Looking for Michael | |||||
La Femme Nikita | |||||
![]() | |||||
Episode no. |
Season 3 Episode 1 |
Directed by | Jon Cassar | ||||
Written by | Michael Loceff | ||||
Production code | 301 | ||||
Original air date | January 4, 1999 | ||||
Episode guide | |||||
"Looking for Michael" is the first episode of the third season of La Femme Nikita. It was filmed from September 22-30, 1998.
Adrian, the founder of Section One, was eliminated when Nikita chose to side with Operations, much to Adrian's surprise and disappointment. However, Operations still distrusts Nikita and fashions a mission designed to eliminate. Nikita manages to survive, only to discover that for years, Michael has been keeping an outside life hidden from her.
The scene at Van Access is frantic. Medical personnel are all over several gurneys that holds a severely injured operatives. Another operative follows behind them and yells at them to do something. Medical works on the operatives until their heartbeat monitors flatline. The yelling operative demands to know what happened and the attending medical officer informs him that the patient is dead. The doctor turns to another still breathing operative. Nikita watches the interaction and asks the operative what happened. He tells her that the whole thing was bad right from the start. He vows revenge on who planned the mission. "We lost Dechy and Pierce," he tells Nikita who looks shocked at the news.
Nikita walks to Comm and asks Birkoff about Michael. "He's down," Birkoff answers her. Nikita tells him that Michael called her in. "Yeah something came up. They switched him with Ferriera." She asks if Michael is still in Section but he isn't.
In the Perch, Operations and Madeline observe Nikita. "It won't take long before she puts it together, if she hasn't already,," Operations says. "She hasn't," Madeline answers. "Dechy, Pierce, and Pollack were the only witnesses to her aborted insurrection. Now they're dead." "No matter. She's going out this afternoon and that will be the end of it." "And Michael's not a variable." "I've made certain he's occupied. Operations asks if Michael has seen the profile. "Yes, before we changed it." Operations wants assurances that Nikita won't return from her mission. "She won't," Madeline answers before they turn back to look at Nikita leave Comm.
Act 1[]
At a brief, Operations tells those gathered that Oversight has taken a new strategy to contain the resurgence of terrorist activity. Section has been told to step up reconnaissance. "Each cell will be collecting source material on-sight from one of nine anti-Western factions that emerged over the last year." Birkoff provides info on a new group called New Path that's based in China and North Korea. Because they haven't mobilized tactical yet, it makes them a perfect target for a preemptive. Operations tells them to take everything that's there. They're looking for a link and he wants 100% containment. Ferriera will be leading the team that afternoon. Everyone departs and Nikita tells Ferriera that she'll sanitize the profile and bring it down. Ferriera tells her that he wants her to prep because she'll be running point. "I'm usually third position," she informs him. "Not today," he replies.
A Munitions, Nikita throws down her jacket. "Not the usual package today," Walter points out. Nikita agrees. She tells him that she's on point. Concerned, Walter wants to know since when. "Where's Michael?" Nikita asks. "I don't know. He left this morning," Walter tells her as he opens the gate that leads to the back of his workspace. They walk into the space together. "I need to talk to him," Nikita says. "Talk to me," he advises. "Walter, not this one," she tells him. Walter correctly guesses that it's about Adrian. "There were witnesses," Nikita says. "Pollack, Pierce, Dechy." Walter tells her that she's talking herself into something that isn't there. "People die everyday in this place. If they wanted you gone, you'd be gone," he explains. "Maybe not," Nikita responds. Ferriera interrupts by asking Walter if everybody has checked in. When Walter confirms that they have, Ferriera tells Nikita that it's time to go.
At the entrance to Munitions, the team each grabs a case with their gear. Ferriera gives instructions as they all start to walk away. "After Nikita finishes the download, create an exit corridor to the north. Make sure you get an in out of Birkoff every thirty seconds." Nikita asks about whether he's sure they don't need field support. "No, we're gonna run it cold."
An undercover Nikita carries a box and walks down a busy alleyway market somewhere in China. Her blonde hair is bound in a headscarf so that she doesn't stand out among the locals. Her face is also covered. The rest of the team loads merchandise onto the back of a vehicle. Nikita steps inside a building and Ferriera takes note of that.
