End Game | |||||
La Femme Nikita | |||||
![]() | |||||
Episode no. |
Season 2 Episode 22 |
Directed by | Joseph L. Scanlan | ||||
Written by | Robert Cochran & David Ehrman | ||||
Production code | 222 | ||||
Original air date | August 30, 1998 | ||||
Episode guide | |||||
"End Game" is the twenty second episode of the second season of La Femme Nikita. It was filmed from May 22-June 1, 1998.
Now that Nikita has agreed to work with Adrian, Nikita breaks into the most secure area of Section One and steals a file that would expose Operation’s real intentions and bring down Section One. However, in a general inquest over this event leads Michael to suspect Nikita's involvement, but she ignores his warnings about Adrian. Now, it's Adrian versus Section, and Nikita's life hangs in the balance.
Nikita walks down the corridor of the secure area of Section One and inserts a disc into one of the portals. She copies information onto it and then promptly leaves. Just as she rounds a corner, she comes across Walter. They are both surprised to see each other there. Confused by her presence, Walter comments that he didn't know that she had clearance to be there. Nikita honestly tells him that she doesn't but that she wanted to review an old mission. Walter nervously tells Nikita that he has to report her. Nikita nonchalantly tells him to "do what you gotta do" and she walks away.
Adrian reviews the files that Nikita retrieved and announces that they "aren't Gemstone". Nikita informs Adrian that her ability to continue to help her might be coming to an end, citing her encounter with Walter. Even with help, Nikita know that her luck will run out. Adrian implores her to continue. She is the key to getting the information to take down Section One.
Feeling she has no choice, Adrian gives Nikita a KO6 Security module. They're not supposed to exist outside Section One and she instructs Nikita to simply allow it to be found on a mission. Because it needs to be found by someone Operations trust completely, she tells Nikita that she should use Michael. The authenticity of the module will need to confirmed and that work will be done in Section's most secure level. That is likely where Gemstone is kept.
Act 1[]
A Section mission involves several operatives, including Michael and Nikita, breaching a satellite facility. The operative methodically take out those patrolling the site, granting them access to the interior. Inside, both Michael and Nikita eliminate those stationed indoors. While Michael moves into another room, Nikita places the KO6 Security module given to her by Adrian on a nearby shelf. Michael sets some explosives for detonations and tells Nikita to leave the premises. As Michael makes his own exit and sees the KO6 that Nikita had planted. When Birkoff asks about his delay, Michael informs him about his discovery. Birkoff tells Michael to bring the KO6 back to Section. Just as Michael exits, the charges he planted detonate.
Michael walks the halls of Section One carrying the KO6 Security module in a secure acrylic casing. He arrives at an elevator, enters a secure password and enters once it opens. Adrian monitors Michael's progress. She tells Nikita that he Michael is in a part of Section directly beneath the Perch, four levels down. Nikita tells Adrian that she doesn't have access to that floor. Adrian assures her that she'll get her in. They'll use Michael's exit signal once he's done to disguise her entrance. Once Michael is clear, Adrian gives Nikita the go ahead and she makes her way to the necessary secure location. Adrian instructs her to find the panel labeled 'Deep Ops'. and to copy the file using a disc. Nikita inserts the disc and types in the name Gemstone. While it downloads Nikita sees a panel labeled 'Personnel'. She goes to it and tries to access Michael's file. She is given an 'Access Denied' screen. Adrian inquires about the download and Nikita sees that it's done. She takes the disc and exits the secure area. Once outside, a security alarm begins to ring out. Alarmed, Nikita defers to Adrian. She tells Nikita that Section must have added an egress code. Adrian tells her two operatives will soon approach her. The two operatives appear and they split up. Nikita ducks into a corner and avoids them so far. One of them sees her and pursues. Adrian continues to coach Nikita on her route and then instructs her to activate some emergency escape protocols. The operative recognizes Nikita and slowly approaches her. When he's at the point where Nikita had activated the escape protocols, a blast of electricity shocks the operative and kills him. Nikita asks about the other operative, who didn't see Nikita, and Adrian tells her that he's been locked in a closed zone. Nikita is to go back to Section's top levels.
Nikita emerges back onto the main floor of Section One. Comm is in a frenzy trying to determine the source of the emergency escape protocols activation. Michael stands by observing. Nikita asks about what happened. "Someone broke deep level security," he tells her. She asks go but before Michael can answer, two operatives bring in the second operative who had responded to the alarm. Operations has joined them and the operative professes his innocence and explains that he was "just responding to the alarm." Operations is not convinced and concludes that he was viewing unauthorized intel. He orders that the operative be taken to the White Room. Nikita looks unmoved by the proceedings. Michael turns to looks at Nikita. Still seemingly unbothered, Nikita walks away.
