All Good Things | |||||
La Femme Nikita | |||||
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Episode no. |
Season 3 Episode 17 |
Directed by | Terry Ingram | ||||
Written by | Ed Horowitz | ||||
Production code | 318 | ||||
Original air date | July 25, 1999 | ||||
Episode guide | |||||
"All Good Things" is the seventeenth episode of the third season of La Femme Nikita.
Michael is given temporary command of Section One when Operations is called to Center. Despite warnings not to give in to George, Michael takes his advice and pursues a terrorist that Operations doesn't believe the Section is ready to capture. Now, the resulting pressure of completing a mission that might be just outside Michael's grasp risks his relationships with everyone, including Nikita.
In the early morning, Nikita sits out on her balcony with a cup of tea and toast. She looks contemplative as she stares out into the distance. She turns her head slightly towards the inside of her apartment before she rises and heads back indoors. Nikita quietly walks across her living room and makes her way up the steps to her bedroom. A bare chested Michael slowly awakens in Nikita's bed. Nikita sits beside him, picks up his hand and bids him a good morning, to which he responds. She lightly caresses the hand she holds. They quietly reaffirm that they want to be together. Nikita points out that Section won't be happy with this new development in their relationship. She ponders out loud the ramifications and Michael answers that they'll simply have to wait and see. Michael rises slowly and sweeps her hair aside. He begins to kiss the nape of Nikita's neck and the side of her face. Nikita closes her eyes and lets herself get swept away by Michael's tender touch.
Act 1[]
Michael walks the corridors of Season One until he reaches Madeline's office. Inside are Madeline and Operations, who stop speaking when Michael enters the room. Operations informs Michael that the situation in the Balkans is deteriorating and that recent intel suggests links with developments in the Middle East are involved. Because the global situation is critical, Center has asked for Operations' field perspective. Michael congratulates him, which Operations accepts but he acknowledges that it is only a temporary post. It is unclear how long Operations will be gone so in the meantime someone must be named the head of Section One. Madeline would be an obvious choice but they've decided that she is best suited for "providing objective counsel" to the one in charge--Michael. Operations points out that on occasion Michael has been tasked with heading Section One for several hours, but this situation is different. There will be a formal change in command. Michael will have full operational authority and Operations will not be available in the event of a crisis. Operations reminds Michael about the Luigi Bergomi mission involving his safe house in Odessa. George at Oversight has been adamant that Section One make it a priority. Operations disagrees, saying that Bergomi is too powerful and Section isn't ready. He suggests that Michael "run the Odessa mission" to placate George and then "pull back". No follow up mission because pushing as George wants might risk disaster. Another year might improve the situation enough for Section to revisit.
Together, Operations and Michael walk to the main floor of Section One. He touts Madeline's advice as invaluable but maintains that the final decision on matters is Michael's Several operatives, including Nikita, Walter, and Birkoff take notice of the formal transfer of power happening before them. Operations reaches into his collar and pulls out a pair of dark dog tag like chain. He hands them to Michael and tells him, "You have command." Michael accepts them and places the chain around his neck. He replies, "I have command." With the transfer official, Operations and an armed escort leave Section One.
In the Perch, Madeline awaits Michael. They stand together looking out onto the main floor of Section One. She asks if he has any concerns about current missions. When Michael answers that he doesn't, she brings up the only pending matter, the issue of his successor. He tells Madeline that Nikita will take his place. She reminds him that Wallace has seniority. He replies that Nikita is more qualified. Madeline points out that Michael's relationship with Nikita has recently "entered a new stage". Promoting her over Wallace could be viewed as favoritism by all of Section. However, "if she's perceived as more qualified and you don't promote her, it might be viewed as weakness." Madeline recommends that Michael review the Odessa profile before he makes his decision. Michael agrees. Madeline takes her leave and Michael remains alone in the Perch, overlooking Section One.