Nikita walks across the floor of a large warehouse. She hears a gun being cocked and turns in the direction of the sound. Through the box she holds, Nikita fires her handgun, killing her would be assailant. "Ferriera, this isn't clean," she reports. She's told that it doesn't matter and that she needs to proceed. Nikita pulls out a handheld device that she uses to scan the immediate area she's in. She crouches down and prys open the wooden floor boards. Inside is a hidden compartment with several bundles of cash. Nikita tosses them on out around her and reaches inside to find a computer hard drive. She connects to it and begins and upload to Section and Birkoff.
Birkoff tells Ferriera to get his people out.
"Nikita, hold position," Ferriera tells Nikita. She asks why and he tells her that they need to confirm some data. Nikita asks Birkoff to switch to B channel but she gets no answer.
Nikita crashes through the window and lands on a ledge overlooking the street below. She peers down and sees a waiting car with some of her assailants getting inside. Nikita jumps off the ledge and lands on the roof of the car. When she lands, the driver and passenger start shooting through the roof of the car. Nikita spreads her legs and the bullets go through the roof, mission her. She rolls backwards off the vehicle and lands behind it. With her firearms, she shoots through the back window of the car, killing the driver and passenger. Nikita runs through the crowd towards the vehicle with the rest of the team. At the car, Ferriera points his gun in Nikita's direction as she continues to run. He fires and kills one of the men pursuing Nikita. She runs up to Ferriera and grabs him by the shirt. "You said it was clean," she tells him angrily. "Hey, it's what they told me me," he replies in his defense as Nikita jumps into the back of waiting vehicle. The hatch is closed and Ferriera hurries them all away.
Act 2[]
In her office, Madeline admires an orchid. Operations enters and questions why Nikita is still alive. "Apparently, we trained her too well," Madeline remarks, trimming the flower. He tells her that George is starting to poke around. She asks if he's mentioned Adrian. "Her name's come up. He would not be happy if knew the details." Somewhat amused, Madeline agrees. Operations suggests that perhaps they're going about things in the wrong way. "We should just deal with this internally." Madeline counsels him to not get impatient. "It's unfortunate but it was a one time event. Percentages are on our side. It'll be taken care of soon." Operations starts to walk away but he stops. "I don't want Michael anywhere near her until it's done," he tells her sternly. "He won't be," she answers simply. "What's going on with Michael's situation?" Operations asks. "He's getting some positive indications. We should be able to move soon." Satisfied, Operations leaves.
At Van Access the team arrives. Ferriera takes a look at Nikita's arm and suggests that she go to Medical to get it check out. Nikita agrees and as she starts to walk away, he call out to her. "I was wrong about the intel. I should have done a walkthrough first." Nikita turns to him, looking friendly and understanding. "You were just following profile. It wasn't your fault. Maybe I'll see you later," she tells him and starts to leave. Ferriera tells her that it's not likely because the team won't be going out again. Nikita turns back to him and gives him a flirtatious smile. "Well I meant just you and me." She gives him a full body perusal with her eyes and Ferriera looks very interested before he turns to walk away.
Nikita continues down the hallway and encounter Madeline. "I apologize. We had incorrect information. You should have never gone in there alone." Madeline continues on her way but Nikita stops her. "I haven't seen Michael in a while. Has he been reassigned somewhere else?" Nikita asks. "No," Madeline answers. "Where is he?" Nikita asks. "Home, I think," Madeline tells her as if it's the most obvious answer in the world. Nikita looks like she hadn't considered the possibility as she repeats Madeline's word.
Birkoff sits at his station at Comm. Nikita approaches him and he glances up towards the Perch where Operations stands. Rather than stop, Nikita keeps on walking past him.
"Dechy and Pierce didn't die by accident. Neither did Pollack," BIrkoff tells Nikita at her apartment. "Neither will you," he adds. Nikita finds it difficult to process what he's saying. "So Shanghai wasn't an accident," she says. Birkoff says that it wasn't. Disturbed, Nikita walks away to sit and think. "Operations pulled me away right before everything went down. That's why you couldn't reach me," he tells her. "Michael part of this?" Nikita asks, almost afraid to hear the answer. "I don't think so," Birkoff answers. "But you don't know," she asks. He admits that he's not sure. "I raked the system. All of it. This is the first time, since I've been here that Operations and Madeline are vulnerable." That catches Nikita's attention and she wants to know to what. "Oversight," Birkoff says but Nikita doesn't know what that is. "It's the board. It's the only entity Operations has to answer to," he tells her. "Can they shut down the Section?" Nikita asks but Birkoff doesn't answer her. She asks once more. "More like incinerate," he tells her seriously. Nikita wants to know what they can do. "The first thing we need to do is figure out how keep you alive for the next couple of days. If we could find Michael, that would help." Nikita is confused. She reminds Birkoff that he had told her that Michael was down. "No, they have him parked somewhere. I can't get an address." Birkoff thinks it over and then it occurs to him that perhaps Nikita could.
