Cat and Mouse | |||||
La Femme Nikita | |||||
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Episode no. |
Season 3 Episode 7 |
Directed by | Terry Ingram | ||||
Written by | Ed Horowitz | ||||
Production code | 306 | ||||
Original air date | March 28, 1999 | ||||
Episode guide | |||||
"Cat and Mouse" is the seventh episode of the third season of La Femme Nikita.
On a mission against Red Cell, Nikita is kidnapped and replaced with a surgically, created double designed to infiltrate Section One and funnel information to Dominic, a Red Cell interrogator, once thought dead. With the real Nikita in Dominic's clutches, and a threat to kill Michael, if Nikita attempts to double cross him, what can Nikita do to send a warning to Section One?
At an unknown location, wheelchair bound Dominic asks his associate if he's certain that their tracks are visible to satellite surveillance. He's told that they are. "Not too clearly. Don't want to tip our hand." He's assured that they'll still need to do some significant process. "If I know Section, they'll take the bait. They'll have to. Which leaves one last detail, Abby," he says. He's told that she's ready. "She's having trouble with the voice pattern." He's told that's no longer the case. "And that last bit of surgery, the cheekbones." Dominic is told that it's perfect. He wants to take a look at her. Abby is sent for. When she arrives, only Dominic can see her. He looks at her and Abby is the spitting image of Nikita. He gestures for her to come closer and she does. He removes the beanie that covered her hair to reveal blonde hair identical to Nikita's. He touches her face. "Yes, you'll do very nicely," he says as he leans even closer. Abby smiles knowingly at him.
Act 1[]
Operations and several operatives arrive for a mission briefing. Nikita is among them and she coughs a few times as she takes a seat. Michael glances over at her as she does. Operations reports that they just received some priority intel on a kitchen that produces biologicals to a number of terrorists groups like Red Cell. It's located on the Baltic Sea. As Operations speaks, Nikita wearily rubs her head. She's clearly sick and Michael once takes notice. Michael asks Operations about the sponsor of the kitchen. Birkoff tells him that it's a new player and they're still looking for reliable intel. He elaborates that the lab is located in a textile plant. Chemical supply trucks that arrived were monitored and rather than being empty when they leave, sensors on the road them carrying loads out. Operations wants them to get in, find out what they have and identify who they are. As they depart, Michael asks Nikita if she's alright. She tells him that she's getting over a cold. Michael gives her the opportunity to step down if she'd like. Nikita considers it briefly before she says tells him that she'll be fine. She thanks him before she leaves.
The team ascends some stairs on the exterior of the textile plant. At Comm, Birkoff informs them that the lab is at the top. Michael breaks down a door inside and the team rushes in onto a stairwell. They work their way through the interior until they split up into two teams as per Birkoff's intel that the hallway splits off in two directions. Nikita leads one team and Michael has the other. Michael's team reaches the lab but they encounter hostiles. They start taking sample and set charges to destroy it behind them in ninety seconds. In another part of the building Abby and a group of members from Red Cell intercept Nikita's team. Red Cell takes out the Section team and Abby tranquilizes Nikita. When she falls, they strip Nikita of her mission gear so that Abby can switch places with her. Birkoff tries to contact her given that she has very little time to get out. She tells him that hostiles took out her team. Nikita is carried in away in a body bag by Red Cell and Abby begins to exit in the direction of the Section van. Michael's team arrives at the van. Abby runs up from the opposite direction and alerts them to an ambush. She takes out members of the Red Cell team. Everyone makes it into the departing van just as the explosives destroy the plant.
A gurney with the body bag holding Nikita is wheeled into Red Cell's current location. The unconscious Nikita is revived with an injection. As she awakens Dominic's voice sparks recognition. Nikita remembers him from the War with Red Cell two years prior and the torture she experienced at his hands. "I can't have distracting my men," he tells an underwear clad Nikita and the forcefully tosses a boiler suit at her. Nikita wants to know where she is but Dominic tells her that she'll get her explanation once she's dressed.
In the Section van, Michael goes over the mission tapes. Everyone's asleep except for Abby. Michael looks over at her and asks how her cold is doing. Abby is visibly confused by the question. She quickly covers by telling him that it's much better.