Michael leads the briefing on the Bergomi mission. Under the guise of an international currency trader, he launders money for embargoed nations and uses the proceeds to fund terrorism. Section's long term goal is to eliminate him and his entire organization. The mission will focus on his safe house in Odessa. Bergomi won't be there personally but they hope to retrieve enough intel to trace him. Michael tells Wallace, who is one of the operatives gathered, that he will lead the mission, while Nikita will take over his responsibilities. Both Wallace and Nikita look at Michael in surprise. Wallace points out that he's senior to Nikita by two years. Michael tells him that Nikita is more qualified. "For what?" Wallace questions. He tells Michael that Nikita should be leading the team and he should take over for Michael. During Wallace's protest Nikita, Walter and Birkoff start to look visibly uncomfortable. "You do as you're told and keep your opinions to yourself," Michael tells Wallace. Seconds later Wallace leaves upset. With the briefing clearly over, both Walter and Birkoff leave as well, leaving Nikita with Michael at the briefing table. Michael rises and goes to Nikita, telling her that she'll rotate through Section's secondary departments, starting with DRV. Nikita asks Michael if he's taking her out of the field. He confirms that it will only be for the time being. "I want you to have a broader perspective." She remarks, "I supposed I should do as I'm told. Keep my opinions to myself." Michael concedes, " In Section, yes." Nikita reluctantly agrees and she leaves.
Nikita arrives in DRV and is greeted by Mintz. He knows that Nikita is taking Michael's place. "Big shoes but I'm sure you can fill them. Otherwise he wouldn't have picked you," He tells her before he gives her a quick tour. He tries to impart on her the importance of their department. "Section's about missions. Missions are about intel and where does intel come from? Data Retrieval and Verification." He ushers her to a terminal and gives her quick rundown on how to log information the program is supplying her with. She's told a regular shift is twelve hours. Because she's new, they'll let her do ten. After Mintz leaves, Nikita settles into her seat her work.
Hours later, Nikita looks exhausted. She's slouching in her seat when an announcement declares the arrival of the Odessa mission. Nikita rises and leaves. She arrives at Van Access in time to see several operatives file through. No one will speak to her when she asks how things went. She walks over to Comm and greets Birkoff. He wonders where she's been and she tells him about her sting DRV. "I'm surprised you could stand the excitement," he deadpans. She mentions that the Odessa team members refused to talk to her upon their arrival. Birkoff tells Nikita that Wallace is dead. "Most of the risk was put on point to spare the rest of the team." Shocked at the developments, Nikita hypothesizes that the other blame her. Birkoff suggests that they feel that Michael put Wallace where Nikita should have been. Nikita asks him what he thinks. Birkoff agrees that Nikita is qualified for the assignment Michael gave her. She seeks confirmation that Michael was aware of the profile. Birkoff says that he has to have been. "If he did it to protect me, it's not right," she says. "There's no right or wrong with Michael anymore, Nikita. He's the new Operations. He can do whatever he wants," Birkoff responds.
Act 2[]
Madeline walks into Systems where she finds Michael seated at a terminal. He tells her that the last three Asian debriefs were unsatisfactory. Madeline agrees that the success rate is deceiving. Their goals were underset. Michael orders that Vancek be put in Abeyance. She informs him that Oversight has called an unscheduled special session meeting at eight that evening. He asks for the stated purpose of the meeting. "To discuss intersectional cooperation and recent development in the Sudan," she answers. Then he asks for the actual purpose of the meeting. "In my judgement, at least in part to size you up. George in particular will be interested to see you perform." Michael says that George will try to take advantage of the fact that he's new to the job. Madeline agrees. Together, they discuss George's background. Michael knows that George started Section One alongside Adrian. "All the Sections, actually," she corrects. "He's brilliant, ruthless, highly connected but not infallible. He's been fooled at least once. About Adrian's death." Michael looks pointedly at Madeline. Michael knows that George will push him on Bergomi. "He'll push, bully, seduce, deceive, anything to get his way. Operations never let George push him across the line. Neither can you," she counsels.
