New Regime | |||||
La Femme Nikita | |||||
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Episode no. |
Season 2 Episode 5 |
Directed by | Jon Cassar | ||||
Written by | Robert Cochran | ||||
Production code | 205 | ||||
Original air date | March 1, 1998 | ||||
Episode guide | |||||
"New Regime" is the fifth episode of the second season of La Femme Nikita.
The unthinkable happens: Operations is mortally wounded in an assassination attempt by a Section operative, and now, former deep cover operative Egran Petrosian is in charge of Section One. He selects Nikita as a second in command, but Madeline urges her not to trust him. However, when Petrosian keeps his promises to Nikita about a better life for her in Section, she considers killing off Operations to keep herself in power.
On the main floor of Section One, Operations gives a briefing on the recent development of a new type of nerve gas that kills in seconds and has a shelf life that is three times that of its nearest competitor. He says that all prototypes of the gas must be destroyed. It's being funded by a hostile country will financing through bank accounts out of Brussels. The mission is to infiltrate the embassy and identify the scientists working on the project, which will then lead them to the project itself.
At that moment an operative named Kronen, still in his mission gear storms by the briefing, voicing his frustrations. Operations deviates from the briefing and sternly tells Kronen that he should be debriefing. Angry, Kronin brings out a gun and shoots Operations in the chest. Walter, who is in Munitions, takes out a weapon and puts down Kronin before he can inflict more damage. Madeline rushes to Operations and instructs that Medical be summoned. The operatives approach, stunned at what has just happened, as Operations lies unconscious with Madeline looking over him.
Act 1[]
Several operatives stand around after the shooting of Operations. Nikita approaches Michael and asks if there's any news. Michael says that it's still too early. When she asks if Operations is dying, Michael says that he doesn't know. Nikita comments that it looks like Michael actually cares about what will happen to Operations. He doesn't comment on her observation. Nikita asks about what will happen. Michael tells her that someone will takes Operations' place. At that moment, they turn to see a man entering into Section One with an escort. After briefly assessing those in front of him, he introduces himself as Egran Petrosian and that he will be in charge of Section One pending Operations' return. He tells them that as information becomes available on Operations' condition he will keep them informed. Petrosian tells those gathered that he would like for Red Team to remain. Petrosian has reviewed the profile for the embassy mission, found it inadequate and will be making some changes. Nikita will stand down to serve the mission on tactical oversight from Section. Michael is to replace her with two operatives of his choosing and the mission will depart earlier. Petrosian has also removed the backup team from the mission. One of the operatives, Sykes, takes issue with the changes and he makes his displeasure known. "Operations is no longer in charge. I am," Petrosian tells him. The team departs, leaving Nikita and Madeline with Petrosian. Madeline tells Petrosian that either she or Michael work alongside Birkoff on tactical oversight. Nikita is not cleared for the function. Petrosian tells Madeline that she is now. He tells Nikita to review the mission profile and to take some to rest before the mission goes live. He wants the "new regime" to start off well.
After Petrosian departs, Madeline warns Nikita to be careful. "Of him or of you," she counters.
Operations is being attended to in an operating bay inside Section. Madeline along with a surgeon are observing. He tells her that Operations is not going to make it and whether she will be making the decision on how long he will remain on life support. "I've decided he's going to recover," she tells him. Madeline turns to the surgeon and presses a gun to his neck. "Go back inside. Tell your colleagues to do the possible. Then the impossible and then the unthinkable, until he's out of danger. Because when you're finished, Doctor, that room will contain either four living men or four corpses. Do you understand?"
The Section team stakes out the exterior of the embassy. Sykes and another operative have the front of the embassy in their sights. At Section, Nikita is on tactical oversight with Birkoff at Comm. Michael is positioned on a rooftop across from the embassy. He launches a grapple gun that shoots a wire across to the rooftop of the embassy. After checking that the line is secure, he quietly glides down the line and over the security of the embassy at street level and safely arrives on the embassy's roof. Using a laser cutter on a pane of glass, Michael accesses the interior of the embassy. He runs up a hallway and arrives outside his destination.
