First Mission | |||||
La Femme Nikita | |||||
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Episode no. |
Season 2 Episode 10 |
Directed by | Guy Magar | ||||
Written by | Peter Mohan & Jim Henshaw | ||||
Production code | 210 | ||||
Original air date | April 12, 1998 | ||||
Episode guide | |||||
"First Mission" is the tenth episode of the second season of La Femme Nikita.
Section One’s resources are stretched thin and Nikita is forced to serve as a team leader three years ahead of schedule. Responsible for operative selection, profiling, and successful completion, she must organize the capture of a dealer of spent nuclear fuel rods. Unfortunately, Nikita's independence keeps her from taking advice, and when missions fail, her future in Section looks bleak.
Systems is a hive of activity. Section operatives navigate around each other in urgency. Operations is on a phone call with George informing him that Section One is currently stretched too thin and that he should use the Agency. One operative informs him that the Premier is on the line for him. Another operatives tells him that the White House is on another line for him. Birkoff is informed about a mission in South Africa that has lost its entire team. He notifies Michael who is walking by. Michael tells Birkoff that he expects a full report on his desk by midnight. Birkoff relays the message. Michael approaches a terminal and begins to access information. Operations comes up to him and tells him that he needs a team leader for the Stark operation. "We're tapped out," Michael informs him. Operations tells him to reshuffle but Michael says that they're still short Operations then suggests Gregor when he comes back from South Africa, Michael tells him that Gregor "isn't coming back". The implication is clear. Operations tells him to check contingency. They both look at the screen acknowledging what they see.
In Michael's office, Nikita sits down before Operations and Michael. "You'll be leading a mission," Operations tells her. "Assess, plan, prep, field command. It's three years ahead of the usual curve but it can't be helped. You'll learn as you go. We'll give you what help we can, but in the end you'll be judged by the same standards as everyone else." Michael watches her silently. "You understand this is a level of responsibility beyond anything you've experienced before," he tells her. Nikita asserts that she can handle it. Operations points out Nikita's tendency to take her own approach to things. He acknowledges that it might work from time to time but this assignment is not one of them. She's to do things by the book. He tells her that a man named Peter Stark has been buying spent nuclear fuel rods from reactors in eastern Europe. Section wants to know his methods and sources. He's to be taken alive. He wants a profile by the following day. "Staffing, logistics, probabilities, contingencies." Operations lists off. He dismisses her and Nikita leaves. "She has no idea what she's getting into. I'm not sure she's ready," Michael observes.
Act 1[]
Nikita works at a station in Comm. Birkoff shows her the security measures that Stark's compound in Ukraine has. Nikita looks up and see a female operative greeting Michael. With her attention back on Birkoff, she concludes a direct assault might not work and instructs Birkoff to check Stark's movements over the last 48 hours. Faintly, the operative's laughter can be heard. Nikita glances up again and sees Michael away. The operative looks off into the direction that he left. Nikita retreats back to her station and Michael approaches her. He asks her how she's holding up. Nikita concedes that there's a lot to do. Michael asks Nikita if she needs help. She declines his offering, saying that she'll manage. Michael asks her if she's picked her team yet. She says that she was just about to. On the monitor she singles out Taylor, Mentz, and Vizcano. Nikita offhandedly asks if Vizcano as the operative she saw him talking to earlier. After Michael confirms that it was, Nikita asks if she's assigned to his team. He tells her that Vizcano is available. Because of her experience, Nikita decides to use her for the team. Birkoff approaches them and gives Nikita a disc of a rough cut of Stark's itinerary. She tells Birkoff to assemble her team and have them meet her outside of Systems. Michael asks why she's assembling the team. Nikita wants to give them the opportunity to meet before the mission. "It's a mistake," Michael tells her. His comment draws Nikita's attention. "Tell them only what they need to know. Establish dominance." Having offered that piece of advice, Michael begins to walk away. "In other words, treat them like animals," calls out after him. Michael pivots back and unemotionally says, "Animals with guns." Nikita is not pleased with his assessment.
Outside Systems, Nikita's team of Taylor, Mentz, and Vizcano listen impassively as Nikita informs them that the profile hasn't been finalized but that they're expecting heavy gunfire. The briefing will begin in thirty minutes. At that Vizcano laughs. Nikita calls her out on that to which Vizcano questions a mission briefing that's been scheduled for a profile that hasn't been finalized. Nikita tells her that because of the short time frame, it can't be helped. She makes a point to emphasize that if they all do their jobs then they get to come back alive. "That was beautiful. Excuse me while I go find a handkerchief," Vizcano retorts. She walks away and the other two operatives follow her, leaving Nikita alone.
