Nikita Wiki
Mandatory Refusal
La Femme Nikita
02x06 Mandatory Refusal2611
Episode no. Season 2
Episode 6
Directed by Ken Girotti
Written by David Ehrman
Production code 206
Original air date March 8, 1998
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"Mandatory Refusal" is the sixth episode of the second season of La Femme Nikita.


When a green listed arms supplier intends to rip off Section, Michael is sent to eliminate him. However, when the mission is compromised, Michael enters “Mandatory Refusal”, where he must complete the mission at all costs. However, the arms dealer kidnaps, Madeline, and Nikita must stop Michael from completing the mission, or Madeline will be killed.



Operations walks into Madeline's office and ask for a status on Dorian Enquist. She tells him that Michael is on route. Operations is pleased. Madeline is still not convinced that they're doing the right thing. She believes that he's dangerous and should be killed. Operations muses about what he could do. The fact that they don't know is what worries Madeline. With affection, Operations tells her not to worry. The two share a moment before Madeline breaks it. "I'll just feel better when this material is off the street." Operations asks to be informed when everything is over. His words are professional but he actions, as he gets closer to Madeline, are intimate. Madeline sends him away and he does as asked.

Act 1[]

A man rides a motorcycle down several city streets. It's Michael. He pulls into a fenced in lot where a car waits for him. Michael parks his motorcycle next to the passenger side of the car and the window rolls down. Michael removes his helmet and ask the car's occupant if he "has it." Dorian Enquist tries to make small talk about Section operatives and their "right to the business" attitude. Michael once again repeats his request. Enquish apologizes and informs Michael that the price for the requested item has gone up twofold. He has another bidder. Michael pulls out his gun and points it at him. "We don't negotiate," Michael tells him. Enquist mocks him by reminding Michael that he's greenlisted and therefore he can't shoot. Michael tells the man that he'll have to get the amount cleared first. The man tells him not to dawdle and gives Michael twelve hours. The car pulls away and so does Michael.

At a mission briefing, Operations tells those gathered that Dorian Enquist is a fringe member of the terrorist community. He's a supplier, fixer and informant. He's been on Section One's greenlist for years because of his ability to play both sides. Section One recently asked him to acquire large quantities of Semtex, an untraceable plastique. Now it appears that he's having second thoughts on selling it to Section One and it could end up in the wrong hands. Birkoff is raking the groups he's done business with in the past. He's confident he'll find him if he has a new buyer.Six hours have gone by since the meeting with Michael. Time is extremely limited.

Michael is in Systems with another operative. He looks up to the area directly outside and excuses himself for a moment. He calls out to Nikita, who was the one who caught his attention. She greets Michael politely. He tells her that they haven't talked in a while. "We should go out, have dinner," he suggests. With a mixture of amusement and annoyance, she questions his actions. "I'd love to know how your mind works? Are you really that arrogant that you think you can just turn me on and off at will?" He tells her that he's just being careful. Curious, she's about to ask more when Operations, up on the steps near them calls for Michael's attention. With one last look at Nikita, Michael walks towards Operations.

Operations shares that Birkoff has discovered that Enquist has already received partial payment for the Semtex from a group out of Senegal. Michael concludes that he never had any intention of selling it to them. Operations believes that Enquist thinks he can ripoff Section by having them show up with the money. He wants Michael to inform Enquist that Section has agreed to meet his price. "Kill him," Michael says. Operations agrees. He instructs Michael to first ensure that acquires control of the material. That's the mission priority.

Near a new agreed upon meeting point, a Section team awaits. Michael rides up in his motorcycle and reports to Birkoff that no one is there. The Section perimeter team reports the same thing. Elsewhere, Enquist is tapped into Section's communications and captured Birkoff's voice pattern. To Michael, using Birkoff's voice, Enquist gives him alternate instructions, "Target has changed position" and that he's not retreating down a different alley. Michael immediately goes in pursuit, leaving everyone wondering why he's left his position. Birkoff can no longer reach Michael. Stillman in the Section van can no longer reach him either. Birkoff determines that Michael's comm unit has been compromised and that he's getting commands from someone else. "All teams, Michael's exposed. Get to him," Birkoff reports to everyone.