In Systems, Nikita leans over a station in a manner that emphasizes her body. Ferriera walks in and Nikita greets him. He glances over briefly while he works with another operative. Nikita calls him over to help her decipher the difference between "armored transport and civilian." He sits down at the terminal she's at and takes a look at the satellite images Nikita is reviewing. While Ferriera is busy at the terminal, Birkoff takes the opportunity to scan his retina. When Ferriera is done, Nikita thanks him for his help. Before she leaves, he asks if she's still interested in getting together later. She agrees and while she isn't available for that night as he suggested, they make plans for the following night.
Nikita exits Systems and in the hallway outside she and Birkoff cross paths. He surreptitiously hands her a slide with Ferreira's retina scan.
In the secure location four levels beneath the Perch, where Nikita had previously acquired the Gemstone file for Adrian, she accesses the terminal marked for Personnel. Nikita types in the inquiry, "Where does Michael Samuelle live?" She is denied access and informed that Level Five security is required. She places Ferreira's retina scan in front of her eye and allows the system to scan it. Nikita returns to terminal and gets her answer.
Nikita drives down the street of a tree lined neighborhood. She parks her car in front of a large upper middle class home. Nikita crosses the spacious front courtyard of the home, taking in her surroundings. At the front door, she uses the door knocker and a young and attractive woman pleasantly answers the door. Nikita is somewhat confused but explains that she's looking for a friend. The woman tries to be helpful but a young boy runs up to her. "Mommy, come on. it's your turn," he tells her. Certain that she's got the wrong house, Nikita says so and begins to apologize when she hears Michael's voice answering the young boy, who had run back into the house and wanted to know when they were going to the park. "Later, let's finish the game first," he answers. Nikita freezes with her back to the door and turns back towards the house. Just beyond the front door she sees Michael lifting the boy into his arms. A shocked Nikita blurts out his name. Michael turns and he sees Nikita. They stare at each other until Michael walks to the front door. The young woman asks Michael if he knows their visitor. Nikita gives Michael a pleasant smile and tells him hello. Michael smiles warmly at her. He lowers the boy to the floor and tells him to go inside before he turns back to Nikita. "What are you doing here?" He asks Nikita, surprised. "I...found out where you were..." Nikita struggles with what else to say. "You must have heard from Aunt Reva," Michael suggests. "Yeah I did. She's great. She sends her love." He continues to play a role that Nikita is unfamiliar with. "It's been years," Michael adds with surprise in his voice and Nikita smiles, playing along. Michael turns to the young woman who watches their interaction and introduces her as his wife, Elena. Nikita introduces herself and the two women shake hands. "Nikita is a cousin of sorts. We're related through my stepfather." Elena rolls her eyes, "Why didn't you say so." She invites Nikita in and she accepts with thanks. Elena walks into the house leaving Michael behind with Nikita. Now alone with him, Nikita gives Michael a barely restrained look of hurt as she crosses the threshold. "It's good to see you again," Michael tells her as he hugs Nikita gently. She agrees and steps further into the house. He looks contemplative as he closes the front door.
Act 3[]
Elena leads Nikita into the living room where the young boy sits on the floor in front of a television playing a video game. Elena offers her a seat. The sound of gunfire from the game can be heard. Michael trails in. "Adam turn that off and go up stairs," he tells the boy. "I wanna finish," Adam answers. "Now, do it now," Michael tells him as he combs through Adam's dark hair. "But I wanna stay here with you," Adam tells Michael. "You can't," Michael tells him gently and he turns off the game. "What's wrong Michael? Why can't he stay down here?" Elena asks. "Because I want him upstairs," Michael answers and he leads Adam out of the room. Nikita watches the interaction closely. "I didn't know you had a child, Michael." Nikita tells him. "A lot of time has passed," he answers and takes a seat on the arm of the couch. Elena apologizes for not offering Nikita anything. She asks if she's hungry. Nikita tells her that a drink would be fine. "Tea's fine," Nikita tells her with a smile. Elena asks Michael if he'd like something. "Nothing," he says. As Elena walks past him, she grips his hand and continues to hold it until she's out of reach. Nikita watches until Elena is out of earshot. Michael is the first to speak. "What are you doing here?" Nikita ignores the question. "Is this for real?" She asks but Michael says nothing. Nikita tells him that there's something going on in Section and she needs his help. "Pierce and Dechy are dead. Operations is trying to kill me. He wants to wipe out everyone who witnessed Adrian," she informs him. Michael asks Nikita who she reports to and she tells him that it's Ferriera. "Are you working him?" Michael asks and Nikita tells him that she is. "When you finish your tea, make some excuse and leave. I'll send you a contact point," he tells her. From the kitchen, Elena calls out to Michael for some assistance. He goes to her and leaves Nikita in the living room to process what she's just walked into.
