Nikita Wiki
In Between
La Femme Nikita
Episode no. Season 2
Episode 20
Directed by Joseph L. Scanlan
Written by Michael Loceff
Production code 220
Original air date August 16, 1998
Episode guide
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"In Between" is the twentieth episode of the second season of La Femme Nikita.


When Michael and Nikita pose as money launderers in order to stop a wealthy terrorist from funding upcoming attacks, his assistant claims to be a Section operative who has been abandoned in the filed for nine years. Further investigation reveals that he is Madeline’s husband, assumed dead. Operations wants him cancelled, but Madeline wants Nikita to keep him alive...and now, Nikita is forced to choose between them.



Michael and his team arrive at Van Access with a rather vocal hostile in tow. He's angry that an operative killed his brother unnecessarily. He threatens to kill the operative. Michael stops with Madeline who stands nearby and she asks him what happened. "In order to get to him we had to kill his brother." Madeline asks who did it and Michael tells him that it was Sarris. "Tell him to stay close. We don't have much time," Madeline responds.

The hostile is led into the White Room and strapped down on the chair. The operative leave and Madeline enters. The hostile tells Madeline not to waste her with him because he's not going to give her anything and that she should just kill him. Madeline wants to know about the conversations he's had with Abel Goellner in the last month. "You didn't have to kill my brother," the hostile cries out. "But we did and afraid you're going to die as well," she tells him but she adds that she's going to give him something in return for his information.

Michael is with the operative Sarris and he's confused about how he can help with the interrogation. "Madeline will fill you in," Michael tells him as they approach her. She tells Sarris that he just needs to talk to the hostile. "Apologize for shooting his brother."

Sarris walks into the White Room alone and does as Madeline instructs. He apologizes for killing the hostile's brother. "Look, it was nothing personal. I was just trying to do my job." The hostile lifts his still shackled hand to reveal a gun. He fires and shoots Sarris. Madeline walks back in. "Abel Goellner. Tell me about him."

Act 1[]

Nikita steps out of her bathroom wearing a bathrobe and her wet hair is wrapped in a towel. She heads down to her living room and turns on some music. She reclines on her carpet and stretches while she listens to music.

Michael and Nikita are led through public sitting room filled with people and into a still large but more private sitting room. They are greeted by Carlo Giraldi, who asks them to sit. He watches them pleasantly until Abel Goellner joins them. Goellner engages them in light pleasantries before they get down to business. "Marzio had some very good things to say about you," Goellner tells Michael. He asks to know who Nikita is and Michael introduces her as his attache. "Marzio said you wish to transfer funds without drawing attention." Goellner laughs at Michael's choice of words. "If you choose to use my services, your money will be funneled into segregated offshore accounts. I stay away from the Caribbean and other more visible hubs. I've had some success in east Africa. They're desperate for for hard currency." Giraldi asks about the rates. "You could do better if you're willing to take the risk. I'm not. Interference is minimal, almost nonexistent." Rather than comment on Michael's strategy, Goellner starts to pry into the nature of Michael and Nikita's relationship. "I'm curious. How did you two meet? Is your relationship social, professional?" Michael bristles at the question and wants to know why it's relevant. "I'm about to make a decision where I'll place the bulk of my assets in your hands!" Goellner replies forcefully. "I want to know who I'm dealing with." Goellner asks Nikita what she thinks of Michael. "He's a fair employer," she tells replies with a smile. "Are you attracted to him?" Goellner asks. "I'm sorry. It was a mistake for us to come here," Michael interrupts and he rises to leave. Goellner snaps his fingers and immediately one of his nearby security guards pulls a gun on Michael, stopping him where he stands. "One final question. If your employer were to suddenly cease to exist, would you be able to get up to speed quickly enough to do this for me?" Goellner asks Nikita. She wants to know what he means by "quickly enough." Goellner wants her ready by next Tuesday. Nikita asks for a moment and makes a show of taking out a personal assistant device and crunching some numbers. Michael remains under gunpoint. "Not quite, but if you could give me two more days, then yes," she tells him. Goellner tells her that he needs it done sooner. With a wave of his hand he dismisses the bodyguard who holds a gun on Michael. "Your assistant is very good but don't train her too well," Goellner tells Michael. Michael asks if they have a deal and Goellner agrees, suggesting they go into the other room. Both Michael and Nikita begin to follow but Giraldi tells Nikita that only Michael can go. "Nothing sinister. It's just the few the better at this point," Goellner tells Nikita. She smiles and remains behind with Giraldi. "You're an attractive woman," Giraldi compliments. Nikita thanks him and steps away. Giraldi compliments Nikita on her tie. "I like a woman who knots her own tie. Shows an independent nature." He offers he a business card with his name but he flips it and 'Section One' is handwritten on the back. "I've been waiting a long time for you," he tells her. Nikita looks at the card and feigns confusion. "Take it to Operations. He'll know what to do. Tell no one else." A door opens and Goellner calls for Giraldi.