At Section, Birkoff informs Michael that security is tight. "It's wrapped around a Z cube function." Michael asks if he can break it. "I can get you in. I can delay the alarm, but I can't disable it."
Nikita gives Michael to go ahead to proceed. When he enters the room, Nikita informs him that the only information they know about the disc is that it's hidden in a book. Michael walks further into the room to discover that he's in a library filled with books. He walks to one of the bookcases and starts to quickly run a scanner down every book shelf. Nikita informs Michael that he's running out of time. Birkoff informs them that the silent alarm has gone off. Michael continues his search while Nikita and Birkoff exchange words about the short time frame Michael had. Outside of the embassy, security is mobilizing to head indoors. Sykes and the other operatives open fire to draw their attention. Birkoff tells Nikita that she has to get Michael out of there, but she tells him to continue the search. Near the final bookcase, the scanner alerts Michael to the disk. He pulls out the book and inside is the disc he was looking for. Michael informs Nikita that he has the disc and she tells him to withdraw. Michael hears commotion outside the room. When the security guards enter the library, Michael is nowhere to be found the window he used to escape is open. Michael repels down the side of the embassy to ground level. Under heavy gunfire, Michael returns fire as he makes his way to cover. Outside the embassy, Sykes and the other operatives continue to see resistance. Nikita orders him to retrieve Michael but he tells her he can't because there's too much resistance. She reiterates her command. "I repeat. Retrieve Michael, now." Sykes drives a Section vehicle through the embassy gates and Michael runs towards it. Using an open door as cover, Michael returns fire to the embassy guards as the vehicle reverses out. Sykes declares that they're out and a relieved Nikita collapses against a table. Petrosian looks on from a distance.
Michael's team arrives at van access and Sykes is venting to Michael. "He's a butcher. We lost two men today because we didn't have any backup." He stops when they come across Nikita. She asks Michael if he's alright and he tells her that he is. He walks away, leaving Nikita alone. She turns when she hears Petrosian calling her name. He's standing at the far end of the hallway. He approaches her slowly. "Your performance today was superb," he compliments. "Cool, objective, decisive. Exactly what I need from my second in command." Nikita looks uncomfortable with the offer. She asks about Madeline. Petrosian starts to circle around Nikita as he makes his sales pitch. "Madeline is extraordinary. She will continue to be useful in Psych Ops situations but she's been with Operations a long time. She's versed in his style. His methods. What I need my own Madeline." Nikita tries to turn him down diplomatically. "I'm not really interested in a promotion." Petrosian is not convinced. "No? You prefer to going on living from day to day. Risking your life on mission after mission, until one day your luck runs out and you are blown to pieces in some obscure corner of the earth." His words are sobering and Nikita looks uncomfortable with the reality he speaks of. Petrosian takes Nikita's hand and cups it affectionately between his own. "There is more to life than briefings and missions, Nikita." He takes her silence as acceptance and he's pleased.
Act 2[]
Operations lies comatose in Medical while Madeline looks on from the observation room.
Nikita walks down a hallway and comes across Madeline. She asks Madeline about Operations' condition. "I'm confident the doctors are doing everything they can." Accepting of the answer, Nikita moves to continue on her way. "Has Petrosian offered you my position yet?" Madeline ask. Nikita confirms that he has and Madeline would like to know her answer. "If I say no, he's going to offer it to somebody else," Nikita reasons. "That's not the point," Madeline tells her. "What is the point?" Nikita questions intrigued. "The point is, you don't have what it takes to do my job and if you try, you'll only end by destroying yourself." Madeline walks away, leaving Nikita to contemplate her words.
Petrosian is in the Perch when Nikita walks in. He pours champagne into two flutes filled with orange, creating mimosas. He hands one to Nikita. Madeline rounds a corner on the main floor and looks up in time to see Petrosian darken the Perch.
