Approaching Zero | |||||
La Femme Nikita | |||||
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Episode no. |
Season 2 Episode 4 |
Directed by | René Bonnière | ||||
Written by | Michael Loceff | ||||
Production code | 204 | ||||
Original air date | February 1, 1998 | ||||
Episode guide | |||||
"Approaching Zero" is the fourth episode of the second season of La Femme Nikita.
Although Michael warns Nikita that Jürgen is not who he claims to be, she and Jürgen grow even closer, much to Michael's jealous disapproval. However, Jürgen’s dark side comes out when he reveals that he is locked in a power-play with Section One, and the arrangement that has created his freedom which Nikita envies. Now, Nikita has become the unwilling participant in the face-off between Jürgen and Operations, and on the latest mission to recover a downed satellite, one of them will lose.
In Nikita's almost completely renovated apartment, she hosts Jurgen for dinner. He sits on the floor by the coffee table while Nikita lowers the music they're listening to. Nikita flirtatiously twirls her way past him to sit at her new couch with a glass of wine. "Something's bothering me," she tells him and Jurgen asks what it is. "Your past. Your life before Section. Michael said what you told me wasn't true. That you were dangerous before and still are now." Jurgen asks for her opinion on the matter and she tells him that she's unsure and therefore it's why she's asking him. Nikita suggests that each of them wants something from her. Jurgen asks Nikita to consider which one of them has a reason to lie to her. A knock on the front door catches their attention and Nikita rises to answer it. It's Michael and Nikita is surprised to see him. He tells her that he was in the area and wanted to see how she was doing. Holding the door partially shut, Nikita tells him that she's fine. "It smells like you're looking," Michael observes and Nikita confirms that she is. After a moment, he asks if he can come in. Reluctantly, she steps aside and reveals Jurgen sitting on the living room floor still waiting for her. The two men greet each other while Nikita reluctantly shuts the door. She goes to stand next to Jurgen while Michael remains by the door. Nikita politely asks Michael if he'd like to stay but he declines, telling her that he needs to get back to Section. Michael exits Nikita's apartment looking disappointed at what he saw.
Act 1[]
At a mission briefing Operations reminds those gathered that most satellites have a nuclear power source of which the material could be used as a weapon. He adds that it normally doesn't pose a security risk because the orbiters burn up when they reenter the atmosphere. However, the day before, when a Norwegian satellite was on its way up, the booster exploded and the payload fell into the North Sea intact. Michael asks about the recover team. Operations tells him that three choppers went down and there were no survivors. A naval ship was sent in to investigate and contact has been lost. "Someone wants that satellite," Operations says. "Every hour that passes, the chances of recovering the satellite are reduced by a factor of two." He adds that Birkoff is running the numbers and he dismisses everyone.
At Comm, Birkoff tells Michael that there's a ship in the North Sea that they've hailed but they've received no response. "Start running the numbers. I want you to get me on that vessel," Michael tells him. "It's too far off shore. If anything goes wrong out there, you're alone. There's a NATO carrier 300 kilometers away. Let them take it," Birkoff suggests. "No, orders are to work autonomously," Michael reminds him. Walter approaches Michael and tells him that of the connections they know through the satellite's manufacturer, one of them has in interest in acquiring nuclear capability. He adds that they're working on location and personnel. Michael tells Birkoff to prepare a chopper and a Zodiac. Walter asks about using Abeyance ops. "No, I'll use my team," Michael tells him.
Out on the North Sea, a Zodiac with Michael, Nikita and Jurgen approaches the ship on a Zodiac. Birkoff monitors from Section as Operations watches on. With the aid of a line the team climbs onboard the ship and spread out. Jurgen brings to Michael a burnt piece of satellite. At Comm, sensors alert Birkoff to something in the air. He suspects it might be a commercial airline but he asks for Nikita to give him a visual. She reports a vapor trail and Birkoff confirms that it's getting closer. "Could be a NATO plane on maneuvers?" Birkoff asks Operations. "Not on that trajectory," Operations responds. "Get them off the ship." Birkoff relays the command with urgency. "Looks like you have a hostile Sequoy, thirty kilometers and closing," Birkoff tells Michael. It fires alive warhead and Birkoff informs Michael about the development. Michael, Nikita and Jurgen all jump over the side of the ship seconds before the warhead hits the ship and destroys it. They make it onto the Zodiac and speed away.