Act 2[]
Lost in thought, Nikita approaches Comm. Nikita asks about Ames, the operative that Operations had sent to the White Room and responded to the alarm. Birkoff tells her that Ames is with Madeline. "My guess is he's not having fun." She leans up agains Birkoff's workstation asks him where Michael lives. "No one knows that, except Operations and Madeline." She asks why. "That's the way it is with all Level 5 ops," he responds. Nikita asks for his opinion. "An apartment in the city?" She suggests.
Michael arrives at Comm and tells Birkoff that he's to report to Operations. The security breech is still unresolved and there's going to be a general inquiry. After Birkoff leaves, Nikita asks Michael about Ames. He tells her that Ames is dead.
In a secluded area within Section, Nikita communicates with Adrian. She tells Adrian about the general inquiry that's being held. Adrian tells her that Section will use invasive testing. When Nikita asks about her next steps, she's instructed to go to Munitions. Walter isn't there. Adrian tells Nikita to go to the differential calibrator and remove the front panel. Adrian tells Nikita to touch it and she instantly receives an electrical shock. When she confirms the live current, Adrian is pleased. She tells to put her hand inside and keep it there. Nikita is surprised at her instructions. When Nikita asks about how long, Adrian tells her "As long as you can bear it. The longer the better. It's the only way you'll pass the test." Nikita mentally prepares herself and sticks her hand into the current. She collapses against the wall while she allows the current to pass through her.
Nikita sits in one of the interrogation rooms with electronic diodes on her forehead. Walter works the equipment while Operations asks Nikita her name and rank. She answers but Walter tells Operations that the equipment isn't reading her.
In Systems, Operations informs Michael and Madeline that three operatives showed inconclusive results during the inquiry. One of them is Nikita. He then suggests that one of those operatives is likely working with Adrian. Michael points out that Adrian has been dormant. Madeline adds that she suffered a stroke several years ago. They are now of the opinion that she may have staged her illness and used her convalescence as a cover for anti-Section activities. Michael is tasked with finding out which operative is cooperating with Adrian.
In her apartment, Nikita is spending some time arranging flowers in a vase when a knock at her front door draws her attention. It's Michael. Nikita hesitates slightly before she opens the door and lets him in. She goes back to her flowers while Michael slowly makes his way through the room. "What are you trying to do?" Michael asks. Nikita feigns ignorance. He tells her that Ames was innocent and she knew that. "You're working with Adrian," Michael states but Nikita once again feigns ignorance. "I want you to let me help you." Nikita tells him that she doesn't need any help. Michael walks right up to Nikita and stands in her personal space. "It's gone too far, Nikita. They won't let this pass. If there was ever a time you had to trust me, it's now." Nikita looks at him skeptically. "You want me to confess and then lead you to Adrian." Michael continues to look at her solemnly. "I thought you didn't know Adrian?" Nikita is dismissive. "I don't. You seem to think I do. Section sent you," she accuses. "Yes, they did, but they don't control me. Let me help you. Where's the file?" "The Gemstone file you stole from Section. The one Ames died for." Nikita tells Michael that now she's really confused. When Nikita turns towards him, Michael gently puts his hands on her upper arms. "You're in over your head," he warns. "Take your hands off me, please," Nikita tells him firmly. She tries to release herself but Michael stands firm. He forcefully turns her and presses her against the refrigerator. "Now listen to me. If Adrian succeeds, every operative will be cancelled. No exceptions. They will roll up Section like it never existed. And if you think Adrian can protect you, you're wrong. Where's Adrian?" "I don't know." "Where's the file?" "I don't know." "You're lying." "I don't know." Michael releases and but doesn't step back. "Why?" He whispers, almost to himself. He caresses the side of Nikita's face and once again whispers "Why?" Michael tenderly caresses Nikita's face. He looks stricken at Nikita's repeated lies."This is your last chance...our last chance," he tells her, his voice almost cracking. "Where's Adrian?" Nikita claims no knowledge. "Then you leave me no choice," he tells her softly and with one final caress of her skin. Michael steps back from her and then quietly leaves the apartment. Nikita looks relieved at having survived the counter. "Excellent, Nikita," Adrian praises. She had been monitoring the exchange between Michael and Nikita the entire time.