One of Nikita's arms is tethered to a center post with a television mounted on top of it. She had enough freedom of movement that she can walks around it in a circle. In his wheelchair, Dominic talks to her. "Don't worry. I bear you no malice for my condition. In fact I consider myself quite fortunate. If your aim had been three millimeters to the far as I'm concerned, the slate is clean." Nikita asks him what he wants. He tells her that there will be no escape for her or a rescue this time. "Because I'm not here, at all." Dominic is pleased that she understands the situation despite the fact that most people would find it disorienting. He reminds Nikita that once before he was able to extract information from her and that some of it was quite valuable. Now he wants the rest of the information. Nikita tells him he won't get it. "Just kill me and get it over with unless of course you're planning to bore me to death," she says rather casually. "Humor? You're becoming more confident in your work," he observes fondly. "As I recall, though, you did have a weakness. I believe his name was Michael." Dominic reaches out to Abby and she puts on a pair of glasses. On the television where Nikita is being held there's a live video feed of what she sees through the glasses. "Put the target in focus," he instructs. Abby picks up her gun and casually aims it at Michael in front of her while he continues to review mission footage. "Still bored?" He addresses Nikita.
"Nice gun," Abby says casually before puts the gun down. The comment draws Michael's attention. He tells her that the tapes show 45 seconds of silence after the ambush and he asks why she didn't call Birkoff immediately. Nikita and Dominic hear Michael's question and he prompts her to answer. "The frequency was jammed. I couldn't get through," she begins. In the van, Abby repeats Nikita's words. "The frequency was jammed. Birkoff must have called in the same time as you did." Appearing to accept her answer, Michael goes back to his work. Dominic is pleased. "You will educate Abby in the ways of Section and in your personal habits. So that there is no chance of the deception being discovered." For a moment Nikita refuses to acknowledge his words. He prompts her once more and Nikita indifferently agrees but when she turns away she looks determined. Satisfied, Dominic leaves her. Nikita moves in his direction, using the full length of the rope that tethers her to the center poll until she experiences resistance.
Act 2[]
Michael, Abby and the rest of the team are in the elevator that leads to Van Access. They arrive and the doors open. Dominic wants to know where they are and Nikita informs them about Van Access. He tells Nikita to tell Abby what to do. "Go to Systems, fill out a mission report. Take the corridor on the left." Abby does as instructed until Michael stops her. She tells him that's going to fill in her report. Michael tells her it won't be necessary and that Operations wants to debrief her directly in half an hour. Abby turns back to walk away but Nikita informs her that she needs to turn in her communications device first. She has to go in the opposite direction. Abby skillfully plays it off to a still present Michael that she almost forgot her device and walks past him. Michael watches her for a moment before walking off himself.
Abby keeps walking down the hallway and looks back to see if Michael is still watching her. Nikita gives her directions to Munitions. "Ponytail and a bandana at a workstation," she says, describing Walter. Abby arrives at the main floor of Section One and she glances around casually. When she spots Walter in the distance, she walks towards him. Dominic asks Nikita for the name of the operative she had described. "Walter," she tells him. "A friend?" Dominic asks. "Yes," Nikita confirms. "Guide her. Word for word,"
Walter greets Abby with a warm smile and asks if she had a rough mission. "Not great," she admits and removes her comm device. Walter confirms that she's okay and she tells him that she is. Abby starts to casually walk around Walter's workstation, giving Dominic a view back at his base.
"I think you're getting the hang of this rather well," Dominic compliments Nikita. "Sooner or later they'll see through her," Nikita tells him. "Oh, I don't think so. Don't forget I have your entire file. Everything they know about you, I know. I spent two years bioengineering Abby's face and skeletal structure. Teaching her how to act and speak like you. All we needed was your knowledge of Section. Now we have that." Nikita asks how long she's expected to cooperate. "Until Michael' life has no further value to you. Abby can get to him anytime I want," he threatens. "And in the meantime you destroy Section." Dominic chastises Nikita for her conclusion. "You disappoint me. Think. I have no intention of destroying Section."
Act 3[]
Birkoff approaches Walter in Munitions to talk. Half distracted with his work, he tells Birkoff that's he listening. "I think I love, Nikita," Birkoff confides. Walter smiles indulgently. "Everyone loves Nikita. Feeling that Walter doesn't understand, Birkoff emphasizes how much he really loves Nikita. "I think it's mutual," he says dreamily. "Nikita's falling for you?" Walter asks skeptically. "She came onto me in the Ready Room...we made love." Walter considers it for a second before voicing his disbelief. "Neither do I, but it happened. I swear it," Birkoff further confirms. "She came on to you?" Walter asks, still skeptical. "First she tried to make like it was no big deal, but it got pretty intense," Birkoff confides happily. "Think I oughta suggest moving in?" He asks. "Or is it too early. Maybe I should just play it cool, see how it plays out." Walter tells Birkoff that he really doesn't need any advice from him. "You're doing fine on your own. Just follow your instincts." Birkoff is pleased with the advice and leaves in a good mood.