The team arrives at Van Access and Operations greets them. "Birkoff tracked the Sequoy. He'll fill you in. Did you get any debris from the ship?" Operations asks Michael. Jurgen walks out with what he found and Operations orders an analysis. Operations takes the debris, hands it to an operative who had accompanied him and directs him to take it Walter. He then tells Michael to work the data on the assault until they get a clearer picture on what happened. Michael turns to Jurgen as he begins to walk away with Nikita and tells him to help Walter rundown the hardware. "It'll take him a couple of hours. I'll get to it in the morning," he answers affably. Michael and Operations say nothing and Nikita looks on intrigued that Jurgen got away with refusing orders.
"How did you get away with that?" Nikita asks Jurgen as they walk down the corridor together. "I don't answer to Michael." Jurgen tells her. Nikita points out that Operations was standing right there. "If it was important, I would have done it," he replies. "So how do you get to decide?" She asks. "It''s complicated," he answers. "Let's go." Still intrigued, Nikita goes along with him.
Michael punches in a code that allows him entrance into Madeline's office. "How was your visit to the North Sea?" Madeline asks while she sits at her terminal. "Brief," Michael replies. "How did your team hold up?" She asks. Michael tells her that there were no incidents. "And Jurgen and Nikita," Madeline asks when she turns away from her computer terminal to look at Michael. "They're forming an attachment," he confirms. Madeline is pleased. "Stay close to it. Let me know when it's time." Michael leaves now that he has his orders.
Act 2[]
Nikita arrives in Section to find Michael waiting for her. "We're going out again," he tells her. "Is my panel up to date?" She asks. He tells her that Comm is still finishing up the sequences. "You were't home when I called?" He notes. "I went out for dinner," Nikita replies. Michael stares at her silently. She reads something in Michael's silence and asks if that's a problem. He tells her that it isn't. "Alright, Michael. So what is this? So I want out to dinner. Why do you care." Michael still says nothing. "Patented Michael answer--the blank stare. If you're jealous, just be jealous. Tell me not to see him," she tells him. "Is that all it would take?" Michael asks. "Maybe," Nikita steps closer to him. "Maybe not. but at least it would be something real, an emotion," Nikita leans in even closer to Michael as she delivers her words. "Instead of this cryptic game of twenty questions," Nikita taunts. "You're right, I shouldn't have asked," Michael tells her quietly. "So that's where we stand? You really don't care if I see Jurgen." Annoyed that he's not saying anything, Nikita leaves and tells him that she'll see him upstairs at the briefing.
"We've distilled all the data from the ambush attempt," Operations tells Michael and Birkoff in Systems. Nikita and Walter are also present and they listen near the back. "Tactical must have originated from within Norway. This matches up with one of the two groups we've backed into, The Fifth Order." Michael points out that they're the Russian Mafia. Operations adds that they've been underwritten by several factions within the former Soviet Union but they still don't know who. Walter wonders why they'd go through all the trouble to try to steal fuel rods if they're so well financed. "This wasn't a land suborbital after all," Birkoff shares. "It was a military communications satellite. It has the hardwired decryption codes of the main command and control lines to the Pentagon." Operations adds that if the Fifth Order can figure out how to leverage the codes in time, it would become a global security emergency. Michael asks about the Pentagon's timeframe for reprogramming and he's told that it won't be fast enough, therefore Section must recover the satellite. Operations concludes the meeting by telling them that they're on Close Quarter standby while Birkoff continues to triangulate a location. As Nikita walks past Operations to leave, he informs her that Madeline would like to see her in her office. Michael watches as Nikita leaves Systems.