Michael arrives in the Perch to meet with Operations. "She denied everything," he tells Operations. Operations asks if he searched the apartment for the file. Michael tells him that he didn't. He doesn't believe Nikita would be foolish enough to hide the file there. "Bottom line, Michael. In your opinion, is she the one we're after?" Michael take a moment to look away before directs his attention back to Operations and confirms that she is.
In Adrian's cottage, Nikita lets herself in. She hands over the Gemstone file to Adrian. "You've done the world a great service," Adrian tells her. Nikita acknowledges her words with a nod but otherwise says nothing. Noticing her detachment, Adrian asks Nikita if she'd like to view the file with her. Nikita agrees by pulling up a chair next to Adrian's computer. On the screen is video footage of several burned out cars on a highway. It is accompanied by footage of Saddam Hussein. Nikita looks on in shock. "Operations is keeping him in power," Adrian tells her. "Operations wants control over as much of the world as possible. He'll do anything to get it. Hussein helps him achieve this." Nikita stands up, unable to put words to her shock. "Section helped develop chemical weapons?" Adrian confirms that. "And deploy them," she adds. "They helped him invade, supported him during the war, and kept him in power afterwards. Operations is out of control and has to be stopped. His sphere of influence is expanding so rapidly that soon, he'll be untouchable. From this point on, either we destroy Section or Section destroys us."
Act 3[]
Adrian asks Nikita for her input on what they should do with the Gemstone file. "We could send copies to newspapers and politicians. That would certainly generate publicity," Nikita suggests "And that would hurt, who?" Adrian asks. "Section One and everyone they deal with, but it would also implicate a lot of other agencies. Some of which we may not want to hurt so the shock in approach wouldn't work. We should give it to an individual." Adrian asks Nikita to describe that individual. "He's highly placed or has been. Has contacts around the world. Knowledge of intelligence work or enough to understand what he's looking for but not enough to be implicated in it." Adrian is pleased. She tells Nikita that there are four people who meet that description. On her computer screen she shows Nikita their dossiers.
At Section One, Operations is in the middle of a briefing. On the hologram he shows the dossiers of four men. The same four men that Adrian had just identified for Nikita. "You all know who these men are. Download current status sheets after the briefing. You'll be updated en route." Michael asks about the identity of the prime candidate. "The SIM should no meaningful separation. We'll have to cover all four," Operations answers.
Nikita and Adrian arrive in a limousine at the site of their candidate's location. Nikita exits the vehicle with a copy of the Gemstone file. She walks through the grounds of the office building. Before she enters the building Nikita sees her target being wheeled out by paramedics. "Adrian, he's been taken out," Nikita reports in alarm. She runs up to the gurney to get a closer look. Adrian orders Nikita to return to the limousine.
Once back with Adrian, Adrian orders her driver to take them home quickly. She places a phone call to Carla and tells her initiate Protocol Four immediately. Nikita asks about their next step but Adrian tells her that she needs time to think.
As they arrive back at Adrian's cottage she tells Nikita about their next move. "We'll evacuate to an island near Portugal. The helicopter will be here any minute." She asks Nikita to assist Carla in stripping their files. Nikita walks into the room where Carla and finds her dead from a bullet to the front of the head. They look into another room and four more of Adrian's associates are also dead, including the twin. Nikita tells Adrian that they have to go. "It's too late," Adrian tells her. Nikita insists that they try. At the front door they encounter two Section operatives. "Don't shoot," Michael orders as he walks into the room from another entrance. Nikita stands protectively in front of Adrian. Michael stands directly in front of Nikita and holds out his hand. Nikita surrenders her gun to him. "The file," Michael requests and he holds out his hand. Adrian gives him the disc she was protecting. He orders that Adrian be brought in and the operatives escort her out. Once they're alone, Michael holds out Nikita's gun to her. He tells her to go. "Outside you have a very small chance. Back at Section you have none. Go now." Nikita looks at the gun but doesn't take it. "What's the point. I'm not going to run," Nikita tells him and she turns to walk out of the cottage. Michael follows behind her.
At Van Access, Michael walks out. Behind him a handcuffed Nikita is escorted by two Section operatives. Adrian is led out after her. Walter and Birkoff witness their arrival. The two of them reluctantly walk in the opposite direction.