On his motorcycle, Michael continues down the road until he turns off into the alley he was instructed to. When he arrives, he sees a car at the far end of the alley. On the catwalk, an unseen individual loads a weapon. The Section van arrives and reports to Birkoff that they've found Michael. Birkoff tells them to get Michael out. Stillman exits the van and calls out to Michael. An incendiary rocket is launched at the parked car at the end of the alley and it explodes in a ball of fire. Michael kills the man who launched the rocket. He rides towards the burning car at full speed while additional shooters on the rooftop fire at him. An additional rocket launcher just barely misses him. Michael makes it through the fiery remains that blocked the alley and rides out onto the street.

At Systems, several operatives wait for Operations to arrive. When he does arrive, he tells those gathered that they suffered a strike that evening and that Michael has survived it. They tracked him outside of the incineration zone before he shed his transmitters and communication devices. Michael has gone into Mandatory Refusal. "He'll assume the Section has been breeched and will sever all communication until his mission is complete. The next time he contacts us is to tell us that the mission has been completed," Operations says. He further elaborates that here is now a complication. He turns on a video of Dorian Enquist lamenting the deterioration of his working relationship with Section. He claims to be a businessman and was simply trying to make the best deal for himself. Now he wants to disappear but he'll need some time. He doesn't want to be distracted by attempts on his life so he tells Section to call off its operatives. He says that when he's done, he'll return his hostage. He moves on the screen to show a calm Madeline tied to a chair. That is when the feed cuts off. Operations tells those gathered that the mission profile has changed. He wants "all resources deployed to one end. We must stop Michael."

Act 2[]

Systems is now empty of all the operatives previously gathered except for Birkoff, Operations and Mowen. Birkoff tells them that they've found a connection to Enquist, his mistress Sonia Martin. He keeps her at a residence. Because she's the only link to Enquist in the area, it's likely that Michael will stop there first. Mowen questions how Michael will find her. Birkoff confirms that he already has. He detected Michael's activities when he tunneled into Section's database under an anonymous ID. He masked his location but Birkoff could track the files he accessed. One of them was Sonia Martin's. Operations tells them that they have to get to Martin before Michael does. "When he arrives, take him out play." Birkoff and Mowen exchanged concerned looks. Mowen asks Operations how far they should go to stop Michael. "He cannot be allowed to go through with this hit."

"Operations is sending in a team to kill Michael, isn't he," Nikita states to Walter in Munitions. Nikita wonders why such an extreme action is necessary and suggests they should try to "disable" Michael. "They'll do that first but it won't work. Not with Michael," Walter tells her. Not to be deterred, Nikita then suggests that they send in someone he knew and trusted. "When you go into mandatory refusal you don't trust anyone," he says. Mowen arrives and informs Walter that his inventory list has been uploaded to his system. While they speak, Nikita removes some equipment and hides it in her jacket. Nikita approaches Mowen and asks him to bring Michael back alive. Mowen confides that Michael has saved his life twice. He'll try his best. In appreciation, Nikita pats his shoulder. When she removes her hand, a tracking device is visible.

At Enquist's home, he tells Madeline that she expected her to be much different. "Whenever I deal with your subordinates, they always depict you as an Iron Maiden." He compliments Madeline's beauty and informs her that his actions towards her give him no pleasure. One of Enquist's men brings in an electronic device and places it next to Madeline. She glances at it and tells him that he should just ask her what he wants to know. He immediately dismisses the idea. She reminds him of his words that she's just a hostage. He tells Madeline that he does plan to disappear after the deal is complete but he feels it would be beneficial to him if he learns what Madeline knows. "An RT unit. A little archaic, but effective. I think they still use them in a few third world countries. You must have gotten it for a good price," Madeline subtly condescends. Enquist orders his associate to hurry up and the man adjusts Madeline so he can insert a needle in her back. She flinches slightly but comments on the incorrect placement. "You're a little low. It should go on the C2 vertebrae, not C3."

At an upscale hotel two finely dressed women enter the lobby carrying several shopping bags and conversing in German. Together they enter an available elevator. Just before the door closes, a gloved hand holds the door open. It's Michael. In German, he asks the women which one of them is Sonia Martin.