In Madeline's office, Nikita sits across from her desk. Madeline asks about how things are going with her. Nikita tells her that things are fine. "I never got a chance to congratulate you on your full return to status. A lot has changed for you," she tells Nikita. "Has it?" Nikita questions. Madeline suggests she try to put recent events in her own words. "Well all I wanted to do back then was get out," she answers. Madeline prompts her for more. "I won't lie to you. I'm not happy to be here," she admits bluntly. "But it's not about getting out anymore." Madeline pours Nikita some tea and inquires about what she means. "Having a better life," she replies. "Has Jurgen helped you come to his point?" Madeline asks and Nikita smiles broadly. "Actually, yes. He seems to be able to do things that you said weren't possible," she says with admiration. "Like what?" Madeline asks. "He makes his own choices," Nikita points out. "Jurgen is an unusual case," Madeline admits diplomatically. They're interrupted when Michael enters and informs them that they're ready. Madeline asks if Birkoff has discovered the location. "It's a twin location. We'll have to use parallel teams. Madeline asks about the operative running point. "We'll be using Nikita," Michael answers. "Then get her wired," she answers in dismissal and Nikita rises to leave.
Walter works with Nikita in Munitions towards getting her ready for her mission. He's strapping a vest onto her when Michael arrives to provide additional information. The team will be in the basement and if she's detected she'll have to cover the first ten seconds alone, after which she has to look for them. Walter progresses with his work and lifts the back of Nikita's vest to reveal her bare back. She places three small circular discs along her spine. Before he leaves, Michael requests that she be finished up so that she can get to Access. Walter asks how it feels. "Tight," Nikita replies annoyed. Walter assures her that it will loosen up and is more concerned that she can breathe. He slips her button down jacket over her shoulders before she moves to leave.
Michael and his team walk down the corridor that leads to Van Access.
In Systems, Birkoff glances towards a nearby monitor and notices that there's a mission loading at Van Access. He mentions it to Operations, who is nearby. Birkoff is confused because he doesn't have their location yet. With a remote, Operations turns off the monitor and tells him not to worry about it and to continue working.
Nikita jogs down the Van Access corridor to catch up with Michael and the team. The proceeds into the van while Michael waits for Nikita at the entrance. A nearby phone rings and Michael answers it. He acknowledges what he's told and hangs up. "The advance team just arrived on site. The target's been abandoned," he tells Nikita. She asks if the mission is off and Michael tells her that it is. Confused, Nikita mentions that she thought that the advance team had already confirmed. Michael denies that and departs the area.
At Munitions, Walter assists Nikita with removing the gear that she'd been strapped into. She expresses concerns about never having aborted during egress. Walter tells her not worry about it and recounts a mission he was once on to Italy that had a midgame abort. "I had it all planned, too. I was going to take out an armory Friday morning and then have the weekend to see Selendra." Michael approaches Munitions while Walter continues to reminisce. Nikita asks where Selendra is. "Not where is it, who is it," Walter corrects. "She was a Section op out of Rome and we made..." On a nearby intercom, Madeline interrupts and requests Walter's assistance. Michael tells them that he can help and Walter curtly and quickly tells him where to put the equipment before departing. Nikita is visibly uncomfortable as Michael removes the vest and leaves her naked from the waist up. Michael places a hand on her bare shoulder and Nikita tries not to squirm. "So are we still on Close Quarters Standby?" Nikita asks. "No, you can leave," Michael replies. He starts to remove the small discs that Walter had placed along her spine. He pretends to remove the final one but leaves it on Nikita's back. Michael begins to assist by offering Nikita with her button down blouse but she quickly tells him that she'll do it.
At night, Nikita arrives in Jurgen's home and compliments him on its beauty. Jurgen tells her that he was surprised to get her call. Nikita tells him that they had an early abort and Jurgen is pleased by the turn of events.
In Madeline's office, Michael stands at her wall terminal monitoring Nikita and Jurgen's evening. Madeline observes Michael from her desk. "You seem distracted," Jurgen says over the feed. "I wanted to tell you that you were right. There was something between Michael and me," Nikita replies on the feed. Madeline glances towards Michael when she hears Nikita's words. "Is there still," Jurgen asks. "I spoke with him today," Nikita informs him. "It's over," she declares. "For him or for you?" Jurgen asks. "For both of us," Nikita confirms. Madeline rises from her desk and goes to Michael. "Let me know when you get a lock," she tells him and she leaves Michael alone in her office with the surveillance feed.