Late at night, Nikita leans against her car on a desolate road. A motorcycle approaches and stops next to her. The rider removes his helmet and reveals that it's Michael. "What's going on with the wife and child?" Nikita asks him when he walks up to her. "We'll talk about it later," he answers. "What's your status?" Nikita tells him that she's inside for another day or two. Michael asks about the operative Pollack and Nikita confirms that he's dead in addition to Pierce and Dechy. "Birkoff raked the system. He thinks Operations and Madeline are worried about Oversight." Michael wants to know what else Birkoff has discovered but there isn't much. Michael wants to know more about Ferriera. "I'm working with him. I don't trust him," Nikita confides. "Can you get him out of Section?" Michael asks and Nikita confirms that she can. "Get him to your apartment. Tell Birkoff to reroute a deep channel." Nikita waits for more but Michael says nothing else. He turns, mounts his motorcycle and rides off.
In Madeline's office, Operations confirms on intercom that she's available. "Can you come up to Committee?" He asks her. She confused by the request. "Yes, George is here," he tells her. Madeline looks momentarily concerns before she agrees to head over.
In Committee, Operations and George standing talking as they wait for Madeline. When she arrives, George greets her. "We weren't expecting you," she observes. "I had some business in the county," he answers. Operations mentions that before her arrival they had been discussing issues with India and Pakistan. "We're moving things around. You may be asked to pitch in," George elaborates. With their version of small talk over, George gets to the point of his visit. "I heard an interesting rumor the other day...that Adrian was here." Operations plays ignorant. "Our Adrian," he asks. "My Adrian," George clarifies. "That is an interesting rumor. No, I haven't seen Adrian in over ten years," Operations tells him. "How's she doing?" He asks. "I believe she's dead," George tells him. Operations is curious how he reached that conclusion. "We keep tabs on these things." Madeline asks George if he wants them to look into for him. "I came here to tell you this because as you know, Adrian is very dear to me. If I discover any harm has come to her and that Section One played even a minor role, I will crush you both," George threatens quietly. "Figuratively and literally." He continues by telling them that he has to be in Stolkholm in an hour, he can't stay any longer. After he departs, Operations and Madeline regard each other with concern.
Act 4[]
Outside Nikita's apartment, she and Ferriera arrive after an evening out. They enter and the air between them is flirtatious but Ferriera is also aggressively forward with Nikita. He grabs Nikita and kisses her. She pushes him back and playfully tells him that she didn't give him permission to do that. Ferriera presses forward, reminding her that he's her team leader and doesn't need her permission. "So give me a command," she tells him seductively. He tells her to shut up and kisses her forcefully once more. He tries to push for more and Nikita lightly slaps him with a smile and pulls away from him. Sensually swaying her body a bit, Nikita starts to undo the zipper on her skirt. Ferriera leans back thrilled at the direction his night is taking. "You're bad," he tells Nikita. The panels behind him on the upper level of Nikita's apartment part while he's distracted by Nikita to reveal a man standing in her bedroom. "Hello, Chris," Michael says. Startled, Ferriera turns and draws his gun. Michael kicks the gun out of his hand and then kicks him to the floor. Ferriera wants to know what's going on. Birkoff emerges from an unseen corner of the apartment carrying a laptop. "I've unlocked a half dozen security two files. Each contains a treasonous breech which would result in immediate cancellation. They're all linked to you by an iris match," Birkoff tells Ferriera. "I didn't access those files and you know it," Ferriera retorts. "That's true," Birkoff acknowledges. Nikita joins Michael as they watch the conversation. "But it would take two weeks to prove that. By then you'd be dead." Ferriera knows that he's in a difficult position and he asks them what they want from him.
In Comm, Birkoff informs Operations that they have another window opening near Barcelona. He tells Birkoff to prep it.