Michael leads Nikita and Adrian onto the main floor of Section One where Operations awaits. Michael hands him the disc containing the Gemstone file. Adrian's escort bring her directly to Operations. "It's been a very long time," he greets her. "Given your relative lack of resources, you did well." Adrian does not take his words well. "Don't patronize me." Operations is nonplussed. "I didn't mean it that way." Adrian glances to the restrained Nikita. "My only regret is that I brought down with me a very brave young woman. I'm sorry Nikita. More sorry than I can say. Is it really necessary to restrain her at this point?" Operations agrees. "Yes, the cuffs should come off." Michael retrieves the key from his pocket and moves to Nikita. Operations intercepts him and reaches out for the key. Michael relinquishes the key to Operations and steps aside.
"Excellent work, Nikita," Operations praises after he finishes releasing her. Adrian looks at her in surprise. Michael is also caught off guard.
Act 4[]
"I'm impressed. Not many people could have deceived me so thoroughly, but at some level, you know I'm right, or I would have seen through you," Adrian admits. "That's why we selected her," Madeline suggests as she joins the proceedings. "Because of her ambivalence. She didn't deceive you so much as she allowed you to deceive yourself." Madeline's arrival spurs a clear history of tensions between the two women. They trade barbs about homicidal tendencies towards mother figures. When it starts to deteriorate, Operations tries to step in but then Adrian then turns her sights on Operations' history of making excuses for Madeline. Adrian does admit defeat and inquires about the fate of her people. “Eleven dead. The rest are being questioned now,” Operations tells her. “How long have you known I was moving against you?” Adrian asks. “For a year, but you kept the details well hidden and we knew we had to destroy not just you but your entire organization. We had to draw you out.” Adrian summarizes Operations' plan: let Adrian recruit Nikita, let her believe she was close to accomplishing her objective and then failing, forcing her to mobilize her organization, leading to its exposure. Accepting of her fate, Adrian prefers to get on with things but Nikita, long silent during the proceedings, speaks up. "Wait," she says. "it's not as simple as that." Operations takes exception to her interruption. "The Gemstone file in your hand. It's not the only copy. I made a second. If I don't intervene within the hour, it will be sent to every website in the world." Operations confidently tells her that no one would believe it. "Most won't, but questions will be asked and sooner or later Section will die...you support butchers who kill their own people by the thousands. You sponsor terrorism on every single continent. We're supposed to be fighting these people, not helping them." Adrian praises Nikita's actions. "I don't have to justify anything to you," Operations tells her. "Today you do. Section's on trial. Defend it."
Operations admits to assisting Saddam Hussein. He relies on the numerous SIMS that have conducted on Section's behalf. Operations presents a scenario in which Hussein's absence creates a void in the region that leads to instability that then spreads, culminating in a nuclear detonation in the region. The situation rapidly deteriorates from there. Ten years later a man made plague ravages through China and India killing millions of people. "Human nature hasn't changed, Nikita. The Dark Ages were a thousand years of chaos, war, famine and disease. You think that won't happen again because we have computers, and jet planes, and cellular phones. Think again." Adrian mockingly claps. "How convenient that your SIMS and surveys should justify your need for power," she tells him. "There's another side to this coin, Nikita." Adrian suggests that Saddam Hussein becomes so dependent on the Sections for power that he only follows orders and eventually invades two neighboring counties and then eventually becomes irrelevant. After several years, Section is in control of 6% of the world's population and 9% of its strategic resources. "We will control whatever we have to, to prevent the Dark Ages from descending again on the human race," Operations answers. Nikita looks greatly conflicted at the decision she has to make. She looks around until she focuses on Michael. Nikita asks Michael for words of wisdom. "What have you seen with your own eyes," he counsels. "Are the crimes we committed worse than the crimes we prevented?" Madeline asks. "And the people we brought down. Is the world a better place without them?" Nikita quietly answers, "Yes it is." Adrian tries to sway Nikita away from where's appearing to side. "Nikita, keep your mind fixed on the broader perspective." Nikita's decision has clearly been made. "Adrian, it's not as simple as you make it sound," she reasons. "You're a fool," Adrian tells her softly. "Maybe, but if I take down Section and Operations is right." Nikita takes out her cell phone and deactivates the release of Gemstone. Adrian walks up to Nikita."You betrayed me, but the bond between us was real, wasn't it." Nikita nods her head slightly in agreement. "Swear, you'll do everything in your power to keep Section from becoming a place of pure evil." She turns away and faces Operations. "Goodbye, Paul," Adrian tells Operations. He leans forward kisses Adrian on both cheeks. "Goodbye, Adrian," he replies. Adrian turns and walks away by herself.