At the mission briefing, Birkoff steals looks at Abby and she notices him looking. Operations informs those gathered that the supplies at the Red Cell kitchen were traced to a middle man named Klaus Honig, who has been located in the outskirts of Berlin. Because the Sims suggest heavy security at the location, a full team will be sent. He instructs everyone to pick up their profiles from Birkoff. At the conclusion of the briefing, Michael stares at Abby. She asks questions him about his attention. "Why are you wearing glasses?" She tells him that her eyes have been a little bit sensitive lately. Still staring, Michael suggests that she might not need some rest. Agreeably, she tells him that after the mission she'll do that. She rises to leave while Michael continues to stare. Nikita and Dominic can see Michael's focused attention on the video feed. "Something's wrong. Abby's doing something wrong," Dominic frets. "No," Nikita answers simply. "He seems edgy," presses Dominic. "That's just the way he is," she tells him. "I'm surprised you put up with it. Perhaps he has hidden charms," Dominic observes. "Prepare a counter to their mission profile."
The Section van stops on a dark street and the Section team exits, leaving Michael inside to run tactical from the van.
Dominic is pleased as the Section team makes a run for it.
Michael and Operations watch mission tapes in Madeline's office. "They had a clear shot at her," Operations points out. "She was lucky," Michael says. "There is an alternate explanation," Operations suggests. "If she wanted to betray us, she would have made it less obvious," Michael suggests. "You're probably right. Put a watch on her, Michael." Operations then dismisses him. "What's going on? Is someone sending us a message?" He asks Madeline who was seated at her desk. She suggests that whoever it is, knows them well. "Designate this as a top priority. Put the best people we have on it," He tells her. She points out that it's weaken them elsewhere but Operations doesn't care. Before he leaves, he tell Madeline to put a watch on Michael.
Michael makes his way towards Comm. He stops in front of Abby, surprising her while she goes through some equipment. "We need to talk," he tells her. She agrees. "Level Four, Fifteen minutes."
"What does he want?" Dominic asks Nikita and she tells him that she doesn't know. "Take a guess!" Nikita suggests that they just wait and see. "You've done something to jeopardize my operations," Dominic accuses. Nikita denies it, saying that she wants Michael to live. "Then I suggest you handle the next few moments very carefully."
Abby makes her way to level four to meet Michael when Birkoff comes up to her. He tells her that he had a great time the previous night and asks if she wants to grab some dinner. Abby tells him that she's tired. "We don't have to go out. I can bring something over," he tells her eagerly. "Some other time," she tells him. "Maybe just a drink or something." Abby stops and looks him over. "Sorry, Birkoff."
Abby arrives at level four to find Michael waiting for her. Michael approaches her. "They put a watch on you," he tells her. Nikita and Dominic watch the exchange on the video feed. "Probably on me as well." Abby asks if it's because they survived the mission. She tells Michael that the other operatives shielded her. "You weren't hit. Even after they went down and they didn't fire at the van. Not once," he explains. "Michael, no matter how bad it seems, we're innocent. Sooner or later, it'll become clear." Michael doesn't move to leave and Dominic wants to know why. "It's a night off. We usually get together," Nikita explains. This annoys Dominic. "Then why doesn't he say something?" Matter of fact Nikita further explains, "Because he likes me to make the first move." She watches him over her shoulder. "Then make it," he tells her exasperated. "We'll talk later," Michael tells Abby and starts to walk away. "What about tonight?" Abby asks and Michael pauses. He turns and questions her suggestion. "Well, we're both off. Unless, of course, you're not in the mood." Michael contemplates her offer for several long seconds. He walks back towards her and asks how she feels. "Well missions have gone bad before." Michael walks back to her. "As far as I'm concerned tonight should be like any other night between the two of us." Michael agrees. "Yes, you're right." Pleased, Abby sensually walks right into Michael's personal space. "My place, an hour?" Michael nods his head. "I'll be there." With a pleased smirk, Abby turns and walks away from Michael. He thinks about their encounter before he too walks away.