"In addition for taking over for Madeline, you will handle tactical oversight until I can find someone I feel I can rely on. It's double duty but it can't be helped," Petrosian tells Nikita just before they toast. Nikita tells him that it won't be a problem. "You will answer only to me. You will be my eyes and ears in Section and you will carry out my instructions to the letter." Petrosian continues to explain that he wants to prevent another Kronen so he wants Nikita to initiate a full review of all personnel evaluation procedures. Nikita assures him that it's already been done. Petrosian is pleased and he adds that he wants to ensure that all activities in Section come under his direct control, starting with Walter. The mentioning of Walter's name surprises Nikita. "I am told that he likes to work on his own secret projects. I want to know what they are," he tells her. "I don't want to spy on my friends," Nikita tells Petrosian. "Kronen shoots the Section commander in plane view, Sykes complains about mission design, Walter works on unauthorized projects. Section is out of control. It has to stop," he tells her. Nikita wants assurances that Walter won't be harmed. "If you want to protect your friend Walter, you will do as you're told," Petrosian tells Nikita firmly. Nikita leaves the Perch with her orders.
Walter works in Munitions when Nikita approaches him. To catch his attention, she puckers her lips and blows him a kiss. Startled, he comments that she scared him. "I didn't think anything scared you, Walter?," she teases and then asks if he's still thinking about Kronen. Walter confirms that he is and continues to work. "It bothers me that I didn't see it coming." Nikita wanders away from him but notes that nobody did. "The day before I was trying to brief him on the new laser sight and he kept talking about his mother." This catches Nikita's attention. "Anytime anyone in this place starts talking about mom, you know he's got problems." Nikita looks contemplative, clearly thinking about what Petrosian has asked her to do. "So what else are you working on?" Nikita asks with a smile and somewhat forced cheer. Walter smiles back.
Dressed as a lab technician and in the hallway of the research facility mission site, Michael tells Birkoff that he's in position. Birkoff tells him that Gufeld should be in the lobby in about thirty seconds. Nikita asks Sykes, who is in a utility area and trying to access the building's electrical grid, to report in. He opens up the breaker box and tells Nikita that he's in position. Michael spots his target in conversation with another man and reports in. "Sykes, disarm security," Nikita orders. He starts to do so and electrical sparks startle him. "Sykes, you opened the wrong box," Birkoff informs him. Sykes looks over a short distance and sees the box he should have opened. Michael approaches Mr. Gufeld once he's unoccupied and pretends to show him some paperwork to review. While he's distracted, Michael discreetly pulls out his gun and orders Gufeld to accompany him. Sykes struggles with the box he has to open and Nikita tersely tells him to hurry up. "It's jammed," he informs her. Michael and Gufeld reach a door and Nikita instructs him to hold while they wait for Sykes to open the box and disarm security. Sykes manages to open the box and Nikita gives Michael the all clear to continue. Sykes drops his tools and alarm sounds as Gufeld and Michael open a door. Alarms go off and security guards start searching for the breech. Calmly, Michael signals for Gufeld to keep walking. In frustration, Nikita removes her Comm piece. Michael tries to keep himself inconspicuous by not making any sudden moves as he and Gufeld blend in with other research personnel. They're almost to the exit when a security guard informs them that no one is allowed to leave. Michael knocks him out and that immediately draws attention. He draws his gun and shoots and approaching guards before he and Gufeld exit outside. Michael takes out another guard outside. A Section SUV suddenly appears and parks. Michael and Gufeld walk through an exterior gate and get inside.
Petrosian and Nikita walk around Systems as she gives him an update on several items, including conferences, the topics of discussion, and the recent mission. "All elements satisfactory except Sykes. He failed to disconnect the alarm." He then asks about what she learned about Walter's projects. She tells him that it's a remote surveillance mic. "Seems harmless enough," she adds. Petrosian tells Nikita that he's very pleased with her work. "I do have one more assignment for you tonight. Volares at the east end of the park. You know it?" Nikita nods that she does. "Be there, eight o'clock. Dress appropriately. Someone will be meeting you," he tells her. Nikita starts to walk away but she turns back to ask a question. Petrosian anticipates it. "He will know you," he assures her.