"I believe our business is finished here," Operations tells Nikita. With Adrian now gone, Operations and Madeline curtly leave as well, leaving only Michael and Nikita. Nikita apologizes to Michael for deceiving him. She explains that Adrian was listening and it had to appear real. Michael solemnly explains that she has at least six hours before a decision is made on her fate. As a Level Two operative, her cancellation must be cleared with Oversight. Nikita is accepting of her fate reiterates her decision to not run. "They'll cancel you," he tells her with great sadness. "Probably," Nikita responds. Michael steps closer to her and tenderly kisses Nikita on the cheek. Moved by the gesture, they embrace on the main floor of Section One. When they part, Michael walks out of Section, leaving Nikita behind.
"I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid," Nikita can be heard saying.
In Madeline's office, Operations orders that all peripheral operatives get called in and that an internal evaluation determine their reevaluate internal exposure. He wants Comm to replace all key codes throughout Section. Madeline asks about Adrian and Operations tells her that he wants her to handle it. She tells him that she'd rather not. "Which is exactly why you should," he counters. Madeline then asks about Nikita. "Cancel her as well," Operations orders. Madeline asks him to reconsider. "Reconsider? You must be joking. After what you saw. She could have destroyed us," he tells her. "But she didn't. This didn't happen in a controlled environment. Details will eventually leak out into the ranks. Her death would lend credibility to Adrian's interpretation of Gemstone. I'd rather deal with one recalcitrant operative than a mutiny." Madeline suggests that her mission frequency be increased to avoid the appearance that they are targeting Nikita. "Eventually the problem will take care of itself." Operations silently agrees.
In Nikita's apartment, she waits alone on the balcony. Her telephone rings. Michael's voice asks for "Joséphine".
Main Cast[] |
Special Guest Stars[] |
Episode Quotes[]
- Michael: "Now listen to me. If Adrian succeeds, every operative will be cancelled. No exceptions. They will roll up Section like it never existed. And if you think Adrian can protect you, you're wrong. Where's Adrian?"
- Adrian: "Nor does it change the fact that when you wake up tomorrow morning you'll still be, what you are."
Operations: "Shall we keep it professional rather than personal."
Adrian: "Still defending her. I'm touched. It doesn't bother you that she sleeps with every young stud in Section."
- Nikita: "The Gemstone file in your hand. It's not the only copy. I made a second. If I don't intervene within the hour, it will be sent to every website in the world."
Operations: "No one will believe it."
Nikita: "Most won't, but questions will be asked and sooner or later Section will die."
Operations: "Then so will you."
Nikita: "You support butchers who kill their own people by the thousands. You sponsor terrorism on every single continent. We're supposed to be fighting these people, not helping them."
- Madeline: "Are the crimes we committed worse than the crimes we prevented? And the people we brought down. Is the world a better place without them?"
Nikita: "Yes it is."
- Adrian: (to Nikita) "You betrayed me, but the bond between us was real, wasn't it. Swear, you'll do everything in your power to keep Section from becoming a place of pure evil."
- Nikita: "I didn't enjoy deceiving you, Michael, but Adrian was listening. It had to be real."
Michael: "You have at least six hours before they make a decision. You're Level Two. They'll need to clear it with Oversight."
Nikita: "I told you before. I'm not gonna run."
Michael: "They'll cancel you."
Nikita: "Probably." (Michael stares at her before he leans in and kisses her on the check. They embrace before Michael walks away.)
- Nikita: "I am not afraid."
Behind the Scenes[]
Joel Surnow said the following in Retrovision #6: "To get Shaun [Sian] Phillips was wonderful. I had worked with her in London and I think she's one of the greatest living actresses on the planet. I was fortunate enough to work with her in London in 1992 when I was doing the show Covington Cross. We knew each other from that. She was doing a one-woman show about Marlene Dietrich and she agreed to come over and do a couple of episodes for us, and I was just thrilled. Her character of Livia [in I, Claudius] was kind of where we got inspired for Madeline and some of the Section deviousness and manipulations. To have someone who is more powerful than these people who we have set up to be all powerful, was great. I thought it was a terrific episode. It spoke to the legend of the show, we got to learn a lot about what this place is, why it is, and put Nikita square in the middle of it. You got to see Operations and Madeline sweat for once, which was great. I thought it was a hell of a way to end the season. [1] [2]
No licensed music was used in the episode.
- ↑ Gross, Edward (1999). Retrovision #6, "La Femme Nikita Episode Guide - Interview with Joel Surnow.
- ↑ LFN Forever! Episode Guide: Season 2 - 222. "End Game"