Michael enters the Perch and hands Operations Nikita's mission plan. Operations ask Michael how she's doing. "She doesn't take advice. It's risky promoting her early." Operations points out that Michael was promoted early, to which he responds that the circumstances were different. "Yes, there aren't many like you," Operations answers. As Michael turns to leave, Operations notes that Vizcano is on Nikita's team. He asks about the level of information that Nikita has about her. Michael notes that it isn't much.
At a mission briefing, Operations gives a run down on Peter Stark, a minor player in the arms trade. He's moving a shipment from storage to a sale point and the mission is to intercept the shipment. They are to capture Stark alive. Vizcano interrupts and expresses shock that they don't have a point of sale. Operations says that they don't. With a side glance at Nikita, Vizcano asks if it's because of an intel failure. Operations tells her that given the short time constraints, it's not. "Making an acquisition in transit is obviously a mistake," Vizcano declares. Nikita jumps in and tells her that she doesn't know what she's talking about. Operations chastises them both. He tells the team that the mission is set and that it will be carried out as profiled.
At Van Access, Michael and his team arrive from a mission while Nikita waits to depart on hers. When he walks past her, Nikita asks him if he had a chance to look at her mission profile. When he confirms that he did, she asks his opinion on it. "It doesn't matter what I think," he tells her. Vizcano walks past him and smiles at him. Clearly disappointed with Michael's lack of input, Nikita turns and follows her team. She tells them that they'll hit their location in seventy five minutes. Vizcano is unimpressed and uninterested in Nikita's instruction and she makes small talk with Taylor while Nikita talks. Nikita tries to get her attention twice before she finally turns back towards Nikita. Volcano is to cover the southern egress and take out the driver. Taylor and Mentz will engage on command.
At the mission site, a covered truck drives up a nighttime road. Vizcano is situated as a sharp shooter on a nearby hill. She reports that the target is in sight. In the Section van, Nikita orders that she take out the driver. Vizcano reports that there's a second truck. Nikita orders that she proceed as planned. Vizcano that the scenario is outside mission parameters and that they should abort. Nikita once again orders that she take out the driver. By this point the target is out of range and she reports that back to Nikita. Nikita notifies Taylor and Mentz that the mission rides on them now and tells them to proceed. The two operatives are positioned further down the road. They take aim when the truck approaches them. When the pair of trucks gets closer to them, they open fire and engage with the return fire they receive. In the firefight, Peter Stark exits the main truck. Vizcano sees him and starts firing at him but misses. Stark launches a grenade into the back of the truck and runs just before it blows up in a ball of fire. He makes it to the second truck and drives away. Vizcano tries to gun him down but is once again unsuccessful. Nikita tells Birkoff about Stark's escape and informs him that she needs fall backs. Vizcano, Taylor and Mentz can only watch as the truck continues to burn.
Act 2[]
Several operatives look up into the Perch. Nikita is meeting with Operations. "A hostile force was eliminated but the target escaped. Reason for the failure?" Operations demands. "The assault was poorly coordinated," Nikita tells him. "Obviously," he bites back. "I'm asking why." Nikita tells him that she takes full responsibility and that it won't happen again. "According to the mission tapes Vizcano disobeyed a direct order," Operations points out. Nikita admits that Vizcano substituted her own judgement for the mission profile. Operations asks if Nikita would recommend Abeyance and Nikita declines. "Because I don't think an operative should be cancelled for one mistake," Nikita tells him. "If you'd read her jacket, you'd know it's not the first time. You say you take responsibility but the truth is, you're avoiding it. A bad operative is worse than none." Nikita reminds him that he questioned the profile himself and that it could have been flawed. He counters by telling her that once a profile is activated there are no unauthorized deviations. "I won't order a cold-blooded murder," Nikita tells him. "Even if she'd be happy ordering yours?" He asks. "This is not a scout trip, Nikita. There are no merit badges for fair play." Nikita reiterates that she'll take full responsibility for the mission failure.
At Systems, Birkoff informs Nikita that Stark has gone into hiding since the attack. The most promising known associate is Ralph Prager, who has three deals in progress with Stark. Nikita tells him that if they can grab Prager, he'll then lead them to Stark. She comments that everything is getting complicated. "That's what happens when the Prime mission fails," Birkoff informs her. Together they view a holographic render of the office building that Prager works out of and outline the type of security it possesses. Concerned, Birkoff reminds Nikita that she can't afford another failure. He suggests that if Vizcano's the problem, then Nikita should cut her. She asks him if he's delivering a message from Operations. He denies it. He's seen Vizcano's psych file. "She's in love with Michael. She's fixated on him. She tried to kill herself last year." The news leaves Nikita disturbed.