In the Perch, Michael works with some data on a panel. Nikita enters, asking for a moment of his time. She wants to know if Michael knew that the profile on the Odessa mission was skewed. "I don't want special treatment," Nikita tells Michael. "Would you prefer to be dead," he counters. She asks if she was promoted to keep her off the mission. Michael assures her that he promoted her because she's qualified and because he needs someone in that position that he can trust. "But if you treatment me differently, it's unfair to the others and to me." Michael asks her what she wants and Nikita tells him that she wants to remain in the field regardless of whether she accepts his old position or not. Michael agrees. Nikita prepares to leave but she suddenly remembers that she hasn't congratulated Michael on his promotion. "How's life on the top?" Nikita asks. "I have a lot to learn," Michael admits. Not wanting to take more of his time, Nikita turns to leave. When she reaches the entrance, Michael call her back. He darkens the Perch and slowly approaches her. Michael gives Nikita a slow kiss. She responds and the two of them exchange several long and slow kisses.
The heads of the seven Sections meeting with George at Oversight. "This demands Sectional cooperation," one of them says. "Then why deny our request to exchange data?" Another one questions. "Because your unit leaks like a sieve," he receives in answer and he denies the allegation. "One word, Libia," she says. "That wasn't our fault," he asserts. George interrupts before they can continue with their squabbling. Michael takes in the exchange before him. George turns to Michael and asks for his opinion. "Sectional cooperation would be a mistake. It requires trust and there is none," he offers. "That's why we're here. To build trust," he's told. "If it hasn't happened in thirty years, it won't happen tonight," Michael tells them. "So we go our separate ways. Bounce off each other in the dark," another one questions. "We create a layered matrix. Central sourced, single access. Data share through a predetermined grid." "Who has time to synthesize the results?" Michael is asked. He tells them that Section One does. He asks for the inputs by Friday and they'll have the system up in a week. One of the heads laughs at the idea. "If you have a better idea, let's hear it," George tells him. When no one else offers an alternative, George tells everyone to get their data to Section One as Michael proposed. "Next item...Sudan," announces George.
A tired Nikita lays her head down in Walter's station while he works. "It's late. You should be getting home, Sugar," Walter tells her. Nikita tells him that she's not that tired. "Oversight meetings can drag on. He may by gone all night." Nikita asks Walter if he knew Operations before he became Operations. Walter tells her that he did.
George concludes the meeting and everyone rises to leaves. He stops Michael and asks for a few moments of his time. He brings up Bergomi. "There are refugee camps overflowing with people displaced by terrorist activities that Bergomi supports. Thousands of people are dying from sickness and malnutrition. Twenty percent of them are children under the age of ten. This has to stop." Michael tells him that he understands. "Do you? Or are Madelineโs words still ringing in your ears? I can imagine what she told you. โBe strong! Donโt let George push you too hardโ. Letโs look past the words to the motive. Operations and Madeline are like Siamese twins. They bicker, they squabble, but they never separate. It wouldnโt look good if you achieved something they couldnโt so they donโt want you to try. They donโt think Bergomi can be taken. I do. What do you think?" After considering George's point, Michael tells him that he'll review it. George is pleased. "Meanwhile, keep this in mind. Operations wonโt decide who replaces him or when it happens. Oversight will. And we want Bergomi. Quickly."
Act 3[]
Michael works at a terminal inside the Perch when Madeline approaches him. "Another mission against Bergomi is being profiled," she tells Michael. She wants to know why she wasn't told. "You have enough on your plate already," Michael tells her. She asks if she can offer some input and Michael allows it. She tells him to cancel the mission because it's premature. Michael thanks her for her advice but essentially dismisses it. "George got to you at the meeting. This is just what I warned you about, pushing too hard," she warns. "I'll decide what's too hard," Michael replies. "What approach did he use? Starving children? That I'm protecting Operations? 'Those two are like Siamese twins'. That's been his favorite lines for years," Madeline comments "Maybe because it's true," Michael replies. "What do you want? A promotion? More power? All you have to do is wait. It'll come," she urges. Michael tells her that the decision is up to Oversight. "You're being used. if this mission fails, George won't take the blame. You will." Madeline tries to get Michael to see the potential consequences of his decision. "It won't fail," Michael says confidently. Madeline tells Michael that he leaves her little choice but to bring in Operations, who is still at Center. Michael turns to Madeline and tells her that he wouldn't advise what she plans to do. "There are people at Center who'd be very interested in this," she alludes. "And George would be very interested in the truth about Adrian," Michael threatens. Madeline knows now that she can't make a move if that's what he plans to do. "Michael, I'm asking you to reconsider. You're putting Section at risk." Michael turns back to his work. "The mission will proceed as planned. Go back to work," Michael tells Madeline in dismissal, who does as told and exits the Perch.
