikita arrives in her apartment. Her phone rings almost immediately upon her arrival. When she answers it, Adrian speaks. "I need to know, dear. Can I count on your support? I can't promise this is going to be easy. There's a lot at stake. You know that now, don't you?" Nikita silently nods her head but says nothing. Adrian calls her name. Nikita struggles with her answer for a moment before she says, "Okay." Adrian smiles in relief. "What do I do next?" Nikita asks.


Main Cast[]

Special Guest Stars[]

Episode Quotes[]

  • Adrian: "Together my dear, you and I are going to destroy Section One."
  • Nikita: "What was she like?"
    Walter: "Let's just say that Adrian is the only person Madeline has ever been afraid of."
    Nikita: "Mmm. So she chose Operations."
    Walter: "Chose him? No. Operations took control himself. And it was a bitter struggle. Left Operations with a whole lot of enemies, and a whole lot of power."
    Nikita: "And her?"
    Walter: "She got what we all want. Freedom."
  • Adrian: "It happened almost by accident. After the engagement in Korea in the early 50s, there were several factions in the West who were frustrated by the failures of Communism in Asia. They conspired to take down the capitalist regimes they saw as impeding their ideology. They targeted civilian populations in many metropolitan areas. It was the aborted birth of modern terrorism. CIA, MI-5, Mossad, NATO a handful of others worked to together to prevent the calamity. It was this federation that gave me the idea to start the Sections. The other don't matter. Section One is where the power resides."
    Nikita: "What did you do?"
    Adrian: "I analyzed intelligence, utilized game theory, produced scenarios. I performed the functions that today would be done by a Cray super computer."
    Nikita: "You said you wanted to destroy Section. Why?"
    Adrian: "I'm certain you've heard many times the rhetoric of sacrifice for the greater good. It may even have assuaged your guilt over killing all those people."
    Nikita: "Actually it hasn't."
    Adrian: "Of course, my dear. You're different. Aren't you? That's one of the reasons you were chosen."
  • Adrian: "The only coping mechanism you have intact is your belief that Section protects the innocent. If you didn't believe that, you'd have been gone long ago. One way or another."


gun | GUS GUS



La Femme Nikita- "Gun" - Gus Gus

Nikita is kidnapped and Michael tries to track her down.