Nikita walks into Michael's office with the information she's just received on her mind. Michael takes note of her temperament but continues to work. "You could have told me," he comments. She brings up Vizcano but Michael continues to work. Nikita decides to close his laptop to garner his full attention. "Why didn't you tell me?" She asks. Michael tells her that he didn't think it was important. His answer annoys her. "Supposed you'd known. What would have done?" He asks. Nikita tells him that she would have picked someone else. "That's why I didn't tell you," he responds and heads towards the door. Even more annoyed, Nikita blocks his exit. "The best thing that can happen to a team leader is to have a rebellious operative." Nikita doesn't follow his reasoning. "Because if you control that operative, you control the team. That's why I chose you for so many missions, early on," he explains. "Because if you kept me in line, the others would follow." Michael steps out of the office but returns and offers to give Nikita some advice. "It's best to be ruthless, but if you're not, it's essential to appear that way." Nikita doesn't like what she's hearing. "Is that your secret, Michael? You just appear to be ruthless."
Act 3[]
Nikita works at a station in Comm. Operations approaches her and informs her that Prager will live but that he's still unconscious. "He hit his head. It couldn't be helped," Nikita tells him. "The mission tapes indicate otherwise. He was stopped. Your attention was diverted. The lives of operatives are secondary to the success of the mission," he tells her. "There was no need to choose," Nikita points out and leaves her station.
Nikita enters a nearby data room and with an outward glance towards where Operations was, starts working in there. Operations follows her in there. "You still don't understand what you're dealing with do you? You think you're the lonely beacon of decency in an insane world. Or something like that, isn't that true?" Nikita gives him a skeptical look. "Section isn't me or Madeline or Michael. It's bigger, deeper, smarter than any of us," he continues. "You make it sound like it's alive," Nikita remarks. "Oh yes and we all walk the narrow path to keep it that way." Nikita tells him that it's a path without feeling or compassion or hope and Operations agrees somberly. "We die so that the Section can live," she points out and Operations agrees to that as well. Nikita tells him that it's something she can't accept. "You have no choice, Nikita. No one does. Especially me. Do you understand?" Operations tells her pragmatically. "I understand that you're talking to me for once." He acknowledges her observation with a nod of the head and then leaves her to her work.
Back at Comm, it's late at night and Nikita works alone. Over the course of the night she moves from one station to another, compiling the data she needs as mission leader. Vizcano passes by and after seeing Nikita she approaches her. "You shouldn't have done that for me today," Vizcano says. "So I've been told," Nikita acknowledges. Vizcano wants to know she did it then. "Because you're one of us," Nikita explains. "You're on the team. Whichever way you want to put it." Vizcano tells Nikita that she's crazy and Nikita supposes that if she's being thanked than "you're welcome," Nikita tells her but then she dismisses her because she still has a lot of work to do. Instead, Vizcano takes a seat nearby and contemplates her next words. "What's it like to be loved by Michael?" She asks Nikita who is surprised by the question. "I know I shouldn't ask I just can't help it." Nikita is having difficulty answering the question. "I don't know," she says. "I was alone...confused...scared. Well you know what it's like when you first enter the Section. Michael seemed like a god. Not afraid of anything. He knew me, better than I knew myself." Nikita can relate to her words. "Yeah," she responds. "And even then, I knew it was just part of the drill. Section wants you to imprint someone like an animal," Vizcano adds. "You fell in love," Nikita concludes. Vizcano is clearly bothered by the whole situation. "Sometimes, I really thought that he showed signs of caring and other times, it was obvious that he didn't. And just when I thought that I was making some progress, you came along and that's when I lost it. If you're smart, you will stay just out of reach. Michael doesn't need a companion. He needs a quest," Vizcano shares. "Well, why don't you become his quest," Nikita suggests. "No, I had my chance. It's too late. Although, I think I'll always love him. May the best woman win." Nikita tells her that there's no contest because she's not playing. Vizcano accepts that and walks away.
Nikita is in the White Room with a now conscious Ralph Prager. Nikita asks him about Peter Stark but Prager claims not to know him. Nikita approaches him and leans over him. "I need your help. So, I'm going to break a bone a minute. In three hours, you'll be a rag doll. Except, rag dolls don't feel pain. You will." She takes a hold of his hand and breaks his pinky. Prager cries out in pain and immediately confesses to knowing Stark.