Act 3[]
In Jurgen's home, Nikita silently sways to non-existent music while Jurgen takes her in with a smile. "You know, it wasn't easy for me to train you," Jurgen confesses to Nikita. Nikita is surprised by the information. She playfully hops on his couch and lets herself drop into a seductive recline. "Sometimes, to get trainees to cross the line, I have to become their enemy."
In Madeline's office, Michael continues to hear Nikita and Jurgen's evening together.
"Well I guess it just didn't work this time," Nikita points out. Jurgen has lifted her legs so that he can sit down beside her. He starts to lean towards her but Nikita pushes him back with a hand on his chest. "You know I'm just a little..." she starts saying and straightens up on the couch. Jurgen reads her hesitation and pulls back, telling Nikita that there's no rush. Nikita takes a deep breath and the two of them steals glimpses at each other from opposite ends of the couch.
"You're not ready," Jurgen tells Nikita on Michael's feed. "It's not that," Nikita responds. Jurgen tells her that they can wait. "No...come here," Nikita tells him.
Jurgen and Nikita are lying on the couch while they kiss. Nikita pushes him back, straddles his waist and opens his shirt.
Michael checks in with Birkoff. "Birkoff, you have sync yet?" He asks. Birkoff tells that he almost does. "Hurry," Michael tells him. Birkoff is unimpressed with the order. "It runs at 500 megahertz. I can't change that."
Nikita and Jurgen are becoming increasingly undressed as they continue to kiss.
Birkoff informs Michael that the sync is complete. Michael wants a confirm that that's all they need. "I still need to cycle the combinations. We can do that on site." Michael quickly reaches for his cellphone and places a speed dial phone call to Nikita.
Nikita's phone call rings and interrupts her interlude with Jurgen. Annoyed at the ring, Nikita reaches for her cell and answers it. "Joséphine," responds Michael. "Now?" Nikita asks, flustered. "Yes," is Michael's answer. Nikita reluctantly agrees.
In Systems, Operations briefs both Nikita and Jurgen about Lt. Commander Ronald Arka, the believed pilot of the Sequoy that bombed the freighter they were on earlier. Birkoff has connected him to a paymaster to the Fifth Order. He's on leave for two weeks in Nova Scotia. Nikita asks why Section believes it's him. "There were twenty three Sequoy pilots unaccounted for at the time of the incident. Birkoff worked them all up and found linkage between the Fifth Order and Arka," Operations tells her. Jurgen asks if Michael will be leading the team. "No, he won't be going. It's just the two of you and back ups. Michael's needed elsewhere," Operations replies and then leaves them. Nikita and Jurgen cast furtive glances towards each other.
An SUV pulls up to Jurgen's home. Michael and Birkoff exit and head towards the entrance. At the door, Birkoff opens his jacket to reveal deep pockets and velcroed devices that he uses to access the codes to the home's security system. When he successfully disarms it, he and Michael enter.
Madeline approaches Operations in the Perch. "I just heard from Michael," she tells him. "It's done." Operations thanks her for the information.
Jurgen and Nikita walk down the hallway of the St. Leonard Hotel. They arrive at Aria's hotel door and Nikita kicks it in before she and Jurgen rush in. Arka is taken completely surprised and demands to know who they are as Nikita grabs him and pushes him outside.
At Van Access, two operatives lead Ronald Arka away while Nikita and Jurgen exit behind them. "So, shall we continue where he left off?" Jurgen asks a clearly receptive Nikita with a smile. Operations approaches them from behind. "Has he offered up anything since our last transmission?" He asks the pair. "No, he'll need to be squeezed," Jurgen responds. "Before you leave Jurgen, I'd like you to debrief," Operations tells him. "I'll do it tomorrow," Jurgen replies dismissively and tries to escort Nikita away but Operations interrupts. "You'll do it now." The order takes Jurgen by surprise. Operations steps closer to them. "You heard me. From now on, you'll follow orders without question." Nikita looks slightly uncomfortable having witnessed what she has and Operations walks away. Jurgen responds in a panic and he begins to run down the hall. Nikita calls out for him to wait.
Jurgen drives his sports car and parks it outside his home. Both he and Nikita exit the vehicle. The front doors to Jurgen's house are wide open.
