Inside Out | |||||
La Femme Nikita | |||||
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Episode no. |
Season 2 Episode 17 |
Directed by | Ken Girotti | ||||
Written by | Maurice Hurley | ||||
Production code | 217 | ||||
Original air date | July 26, 1998 | ||||
Episode guide | |||||
"Inside Out" is the seventeenth episode of the second season of La Femme Nikita.
With the use of an abandoned munitions outpost in Scotland, Red Cell has fooled Section into bringing back a deadly virus that now threatens to kill everyone in a matter of days. Unless Michael and Nikita can acquire the antidote from a scientist on Red Cell’s payroll, Section One will cease to exist.
In the White Room, Madeline is in the middle of an interrogation. The hostile claims to have told her everything he knows, but Madeline is not convinced. "You're on the inside track, Mr. Reneberg. You advise them on these matters. No information has been withheld from you. What haven't you told me?" Operations opens the door and steps inside. He asks Madeline why she's still there. "Excuse me. I'm in the middle of something," Madeline answers primly. Operations tells her that they've already got the location and that he needs her in Systems. "The Algiers mission is still prepping. I have plenty of time. It's not as critical as this," Madeline tells him. "That's my decision to make and I've already made it," Operations responds. "We can't send teams into Glasgow with limited intel," she argues. Operations agains tells her that they have enough intel. "Not in my opinion," Madeline replies. Mr. Reneberg watches Madeline and Operations argue. Operations turns to him, takes out his gun and shoots the man where he sits, killing him. "They're waiting for you in Systems," Operations tells Madeline and he walks out. Madeline walks out as well.
Act 1[]
Nikita is walking down a corridor in Section One when she overhears Madeline and Operations having a heated conversation on a level below her. "I don't think that was the right call," she tells him. "It's over. Why are we still talking about it?" Operations asks with exasperation. "I wanted you to know how I feel," she explains. "Great! Now I know," he retorts, before walking away. Nikita watches as Operations leaves in one direction and Madeline in the opposite one.
Michael works in his office when Nikita approaches him. "I've got the documents. They're on here. I'm going to need your Mission codes before I can take it to the Profiler." Nikita hands him a small disk and he inserts it into his laptop. "What's going on between Operations and Madeline?" She asks. "What do you mean?" Michael asks. She mentions the argument she witnessed. "Probably over the Glasgow mission," he suggests. Nikita looks at him knowingly. "This was personal," she tells him. "They've known each other for a long time," Michael points out while he works. "Before she came to Section?" Nikita asks. Michaels tells her that he doesn't know. "Well, I know something. They're lovers. Maybe not any more, but they were once." Michael is silent for a moment while Nikita watches him before he answers. "What difference does it make?" He asks. Michael rises and approaches her. "It can be done," Nikita answers with a shrug of her shoulders. Michael stands before her, observing her. She watches back. "A lot of things can be done. Doesn't mean they should be," Michael tells her. Nikita grimaces slightly at his words and she takes the disk he offers her before walking out of the office.
In the Section van, Nikita monitors the video feed outside while Michael rests his eyes. Nikita spots a dog hovering over what appears to be a corpse. Nikita wakes Michael up.
Michael and Nikita head outside and approach the corpse. Nikita notes that the man has a bullet to the head.
At Section, Birkoff informs Operations that Michael and Nikita have found a dead body. He asks if they should bring it back to Section. Operations wants to know if the body can be processed remotely. Birkoff tells him that he can and Operations wants it done. He also wants Michael and Nikita to stay where they're at. Operations turns to address Madeline, who has information about Mowen's current condition. He's fading in and out of consciousness but they're running every test on him. Operations hopes the body found in Scotland will give them additional information. "I'm concerned with the amount of valuable resources we're using to chase faulty intel," Madeline points out. Operations tells her to keep on top of it. Just as she departs, Operations turns to see Jacklow runs up to Birkoff in a panic. "We need an authorization, now...we just found out what's wrong with Mowen....a bacteria; an anthrax variant."
Act 2[]
Act 3[]
Operations orders Birkoff to remove the security feature from the Perch. Birkoff stands firm and refuses to do so, reminding Operations that he wrote the protocols himself. Operations ominously tells Birkoff that he won't forget his refusal to follow his orders.
Act 4[]
A visibly sick Operations continues to hold an unconscious Madeline and makes an audio entry into Section's logs. "Situation, critical. Ninety-two percent infected; nineteen dead. End Game procedures are in place. All relevant files ... will be downloaded to a secure site. If the antibiotic ... is ineffective, I have programmed an incineration plan to contain the outbreak."
Michael and Nikita arrive in Section One with the antidote but they encounter it sealed off. They can see dead operatives nearby. Michael informs Birkoff of their arrival. "You don't need to come in. You can just leave the antibiotic," Birkoff tells him. "You need all the help you can get. Hurry up," Michael replies. Birkoff reminds him that they can get infected and that they're not even sure if the antibiotic will work. Nikita reiterates Michael's request for him to open the doors. Birkoff does as ordered.
Michael, Nikita and several personnel from Medical open up the suitcases with the antidote on the briefing table. They quickly load the antidote and start inoculating operatives. Michael inoculates Birkoff, who has approached to help, and then Nikita.
Operations visits Madeline in Medical. "Are we back to full capacity?" She asks. "Over 90 percent," he tells her. Madeline then asks about Algiers but Operations tells her that it's under control and that she should rest. Madeline comments that she read the report about the responses by operatives during the crisis. "It looks like we had a fair amount of panic and emotion." Operations agrees. "Now would be a good time to reevaluate our personnel. Get rid of the deadwood." Operations tells her that as soon as she's better, she'll oversee it. Birkoff arrives to provide some intel, but seeing that they're busy, offers to come back later. "Operations and I were just discussing the reactive behavior of many of our operatives. Apparently, you were one of the only ones on the floor who kept his head." Madeline congratulates Birkoff for being one of the few people in Section who kept their focus. Operations adds that Birkoff might have adhered to stringently to protocol. "For which I am grateful," he tells him. Birkoff is unsure what to do with the praise and leaves.
Nikita and Michael are with Dr. Bisaroff in the White Room. He asks what will be done with him and Nikita tells him that it hasn't been decided. "We may use your talents or we may kill you," Michael tells him. Bisaroff is unconcerned as long as his family is safe. Nikita and Michael walk out together. She asks about his family. "It's up to Red Cell," Michael tells her. Nikita is confused. She thought that Section had them. "It wasn't really them. Birkoff simulated the M-Peg. Red Cell still has them," Michael tells her and he walks away, leaving Nikita to digest the news.
Main Cast[] |
Special Guest Stars[]
Episode Quotes[]
- Madeline: "You shouldn't be here."
Operations: "Of course I should. I wouldn't be here today, if it weren't for you."
Madeline: "You always exaggerate that incident. You would have made it out just fine."
Operations: "I always thought I'd regret things I've done. Instead, I regret the things I didn't do."
Madeline: "The pain is bad enough. Don't go poetic on me."
- Operations: (infected and sick) "Situation, critical. Ninety-two percent infected; nineteen dead. End Game procedures are in place. All relevant files ... will be downloaded to a secure site. If the antibiotic ... is ineffective, I have programmed an incineration plan to contain the outbreak."
Behind the Scenes[]
No third party music was licensed for this episode.