Nikita waits at the bar of Volare as instructed by Petrosian. She is dressed elegantly, her hair in a mound of stylish curls. At the entrance, Michael comes in. They see each, both surprised to see the other. Nikita asks why he's there and Michael says that Petrosian sent him. It all makes sense to Nikita and Michael can see that. "Why?" he asks. She tells him that it's part of the "full life" Petrosian promised her if she works for him. "Am I under orders to please you?" Michael asks somberly. She playfully tells him that he is before assuring him that he's not. Michael silently watches her. Nikita tells Michael that Petrosian can make it easier for them to be together. Michael tells her that they shouldn't put too much faith in Petrosian. "Well if I'm dealing with devil, maybe it's because the devil is the only one open for business," she tells him flirtatiously. "But that's not the problem, is it. Michael, it bothers you that I have so much more power now. You don't like it." Nikita gets progressively closer to him as she tries to drive her point in. "Maybe, it makes you a little uncomfortable," she suggests. "No," Michael answers succinctly. Nikita pulls back and gracefully recovers from Michael's response. "Should we just have a drink. No more games. No promises. Just a drink," Nikita suggests lightly.
Act 3[]
Act 4[]
Dressed more casually, in sporty street clothes, Nikita walks into the main floor of Section One and sees Walter working at the front table. She raises her hand in friendly greeting. When Walter sees Nikita, he ignores her and moves further into his work station. Saddened by the reception she received, Nikita watches as he moves away. Madeline witness the interaction and counsels her that with time Walter will "forgive her eventually" because she "saved" Section One. They talk about whether Operations or Petrosian are better fits for Section. Nikita tells her that she didn't like who she'd become under Petrosian's rule, even if it gave her more freedoms. She felt like Madeline and wasn't happy. Madeline observes that the addiction of power has been tasted by Nikita and she'l hunger for it now. Nikita disagrees. Madeline tells her, "You'll be back. It's only a matter of time, but there will be one difference. The next time, I'll be waiting for you."
Main Cast[] |
Special Guest Stars[]
Episode Quotes[]
- Madeline: "Go back inside. Tell your colleagues to do the possible. Then the impossible and then the unthinkable, until he's out of danger. Because when you're finished, Doctor, that room will contain either four living men or four corpses. Do you understand?"
- Petrosian: "Your performance today was superb. Cool, objective, decisive. Exactly what I need from my second in command."
Nikita: "What about Madeline?"
Petrosian: "Madeline is extraordinary. She will continue to be useful in Psych Ops situations but she's been with Operations a long time. She's versed in his style. His methods. What I need my own Madeline."
Nikita: "I'm not really interested in a promotion."
Petrosian: "No? You prefer to going on living from day to day. Risking your life on mission after mission, until one day your luck runs out and you are blown to pieces in some obscure corner of the earth." (Petrosian takes Nikita's hand in his) "There is more to life than briefings and missions, Nikita."
- Michael: "Am I under orders to please you?"
Nikita: "Of course...not."
- Nikita: "You never lied to me. You've made promises and kept them. It's not true of Operations, Madeline, Michael or anyone else in here. With you I have a chance at life. Without you, I have nothing."
Petrosian: "In that case, you should be willing to kill Operations yourself. With your own hand."
Nikita: "Alright."
Petrosian: "It will be best if we are not seen together in the aftermath."
- Madeline: "I think it's pretty clear that Operations is a better choice than Petrosian."
Nikita: "Better for who?"
Madeline: "If you had doubts, why did you sacrifice?"
Nikita: "Petrosian was willing to give me a life. As much as one can have inside Section. But in order to get it I lied, I bullied. And who knows, eventually I might even have killed in cold blood. In other words, I found out what it's like to be you."
Madeline: "And you didn't like it."
Nikita: "No, I didn't."
Madeline: "Power is addictive, Nikita. You've had a taste. It's in your blood now."
Nikita: "You're wrong."
Madeline: "You'll be back. It's only a matter of time, but there will be one difference. The next time, I'll be waiting for you."
- Alberta Watson received a Gemini Award nomination for Best Performance by a Supporting Actress in a Dramatic Series for this episode.
path to the invisible | PILGRIMAGE
do what you have to do | SARAH MACLACHLAN
La Femme Nikita- "Path to the Invisible" - Pilgrimage
Michael breaks into the embassy.