Act 4[]
Nightime, the Section team surrounds the facility. One operative disables the building's sensor from the outside. In the mission van, Birkoff confirms that the magnetic sensor has been deactivated. The entire team moves in and breaches the building. They fire upon the initial resistance they encounter and fan out across the lobby, taking down more armed hostiles. Michael and Nikita reach the second floor, evading additional fire. The rest of the team provides cover while they proceed.
Outside the secure location, Nikita redirects one of the laser beams that are guarding the entrance. Both Nikita and Michael crawl underneath the remaining beams and enter the lab. Michael approaches the clear enclosed equipment and uses his body camera to show Birkoff the equipment. Michael wants to know more about the equipment is doing. He tells Michael that the equipment is cycling codes and he asks if Michael can get to it. Michael attempts to shoot his way in but the protective enclosure is too strong and his firearm has no impact. "Well you better do something quick because it looks like in about ninety seconds, they're going to be uploaded. Whoever is on the receiving end is going to have those codes," Birkoff warns Michael. Michael prepares to set an explosive charge while Nikita keeps an eye out for approaching hostiles. Michael orders everyone out of the building because he's arming the explosive. The rest of the Section team heeds Michael's warn just as he sets the charge and he too exits.
The Section van approaches and receives all the retreating operatives. Michael arrives with five seconds remaining and Birkoff watches as the timer counts down to zero but nothing happens. Birkoff informs him that the remote detonation has been jammed. "We'll have to rearm. How much longer until we lose our window?" Michael asks. Birkoff tells him that they have less than a minute and Michael asks him if he can fix it. "It has to be done manually," Birkoff answers. Michael turns and begins to exit the van when Jurgen pulls out a gun and tells Michael to stop. "Let me do it, Michael. I'm not gonna make it anyway," Jurgen says. Nikita protests but she goes unheard. "Put down the gun and stay in the van," Michael orders and he exits the vehicle. Mid run, Jurgen shoots Michael in the leg and he goes down. Jurgen takes one final look at Nikita. Birkoff informs that there are twenty one seconds remaining. Jurgen runs past the injured Michael and into the facility. He arrives at the detonator and begins the process of manually setting it off. He presses the buttons and it explodes, killing Jurgen and engulfing the interior of the facility in flames.
"You've had to endure a number of difficult things since you've come back to us," Madeline tells Nikita who sits in her office. "We all have to come to terms with our personal losses. Look into our souls, find a way to cope. I can't help you with that, but I know you and know that you'll be able to find that inner strength." Operations sits next to Nikita. "Although we rarely do this with such a young operative, we're going to make an exception in your case," he tells her. "We want you to take some time for yourself. Anywhere in the world you'll like to go." Nikita takes in the information quietly before Madeline dismisses her.
Using crutches to cross the main floor of Section One, Michael approaches Nikita and calls out to her to get her attention. "Some of the things I said about Jurgen were not true. I tell you this in case you have any doubt as to what kind of man he was. I'm sure you don't." Nikita continues to look at him as he speaks. "Jurgen trained me when I first came to Section. "I'll miss him," Michael shares. "So will I," Nikita replies and she walks away leaving Michael alone..
Main Cast[] |
Special Guest Stars[]
Episode Quotes[]
- Madeline: "How was your trip to the North Sea?"
Michael: "Brief."
- Michael: "You weren't home when I called."
Nikita: "I went out to dinner. Why, is that a problem?"
Michael: "No."
Nikita: "All right, Michael. So what is it? So I went out to dinner. Why do you care?"
(Michael doesn't respond.)
Nikita: "Patented Michael answer -- the blank stare. If you're jealous, just be jealous. Tell me not to see him."
Michael: "Is that all it would take?"
Nikita: "Maybe. Maybe not. But at least it would be something real. An emotion instead of this cryptic game of twenty questions."
Michael: "You're right. I shouldn't have asked."
- Jurgen: "You seem distracted."
Nikita: "I wanted to tell you that you were right. There was something between Michael and me."
Jurgen: "Is there still?"
Nikita: "I spoke with him today. It's over."
Jurgen: "For him or for you?"
Nikita: "For both of us."
- Michael: "When you were at his house, I was listening. I had to keep my feelings separate. It's how I live my life Nikita, split in two. I never let anyone see the other half, but it's there, always a part of me."
carrousella | LES JUMEAUX