Ferriera sits with Madeline in her office. She wants to know what happened with Nikita. He tells her that he and Nikita went out dinner and then to her place. "Did you have sex with her?" Madeline asks. Ferriera says that he didn't. "Why not?" Madeline asks. "She wouldn't let me. I didn't want to push it," he replies. "What did she say about Michael?" Madeline further asks. "Oh, she's suspicious...She thinks you might have cancelled Michael." Madeline wants to know if those were Nikita's exact words. "No, she was playing it pretty close," Madeline wants to know exactly what Nikita said. "That it's strange that Michael hasn't been around. She asked if I'd seen his name on any upcoming profiles." Madeline turns towards her monitor and Ferriera takes the opportunity to place a bug beneath his chair. Madeline wants to know his opinion on how much resistance he'll expect from Nikita on the Barcelona profile. "Some, but I'll go in with her. We'll be fine." Madeline is pleased. "No mistakes this time," she tells him just before he leaves.
Birkoff walks down a corridor in Section One and then gets into an elevator.
Nikita walks to Van Access with Ferriera and other members of the team. "We're taking out the tracking station with air tactical. You'll activate the transmitters so Comm can get a signature," he tells Nikita. She asks about hostiles and he says that they're to take them alive because Section wants a full debriefing. He adds that defense should be light.
In the elevator, Birkoff inserts a panel he carries into the control panel inside and starts downloading data.
Operations walks the same corridor Birkoff did earlier and arrives at the elevator. He punches at the key pad and Birkoff notices the commands inside. He looks back at his panel so see the progress of his download. He mutters to himself for the download to hurry as he waits.
The elevator doors open to reveal Operations but he's facing away from the entrance. They buys Birkoff some additional seconds while the download concludes. He walks out past Operations, who still hadn't turned around. Operations calls his attention and questions his location when he has a mission. "They're on route. It goes live in twenty minutes," Birkoff answers calmly and then walks away, leaving Operations to walk into the elevator.
Down a busy highway, Michael rides his motorcycle. He communicates with Birkoff and asks if he's sent the information. Birkoff mentions almost being caught by Operations. "Will Oversight be able to trace it to us?" Michael asks. Birkoff tells him that he scrambled the information. Michael then asks about Nikita's mission. "It's airtight. She's not getting out alive." When Michael asks about how much time they have, Birkoff tells him that they've just crossed the inflection point. Michael asks if he can slow down the mission and Birkoff answers that he can't.
A large tanker truck drives up a road to the mission site. Inside, Ferriera drives and Nikita is the passenger. At the entrance to the garage is a security camera. Nikita flashes an I.D. at the camera and declares that they have a delivery. Inside the site, the security guard allows them entrance.
Somewhere at sea, a fighter jet pilot announces that air tactical is on approach.
Ferriera request information about the situation from Birkoff. He tells him that he counts four hostiles inside. From the Perch, Operations asks Birkoff about air tactical's location. He answers that they're in pattern.
Nikita and Ferriera exit the truck and shed the work clothes they had on to reveal their mission gear. The rest of the team emerges from the bank and they all ready their weapons. The team proceeds to make their way through the building. Nikita and Ferriera watch two hostiles work inside a glass enclosed work space lab. Ferriera orders team two to proceed and they emerge to take the hostiles hostage. Ferriera motions for Nikita to follow him and Nikita enters the work space lab while he stands guard at the entrance. Nikita approaches the control panel and begins to set the transmitters for air tactical to lock in on. "Birkoff, am I safe?" Nikita asks Birkoff quietly. He tells her that he doesn't know.
Dressed in a leather jacket and dark clothing, Michael arrives at Madeline's office and enters. "What are you doing here?" Madeline asks him, curiously. "I want to offer you an alternative," he tells her. Madeline questions what he means. "I don't think you want to see the Section destroyed, but that's what will happen if you don't abort this mission," Michael tells her. Madeline rises from her seat and moves towards her desk. "Why? Because you think this made a difference?" Madeline holds between her fingers the bug Ferriera had planted and shows it to Michael. He says nothing, assessing the latest development. "Next time, Michael. Pick your conspirators more carefully," Madeline counsels. "We fed Birkoff false information. You'll never be able to link us to Adrian's death. Not as long as I'm here." Michael doesn't move as Madeline walks back to the terminal she was at when he walked in.