Dominic compliments Nikita. "Well done."
Act 4[]
Abby is in Nikita's apartment as she waits for Michael. She pulls out a bottle of wine and looks around in search of a bottle opener. She grabs her glasses and prompts Nikita for the location of the opener, which Nikita tells her. Abby starts opening the bottle when she hears a knock. "He's here," she announces. "I hope this won't be too painful for you," Dominic tells Nikita. Abby opens the door and greets Michael. Smiling softly, Michael looks her over and says hello. He steps inside the apartment and they both lean in for a kiss. On the monitors, Abby can be heard moaning into her kiss with Michael. The front door then closes.
Behind the rice paper that separates Nikita's bedroom from the living space, a nude Michael and Abby can be seen kissing in silhouette. Abby throws her head back in pleasure. Michael lifts her and he runs his hands up her back. On Nikita's bed, Michael lies on top of Abby and kisses the side of her face. Abby's glasses are on a side table facing the bed transmitting the footage of she and Michael sleeping together. Nikita watches for a while before subtly casting her gaze away. Dominic continues to watch. Abby rolls so that she's on top of Michael and she continues to kiss him. Afterwards, Abby lies on top of Michael's chest. They are quiet. Michael's cellphone rings and he reaches over the bed to retrieve it. A male voice says his code name, "Jacques". Michael sweeps some of Abby's hair from her face. "We have to go," he tells her. Nikita becomes more alert at his words.
Michael and Abby arrive together at Section. Operations calls out to him. Michael tells Abby that he'll catch up with her. Walter walks by and Abby asks him about what's happening. "A flash mission. They located Klaus Honig," he tells her. Abby is confused by the term. "Yeah, flash mission," he reiterates. Abby feigns understanding.
Dominic asks Nikita to define the flash mission. "Short notice protocol," Nikita tells him. "Mission profiles are distributed on the way out." He concludes that there's no way to get one in advance.
Abby walks down the corridor to Van Access with two other operatives. They meet up with Michael. Abby asks him if everything is alright and he tells her that it is. They walk into the hold when Birkoff tells Michael to hold for clearance over the intercom. Abby's video feed shows Michael in front of her. Dominic wants to know what they're waiting for. "Tactical delay. It's common," Nikita explains. In Comm, Birkoff tells them to stand by. On his monitor is an alert that Operatives are ready. He gives Michael the go ahead. Michael turns to face Abby and she's confused. Michael removes her glasses, drops them on the floor and crushes them with his boot. Dominic's feed goes to static.
Abby sits in the White Room traumatized after her interrogation session. Madeline is with her. Outside the room, Nikita and Michael watch them on the video feed. "She was convincing?" Nikita asks. "Very," Michael confirms. She walks to stand in front of him. At that moment the door to the White Room opens, revealing Abby and Madeline. "Nikita, would you like to step inside?" Madeline asks, but it's really an order.
Madeline hands Nikita a gun and she asks its purpose. "The debriefing is over. We have no further use for her." Nikita turns from Madeline towards Abby who continues to stare straight ahead in shock. In front of her, Nikita reaches out for the gun Madeline had offered. "I'm not in the habit of killing people in cold blood," Nikita tells Madeline. "In this case, you might want to make an exception. In a matter of speaking, she possessed you in body as well as mind," Madeline counsels. Nikita aims the gun at Abby. A single tear falls down Abby's face. "The psych profile suggests that by killing her I can best exorcise her?" Nikita asks. Madeline confirms. Nikita contemplates her words for a moment. "I don't think so," she decides and she returns the gun toe Madeline. She tells Nikita that if she does it instead, she thinks Nikita will regret it. "But the choice is yours." Nikita looks back at Abby.
Outside the White Room still stands Michael. He turns away just as Abby is shot and it's visible on the video feed.
Main Cast[]
Special Guest Stars[]
Episode Quotes[]
- Dominic: "Perhaps he has hidden charms."
- Dominic: "Now what?"
Nikita: "It's a night off. We usually get together."
Dominic: "Then why doesn't he say something?"
Nikita: "Because he likes me to make the first move."
Dominic: "Then make it."
gorecki | LAMB
La Femme Nikita- "Gorecki" - Lamb
Nikita watches as Michael sleeps with her double Abby.