Michael walks out of hotel after interrogating Sonia Martin. While crossing the street, he's hit in the arm by a tranquilizer dart. It was shot by a Section operative. Michael seeks cover behind a parked car and raises the sleeve of his jacket to reveal the dart wound. His vision becomes noticeably impaired. She sucks out the sedative and spits it out onto the street but he's still feeling the effects. Nearby, Mowen calls out to Michael, identifying himself. He tells Michael that the hit is off and that Madeline has been kidnapped. Michael shoots and hits several operatives who try to close in on his position. Mowen reports to Birkoff that Michael has been shot but that the tranquilizer isn't slowing him down. He requests permission to switch to live ammo and gets it. Michael and the Section operatives get into a shoot out. Michael is still woozy but accurate when he fires. Mowen pleads with Michael to come in with them. Suddenly. Nikita blindsides Mowen just as he's about to shoot Michael. This gives Michael the opportunity to get on his motorcycle. Nikita calls out to him and tells him that Mowen is telling the truth and that the hit is off. Michael shoots at Nikita and she's able to move out of the way just in time. Michael speeds by in his motorcycle and gets away.

Act 3[]

Downed operatives are being rolled into Medical. Operations comes in a demands information from Moen. "I had him in my sights. Somebody blindsighted me," he reports. Operations asks who but Mowen couldn't say.

Operations walks with Birkoff and asks if they were able to get anything from the hotel site but they only found the girls Michael questioned. They're still unconscious because Michael injected them with a Pentathol compound which has a half life of 48 hours. Once they arrive at Comm, Birkoff tells him that they've had another anonymous log in. Michael is tracking Enquist through his next meet. He must have retrieved that information from Sonia Martin. The meeting is with Tomas Bocci, a member of a northern Spain separatist group. "We'll never succeed if we're behind Michael. We have to get in front of him," Operations tells him to find the location of the meet.

Michael rides down a highway. In her car, Nikita tracks Michael's location.

At Enquist's home, Madeline is feeling the effects of the RT unit. "So, how is our guest today?" He inquires lightheartedly. "Not quite as collected as she was earlier, I suspect." Madeline weakly demands some demerol. A heart rate monitor beeps in the background and a man turns on a video camera aimed at Madeline. Enquist requests the information he wants before he'll give her what she wants. She says nothing. Once again, Enquist express his regrets for Madeline's condition. "You are a strong woman and I admire you. I wish you wouldn't force my hand. It is so unnecessary." He moves behind her so that he's in the frame with her. The camera is turned on and he starts narrating. As the recording continues, Madeline becomes increasingly worse. She looses consciousness and flatlines. "She's dead!" Enquist exclaims in a panic. He asks for assistance in reviving her. A component is fed into her IV tube and a heartbeat is reestablished. Madeline regains consciousness but keeps her eyes closed. "Mr. Enquist, please unhook your equipment. I've had enough," she slurs out. "If you don't, the next time I go flat, I won't come back and you'll be unprotected." She then repeats her request for Demerol. Enquist agrees.

In Systems, Operations watches the recording of Madeline before she took a turn for the worse. Birkoff enters, pauses when he sees Operations staring intently at the screen, and then moves towards his destination. He shoots Operations a glance over his shoulder.

Nikita pulls up to an abandoned warehouse and exits her vehicle. Michael's motorcycle is parked nearby. He pull her weapons and heads inside.

She cautiously makes her way through the warehouse. Michael calmly approaches her with his own weapon drawn and orders her to drop her gun. "If you've been briefed, you'll know that I'll kill you if I have to," he tells her and once again repeats his order for Nikita to drop her gun. "It's me. You know I won't deceive you." Nikita places her gun on the floor. "I just don't want them to kill you." Michael continues to stare at her. "Over here," he tells her, referring to the gun now on the floor. "They sent Mowen," she tells him and kicks the gun towards Michael, who retrieves it when it hits his boot. "They'll send others." "Did they send you?" Michael questions. She says that they didn't. "Please, just come back in," she pleads as she walks closer. Michael reaches for a wire gate and closes Nikita inside. "I can't," Michael answers. "You know if you go through with the hit--" Nikita begins to tell him but Michael interrupts. "I will go through with it," he asserts. "Well Madeline will die." Michael considers Nikita for a long moment. "You shouldn't have come," he tells her and walks away.

Michael is back on his motorcycle driving towards Enquist's location.