In Michael's office, he and Operations watch Nikita's interrogation of Prager. "She's come a long way," Operations observes. "She's learning to stay focused," Michael points out. Operations admits to having doubts about Nikita's original mission plan. "It would have worked except for Vizcano," Michael tells him. "But it must be said, Nikita still has one basic flaw." Michael identifies it as compassion as he rises from his seat and stands by the window. "Compassion, sympathy, a tendency to care, call it whatever you like. It's holding her back," Operations tells him and Michael agrees. "With most operatives, self-preservation takes over. Compassion is the first thing to go," Operations continues. "She's different," Michael says. Operations watches Michael. "Have you tried, Michael? Really tried to crush out her feelings, hmm?" Michael points out that Nikita is strong and Operations wonders if that's the only reason for his difficulties. Michael tells him that it is. "Well you'll have to keep trying until you succeed, Operations suggests. "I understand."
Act 4[]
Operations talks to Nikita in the Perch. Asks her why she didn't handle the interrogation of Stark and Nikita confesses to being unable to remain objective. He tells her that she made the right call. Nikita makes one request: she would like to spend some time alone with Stark after his interrogation is complete and before he's cancelled. Operations informs her that the interrogation is over and that Stark has been released. Nikita is quietly shocked. Operations tells her that Stark has a number of contacts in Eastern Europe that they can exploit. During his explanation, Operations turns around the discover that Nikita has left the Perch.
On the main floor of Section, Nikita walks away in a daze, even passing Michael and not acknowledging him. In the Perch, Operations observes this before he too walks away.
Main Cast[] |
Special Guest Stars[]
Episode Quotes[]
- Michael: "Establish dominance. Tell them only what they need to know."
Nikita: "In other words, treat them like animals"
Michael: "Animals with guns."
- Nikita: "What?"
Michael: "It's the best thing that can happen to a team leader is to have a rebellious operative."
Nikita: "Why?"
Michael: "Because if you control that operative, you control the team. That's why I chose you for so many missions, early on."
Nikita: "Because if you kept me in line, the others would follow."
Michael: "That's right." (leaves office but turns around and comes back in)
Michael: "Can I give you a piece of advice?"
Nikita: "Go ahead."
Michael: "It's best to be ruthless, but if you're not, it's essential to appear that way."
Nikita: "Is that your secret, Michael? You just appear to be ruthless."
- Operations: "You still don't understand what you're dealing with do you? You think you're the lonely beacon of decency in an insane world. Or something like that, isn't that true? Section isn't me or Madeline or Michael. It's bigger, deeper, smarter than any of us."
Nikita: "You make it sound like it's alive."
Operations: "Oh yes and we all walk the narrow path to keep it that way."
Nikita: "A path without feeling or compassion or hope."
Operations: "Yes."
Nikita: "We die so that the Section can live."
Operations: "Yes."
Nikita: "I can't accept that."
Operations: "You have no choice, Nikita. No one does. Especially me. Do you understand?"
Nikita: "I understand that you're talking to me for once."
- Vizcano: "I was alone...confused...scared. Well you know what it's like when you first enter the Section. Michael seemed like a god. Not afraid of anything. He knew me, better than I knew myself."
Nikita: (sympathetically) "Yeah."
Vizcano: "And even then, I knew it was just part of the drill. Section wants you to imprint someone like an animal."
Nikita: "You fell in love."
Vizcano: "Sometimes, I really thought that he showed signs of caring and other times, it was obvious that he didn't. And just when I thought that I was making some progress, you came along and that's when I lost it. If you're smart, you will stay just out of reach. Michael doesn't need a companion. He needs a quest."
- Operations: "She's come a long way."
Michael: "She's learning to stay focused."
Operations: "I must admit. I had my doubts about her original mission plan."
Michael: "It would have worked except for Vizcano."
Operations: "But it must be said, Nikita still has one basic flaw."
Michael: "Compassion."
Operations: "Compassion, sympathy, a tendency to care, call it whatever you like. It's holding her back."
Michael: "I know."
Operations: "With most operatives, self-preservation takes over. Compassion is the first thing to go."
Michael: "She's different."
Operations: "Have you tried, Michael? Really tried to crush out her feelings, hmm?"
Michael: "Of course."
Operations: "You've succeeded with so many others. Why not her?"
Michael: "She's strong."
Operations: "Is that the only reason?"
Michael: "Yes."
Operations: "Well you'll have to keep trying until you succeed."
Michael: "I understand."
No third party music was used in this episode.