Act 2[]

Act 3[]

In Systems Michael gives instructions to several operatives about the Goellner mission. Operations approaches and asks for an update. Michael informs him that they should have access to all the accounts before the takedown and that complete profile will be ready within the hour. Operations tells those gathered that he'd like to speak to Michael alone. "I've upgraded Nikita's status for this mission. She'll be reporting to me directly," he tells Michael. When Michael asks for the reason, he tells him that he has a variable he'd like isolated and Michael will need to handle all the primaries. "Is this a singularity or is it a permanent upgrade?" Michael asks. "We'll see how it goes. Do you have a problem with any of this?" Operations questions. Michael informs him that Nikita performs better when she's scripted. "I don't think she's ready," he advises. Operations disagrees. "It's never easy, but you're going to have to let go of her sometime, Michael." Operations tells him before he leaves.

While Michael works in his office, Nikita lingers outside until she walks in asks for a minute of his time. He allows it and Nikita takes a seat before him. Michael activates the temporary suspension of his office's surveillance. "Has Operations ever asked you to do something outside mission parameters?" Nikita asks him. Michael confirms that he has. She wants to know what he did. "What do you want to know, Nikita? What will happen to you if you don't obey him?" He prods. His answer is not what she was looking for and she verbally berates herself for coming to him. "I don't have a choice. I've got to do what he wants," she says. "Think it through. But more importantly, you'll have to stop coming to me. I'm no longer your mentor," Michael informs her. Nikita takes the news with wary intrigue.

Nikita sits alone at night in Comm while she contemplates her situation. She yawns just as a sleepy Birkoff arrives complaining that "it better be a Priority Three or higher." He takes a seat asks him to do a search for her. "Incoming communications on dormant channels." He asks if they're friendly or hostile. She confirms that they're friendly. "An operative, believed dead, who's trying to get back in." She gives him Charles Sand's name but Birkoff doesn't come up with anything. She then asks him to run the name Giraldi but there's still nothing. Birkoff asks if he can go back to bed. She presents the scenario of someone inside Section rerouting the communication and then suggests Operations.

Act 4[]



Main Cast[]

Special Guest Stars[]

  • Steven Berkoff as Karel Giraldi/Charles Sand
  • Anais Granofsky as Carla
  • Alan Peterson as Abel Goellner
  • Geoff Murrin as Steven
  • Damon D'Oliveira as Sarris
  • Barna Moricz as Ellis

Episode Quotes[]

  • Charles Sand: (to Nikita) "I like a woman who knots her own tie. Shows an independent nature."
  • Walter: (to Nikita) "Why don't you go out? Have a good time? Find a man?"
  • Walter: (to Nikita) "Are you telling me that you have separate confidences with both of them?"
  • Operations: "I've upgraded Nikita's status for this mission. She'll be reporting to me directly,"
    Michael: "Why?"
    Operations: "There's a variable I'd like isolated. You'll need to handle all the primaries."
    Michael: "Is this a singularity or is it a permanent upgrade?"
    Operations: "We'll see how it goes. Do you have a problem with any of this?"
    Michael: "Nikita performs better when she's scripted. I don't think she's ready."
    Operations: "I disagree. It's never easy, but you're going to have to let go of her sometime, Michael."
  • Nikita: "Has Operations ever asked you to do something outside mission parameters?"
    Michael: "Yes."
    Nikita: "What did you do?"
    Michael: "What do you want to know, Nikita? What will happen to you if you don't obey him?"
    Nikita: "I don't know why I came here. I don't have a choice. I've got to do what he wants."
    Michael: "Think it through. But more importantly, you'll have to stop coming to me. I'm no longer your mentor."

Behind the Scenes[]

Joel Surnow said the following in Retrovison #6: "I'd put this one in the list of top-five episodes so far. Loved it. Classy looking, great acting. You've got these big things at stake: this is Madeline's husband, a guy who's been out of Section for nine years; it plays out this relationship between Operations and Madeline; fantastic guest stars. For some reason, it had a Wiseguy vibe to me, just these whacked out loosey, goosey criminals."[1] [2]


refractions in the plastic pulse, | STEREOLAB

superheroes | ESTHERO


  1. Gross, Edward (1999). Retrovision #6, "La Femme Nikita Episode Guide - Interview with Joel Surnow.
  2. LFN Forever! Episode Guide: Season 2 - 220. "In Between"