Act 4[]
Nikita pauses outside the entrance to Van Access. "This is Section. Missions are carried out, people die. And sometimes the reasons are not always clear," Michael tells her. "Are you saying thereโs more to this than I know?" She asks. "Iโm saying the discussionโs over," he responds succinctly. Nikita takes him in for a second. "I donโt know who you are," she concludes. "Iโm who Iโve always been."
Michael enters the Perch and he pauses at the entrance in surprise when he sees Operations, who turns around to face him "Madeline didn't tell you I was back?" He asks. Michael tells him no. "She likes surprises," Operations adds. "Your work went well?" Michael asks as he walks further into the Perch. "When I left, I asked just one thing of you," Operations points out. "You didn't do it. Why?" Michael concentrates his vision elsewhere before answering Operations. "Is there an answer that would satisfy you?" Michael asks. "Not really," Operations tells him. "Then why ask?" Michael points out, now looking at Operations. "I withdraw the question. George was very impressed with you. He can't stopping about the Bergomi mission." Michael tells him that it was possible after all. "You took a big chance. Choosing sides so blatantly." Michael tells him that he wasn't trying to choose sides. "The fact remains if something happens to George, you're in trouble," Operations tells Michael. "And if something happens to you, even if your performance slips a bit. I may be in charge of Section," Michael responds. "Was that a statement or a threat," Operations asks. "Was yours?" Michael counters. "I believe you have something that belongs to me." Operations tells him. Michael reaches into his shirt collar and pulls out the dog tags. Operations holds out his hand and Michael gives them to him. "You have command," Michael tells him. "I have command," Operations responds back and Michael walks out.
After Michael leaves, Madeline joins Operations. "We misjudged him very badly," he tells her. "I never thought he could be so reckless," she adds. Operations suggests that perhaps Michael is better than they are. Madeline smiles at the suggestion. "He's good. He and Nikita together are quite good. Fortunately, even the best have weaknesses."
Nikita sits at a terminal in Comm. Michael walks across the main floor of Section One. She sees him and looks at him as he passes by. Michael stops and looks at her as well for a long pause before he continues on his way towards his office.
Main Cast[] |
Special Guest Stars[]
Episode Quotes[]
- Nikita: "So you're taking me out of the field?"
Michael: "I want you to have a broader perspective."
Nikita: "I supposed I should do as I'm told. Keep my opinions to myself."
Michael: " In Section, yes."
- George: "There are refugee camps overflowing with people displaced by terrorist activities that Bergomi supports. Thousands of people are dying from sickness and malnutrition. 20% of them are children under the age of ten. This has to stop."
Michael: "I understand."
George: "Do you? Or are Madelineโs words still ringing in your ears? I can imagine what she told you. โBe strong! Donโt let George push you too hardโ. Letโs look past the words to the motive. Operations and Madeline are like Siamese twins. They bicker, they squabble, but they never separate. It wouldnโt look good if you achieved something they couldnโt so they donโt want you to try. They donโt think Bergomi can be taken. I do. What do you think?"
Michael: "Iโll review it again."
George: "Good. Meanwhile, keep this in mind. Operations wonโt decide who replaces him or when it happens. Oversight will. And we want Bergomi. Quickly."
- Nikita: "Our chances of getting Bergomi out are no more than fifty percent."
Michael: "60%, 50, theyโre just numbers. Weโll get him."
Nikita: "I think we should abort."
Michael: "I expected betrayal from Mintz, not from you."
Nikita: "What kind of loyalty do you want? Blind obedience or my honest opinion?"
Michael:" Donโt fail me, Nikita. Youโre the only person in the world I trust."
- Michael: "This is Section. Missions are carried out, people die. And sometimes the reasons are not always clear."
Nikita: "Are you saying thereโs more to this than I know?"
Michael: "Iโm saying the discussionโs over."
Nikita: "I donโt know who you are."
Michael: "Iโm who Iโve always been."
La Femme Nikita- "This Love" - Craig Armstrong feat. Elizabeth Fraser
Opening teaser to "All Good Things"