Act 4[]

A trapped Nikita spots a metal rod just beyond the gate and manages to pull it inside with her. She tries to use it to dislodge the gate but is unsuccessful. She then tries hitting it. She pulls back with such force that it wedges in the wall behind her. Inspired, she uses the rod to find a hollow point in the wall. When she does, she uses the rod the break through the wall.

Alone, Dorian Enquist creeps down the halls of the home and tries to avoid running into opposition. He arrives back in the main living room but stops half way across it when he hears a gun being cocked. On a nearby chair are the coat and chauffeur's hat that Michael had worn. Enquist turns around and comes face to face with Michael, who holds a gun on him. "You kill me, she dies," Enquist tells him. Without flinching, Michael fires a single shot at Enquist, who falls down dead. Behind Michael, Nikita assists a weak Madeline. Michael swings around with his gun drawn but Nikita holds out a hand to warn him. He approaches them and removes the comm piece from Nikita's ear. "Target terminated. Material secured," he speaks into the equipment.

At Section, Operations and Birkoff receive the transmission.

In a private medical room, Madeline lies in a hospital bed. Operations enters and approaches her. He comments on her resting and she assures him that she'll be find. "I want you to take some time off," he tells her but Madeline declines. "It's the last thing I need to do. I just want to get out of here and get back to work." He asks about how bad it was. "It would have been worse," she replies. He ask her to tell him what was done to her but Madeline silently refuses. "This is my fault. I should have listened to you," Operations tells her, remorseful. "I should have protected you." Madeline tells him that it does matter. Operations apologizes and he reaches out to hold Madeline's hand. "This is who we are," Madeline tells him.


Nikita steps into Madeline's office where she's asked if she's aware of the reason for the summons. "I acted autonomously and broke regulations," she answers. "I thought we'd been through this enough times. We serve a greater entity. We're not here for each other. In no scenario do we put ourselves before the unprotected public," Madeline chastises. Nikita calmly argues that Operations is the one who broke protocol because if Michael had been allowed to proceed then both Enquist and Madeline would have been killed. Operations feels for Madeline causes him to try and stop Michael. "His mistake doesn't justify your," Madeline tells Nikita. She's taken aback by Madeline's choice of words.

Nikita meets up with Michael on the main floor of Section One. She asks him if he's headed home. He confirms that he will after he debriefs. Nikita comments that they both have some downtime coming. Michael says nothing. She reminds him that two days ago he asked her out to dinner. "Obviously you've changed your mind," she notes bitterly. Michael tells her that if it was anyone else who had come after him, then he would have killed them. "I can't allow you to become my weakness," Michael tells Nikita. "Of course not," Nikita responds. She places a hand on his shoulder and walks away from him.


Main Cast[]

Special Guest Stars[]

Episode Quotes[]

  • Michael: "We haven't talked in a while."
    Nikita: "What's up?"
    Michael: "We should go out, have dinner."
    Nikita: "I'd love to know how your mind works? Are you really that arrogant that you think you can just turn me on and off at will?"
    Michael: "Of course not. I'm just being careful."
  • Madeline: "Do you know why you're here, Nikita?"
    Nikita: "I acted autonomously. I broke regulations."
    Madeline: "I thought we'd been through this enough times. We serve a greater entity. We're not here for each other. In no scenario do we put ourselves before the unprotected public."
    Nikita: "You've got it backwards. Had Michael been allowed to proceed, none of this would have happened. Enquist would have been killed, and so would you. It was Operations who acted on emotion. Because of you he tried to stop Michael."
    Madeline: "His mistake doesn't justify yours."
  • Michael: " I hope you understand why I did what I did."
    Nikita: "Going home now?"
    Michael: "After I debrief, yes."
    Nikita: "Looks like we both might have some down time." (Michael remains silent) "Two days ago you asked me out to dinner, Michael. Obviously you've changed your mind."
    Michael: "If it were anyone else who came after me, I would have killed them. I can't allow you to become my weakness."
    Nikita: "Of course not."


skin against skin | DJ KRUSH featuring DEBORAH ANDERSON

chinese burn | CURVE



La Femme Nikita- "Skin Against Skin" - DJ Krush feat. Deborah Anderson


  • Michael's motorcycle is a Buell S1 Lightning.[1]