At the tracking station, Nikita continues setting the transmitters with her back towards Ferriera. The door is now closed and Ferriera keys in the locking mechanism. Nikita turns in surprise when she hears the noise coming from the keypad. She approaches the now locked door in time to see Ferriera walk away. She takes out her weapon and fires several shots at the glass but it doesn't break.
In the Perch, Operations talks to George on his cell phone. "It doesn't sound right. Who's your source? No I'm not doubting it--" He goes silent before he agrees to whatever George requested. On the intercom, Operations tells Birkoff to get him air tactical.
"I'm updating your coordinates," Operations tells air tactical. "Check your screen." They question the new target and Operations confirms.
Ferriera arrives at the tank truck the team arrived in and tells the operatives gathered there that they're moving out. The truck exits the facility and Operations gives the order to fire the missile. Air tactical does just that.
Birkoff, Madeline, Michael, and Nikita are all individually waiting for the next few tense seconds. Operations stands in the Perch.
As the tanker truck with Ferriera and the rest of the team move further away from the facility, the fire missile approaches in the sky.
At Comm, Birkoff watches a satellite feed of the sight and watches as the missile hits its target.
Madeline and Michael are fully aware that the target has been destroyed and Nikita presumably killed onsite.
Flames engulf the tanker truck outside the facility as air tactical fly by the site. Inside Nikita is alive and relieved that she has lived another day.
Alone, Nikita waits in Committee for Madeline and Operations. "You gonna kill me?" She asks when they do arrive. "Adrian and the Gemstone file are behind us," Operations tells her. "A full inquiry was made. There was no connection between her death and Section One. Oversight is no longer interested in this matter." Nikita points out that they killed the rest of her team. "They were all Abeyance operatives," Madeline tells her. "And Ferriera?" Nikita asks. "He as well," Madeline answers. "It's true our original intention was to eliminate you," Madeline tells her honestly. "That's been changed." Nikita stoically takes in the information before she rises from her seat. She asks why. "You're no longer a threat," Operations says. "And your value as an operative remains strong," Madeline asks. Nikita scoffs softly at their reasoning. Madeline dismisses her but Nikita lingers for a moment, taking them in before she leaves. "She and Michael must have had help from Birkoff. He's the only one who could have gotten through to George like they did," Madeline suggests to Operations once they're alone. "What does Michael think?" Operations asks. "I told him we found the bug Ferriera planted in my office before any damage was done." Operations asks if Michael believed it. "Yes, at the time, but he'll be wondering why we spared Nikita." Operations seems lost in thought concerning Madeline's words. She asks what he would like done. "We can't do anything about Nikita...yet. George is still watching. Michael's current status can't be tampered with. The best we can do is to keep him from knowing that we're still vulnerable." Madeline asks about Birkoff and Operations concludes that he'd be too hard to replace but he's confident that he can control him. "We've been through worse," Madeline muses nostalgically. Operations smiles at her observation but he still looks visibly contemplative at their situation.
Nikita walks out of her meeting and comes across Michael by Comm. Michael asks Nikita how it went. "I'm still alive," she answers. They both walk together across the main floor of Section One. Nikita asks if they spoke to him and tells her that they did. She asks what they'll do. "Nothing for now," is Michael's answer. They enter one of the Section's side corridors and stop there. "Michael, your marriage to Elena...what is it?" Nikita asks. He tells her that it's a mission. She asks if Elena is an operative. Michael tells her that she isn't. "She doesn't know," Nikita guesses. "No, we're after her father," Michael answers. "So you're deceiving this woman to secure your cover." Michael doesn't say anything to that. "Is the child yours?" Nikita asks. Michael confirms that he's the father.
Main Cast[] |
Special Guest Stars[]
Episode Quotes[]
- Madeline: "Apparently, we trained her too well."
- Madeline: "I apologize. We had incorrect information. You should have never gone in there alone."
Nikita: "I haven't seen Michael in a while. Has he been reassigned somewhere else?"
Madeline: "No."
Nikita: "Where is he?"
Madeline: "Home, I think."
Nikita: (as if she'd never even considered it) "Home?"
temple caves | MICKEY HART
vector tribe | GEARWHORE
La Femme Nikita- "Temple Caves" - MIckey Hart
Nikita participates in a mission with questionable security.
La Femme Nikita- "11-11" - Gearwhore
Under heavy fire, Nikita shoots her way out of a mission gone wrong.
- Nikita's car is a 1997 Porsche Boxster.[1]
- Michael's motorcycle is a Buell S1 Lightning.[2]