Nikita Wiki
Love and Country
La Femme Nikita
Episode no. Season 3
Episode 6
Directed by Ted Hanlan
Written by Lawrence Hertzog
Production code 307
Original air date March 21, 1999
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"Love and Country" is the sixth episode of the third season of La Femme Nikita.


Although the evidence this weak, Operations is convinced that central European political candidate, Nikolai Markali is a puppet of terrorists, and must be eliminated. Nikita is sent to seduce him in order to create a political scandal that will end his career. However, the only real way to eliminate Markali is murder, and to do this, Operations plans to drive Markali’s wife insane, a woman who happens to be Operations, his ex-wife.



A hostile claiming to not know anything gets led through Van Access and then gets promptly restrained in the White Room. Michael stands before him. The man tells Michael that he'll cooperate. "Send me back out. I'll source you wherever I can," he offers nervously. Behind Michael, the door opens and Operations walks inside. "Please don't hurt me," the man asks. Operations asks Michael for the man's name. "Vinito Caspi," Michael answers. Operations asks about his relationship with Badenheim. Caspi tells him that he doesn't know how that is. "That will be all," Operations tells Michael, dismissing him. Now alone with Caspi, Operations walks around him and then circles back to his side. "You work for a group called Badenheim. You were personally responsible for the bombing in Kosovo and Latvia, Operations tells him. Caspi is very confused. "This is your only way out of it alive." Caspi quickly considers Operations words. "Badenheim used you to funnel money into the campaign of Nicolai Markali, isn't that right?" Playing alone, Caspi agrees. Operations looks up towards a security camera. "Okay, start recording."

In her office, Madeline watches Operations with Caspi. "I work for a group called Badenheim. We funneled money into the campaign of Nicolai Markali.

At a mission briefing, Operations shows a graphic of a man with pertinent details to the gathered team. "Nikolai Markali is making a bid for the chairmanship of the Supreme Judicial Chamber. If he succeeds, he will serve as a pivotal position in that part of the world. We have intel that he is being funded by Badenheim. If he wins election, he will be the puppet for terrorists. Unfortunately, we cannot take him out using direct means." Michael asks why. "Markali is popular with the people. If anything should happen to him, It would cause a backlash that could possibly take down the existing government and we don't want that," Operations adds. "So we work from within," Michael concludes. After a brief pause, Operations continues by changing the graphic of Markali to that of a woman. "This is Corrine Markali, Nicolai's wife. They've been married for twenty one years. She will bring him down for us. Your panels will be loaded within the hour." He prepares to conclude the briefing but stops himself. "One last thing, this mission has a personal component, which will not impact how you'll approach tactical. Nikolai is Corrine's second husband. I was her first." After that revelation, Operations walks away.

Act 1[]

"I wonder what kind of woman would be married to Operations," Nikita muses.

"It's a judgment call. It's my call and you're interfering."

Nikita works the phones in the middle of Markali's campaign headquarters. She's coordinating volunteers to distribute flyers. Nikolai Markali walks by with an aide discussing a campaign contribution that's been made in exchange for promises. He's displeased with the situation and wants the money returned. "The reason I’m running for office in the first place is to stop corruption, not encourage it," Markali explains. They walk past Nikita's desk and a book by her side catches Markali's eye. He stops and politely interrupts her phone conversation. "Is this your book?" Markali asks her. Nikita confirms that it is. "Serious reading, or uh...Art History 101?" He fishes. "I’m interested in the period," Nikita tells him. "It’s mostly pre-Realist, before the influence," he comments. "I prefer it, personally. Sedona had the largest influence over that period," Nikita elaborates. One of Markali's aides interrupts to remind him of his previous engagement, but Markali ignores him. "You couldn’t have known this, but next to my family and my country, this is what I love the most," he tells her. Nikita mentions that she didn't know that but she did know his politics that that's why she's there. Markali is intrigued and he asks Nikita for her name and she gives it.

Nikita and Markali exit campaign headquarters at night. Suddenly a car appears from around the corner and shots are fired at them. Nikita reacts and pushes Markali to the ground, saving his life. The car speeds away before they can make an identification. Nikita has been grazed by a bullet. As the car comes keeps moving, the shooter removes his balaclava. It's Michael. He's the man who shot at Nikita and Markali.

Act 2[]

Act 3[]

In her office, Madeline scolds Nikita for not doing her job with Markali. "I did. He wasn't interested on cheating with his wife," she explains. "Every man is interested in cheating on his wife," Madeline replies. "All you had to do was make it your decision so he could rationalize it." Madeline instructs Nikita to stay in her cover. She will be used soon.

Michael shows Corrine the doctored tape of Nikita with Markali. On the tape the two of them are engaged in some passionate kissing before she stops the playback. Michael apologizes for the bad news he's brought her but Corrine will not have his pity. "Are you cheating on your wife, too?" She asks flippantly. Michael starts to leave with the tape but Corinne wants it. "I don't need your pity. I just want you to leave."

Nikolai confronts Nikita at the campaign headquarters about the recording of them together. He wants to know who she works for. "There were cameras inside your apartment. The images were doctored. You set me up. Whoever you are, whatever your agenda, it cannot include destroying my wife!" Nikita is flustered and wants to know she can convince him. Nikolai tells Nikita to convince Corinne that nothing happened. He's accepting if someone wants to destroy his reputation but he's protective of his wife. "Tell Corinne the truth. Please don't let them take her away from me."

Nikita arrives at the Markali home. Corinne recognizes Nikita from the tape with her husband. "Oh look. It's the slut who's sleeping with my husband," Corinne sneers through the door before opening it. Nikita tells her that Nikolai wants them to talk but she's immediately rebuffed. She slams the door in Nikita's face by Corinne opens it when Nikita tells her that it's about the tape. "Nikolai wanted me to tell you that it was fabricated. That I was working for someone who wanted to destroy him politically...I guess he was looking for a way to gracefully exit your life." Nikita claims to have counseled Nikolai that it was pointless to lie to Corinne because the truth would eventually come out. "Tape's real Corinne. Nikolai and I are in love and we're gonna get married after he dumps you," Nikita tells her matter of fact. Corinne screams at Nikita to get out and slams the door in her face.

Act 4[]

Michael arrives at the Markali home and Corinne wants to know what's so important that Michael couldn't tell her over the phone. He tells her that she's in danger. "Your husband bought and unregistered gun, so I check it out. He's planning to kill you." This news devastates Corinne and she pleads with Michael not to leave her alone. For her protection, he hands Corinne a handgun. Michael tells her to lock her door and that he'll call her when he picks up her husband. "It'll be alright. Trust me," Michael promises before he leaves.

Nikolai enters the house and is relieved to find Corinne unharmed. With great concern he approaches her where she sits on the stairs. He doesn't get far before she shoots him.

At Section, Nikita is disturbed by what has just transpired. In the Perch, Madeline departs and leaves Operations alone.


Nikita prepares to leave Section. As she walks past Van Access, Michael calls out to her from the raised catwalk. He asks her if she heard about Markali. "He was dirty after all," he tells her. Nikita had heard but she tells him that the truth doesn't make her feel any better about what they did to his wife.


Main Cast[]

Special Guest Stars[]

  • Cherie Lunghi as Corrine Markali
  • David McIlwraith as Nikolai Markali
  • Silvio Oliviero as Caspi
  • James Binkley as Charles

Episode Quotes[]


No third party music was used in this episode.
