Nikita Wiki
No One Lives Forever
La Femme Nikita
04x08 No One Lives Forever302
Episode no. Season 4
Episode 08
Directed by Brad Turner
Written by Peter M. Lenkov
Production code 408
Original air date March 12, 2000
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"No One Lives Forever" is the eighth episode of the fourth season of La Femme Nikita.


Nikita is released from Section One permanently as part of a new pilot program from Oversight. Concerned that this opportunity is either a mission or a trap, Nikita’s fears are realized when George makes an unexpected visit, demanding that Nikita to return to Section One and assassinate Operations.



Nikita arrives to Section and finds that people refuse to make eye contact with her. She approaches Operations and Madeline in the Perch. "Nikita, a decision has been made regarding your status as an operative," Operations tells her. Madeline is silent and watches them both. "It's time for you to leave," he tells her. Nikita is confused by the information. "Your stay here at Section One has come to an end." She is visibly taken aback. "Just like that?" she questions. "There are some strings, Nikita," Madeline tells her. "No contact with your former life or Section life," he outlines. "This is a pilot program. We will have you evaluated once a month," Madeline explains. Nikita asks if Michael is aware of the news. Operations tells her that Michael is in Senegal. "We'll tell him when he returns," Operations says. "I'm afraid we'll have to say goodbye for you," Madeline adds. Nikita turns and walks out of the Perch.

Act 1[]

Nikita emerges at the base of the Perch still in shock at the news she received. She glances up and sees Operations and Madeline looking out of the Perch. Eventually she walks away.

"Why do you think George wants this to happen," Operations ask Madeline. She tells him that she doesn't know. "This has never been done before." He adds that they're both in the dark.

In Munitions, Walter and Birkoff are happy for Nikita. She's concerned that they don't have the reservations she has about the news. "Operations is setting me up," she tells them. She wants to know why they chose her and she speculates that this might be a way for them to cancel her. Given his 35 years in Section, she asks Walter if this has ever happened before. He tells her that the answer is no but he reminds her that this is allegedly a pilot program. "Maybe they're gonna cut us loose some day," he says optimistically. Nikita is still not convinced and Walter calls her out on her paranoia. He advises that she learn to temper it because she'll never make it on the outside like that. With a friendly hand grab to both Walter and Bikoff, Nikita leaves them. Birkoff wishes her luck as she leaves. "Hope she makes it," Walter adds.

Nikita walks down the hall to Van Access. She enters and with one look back, the door closes behind her.

Nikita stands at her kitchen counter zipping up her hand bag. A knock at the front door draws her attention. She approaches and she sees on the video feed that Michael is on the other side. She opens the door and she and Michael silently look at each other. He steps inside and closes the door behind him. "I came to say goodbye," he tells her. Michael presses his forehead against hers. They begin to kiss softly and Nikita eases Michael's overcoat off his shoulders. The camera pans away and rotates to Nikita's bed. Michael and Nikita lie together beneath the sheets sharing in their final few moments of intimacy.

Nikita is asleep in her new apartment. She rolls around pleasantly, caught in a dream. She wakes up and looks at her surroundings. "It's been six weeks since Nikita left," Madeline can be heard saying. "Will she make it on the outside?" Operations asks. "If we decide we want her to," Madeline responds. A montage of Nikita's new life is seen. Nikita is hurrying along a busy city street. At a bookstore, Nikita works behind the counter and hands a purchase to a bookstore patron. Nikita laughs and smiles with a man at the bookstore. A coworker approaches Nikita and tells her that she should go home. Nikita agrees that she'll do so as soon as she's done. In the evening, Nikita walks down a street alone. As Nikita continues to laugh with the man from earlier, he asks her out to dinner. She's reluctant to accept and changes his invitation to coffee while holding up a business card. She tells him that she'll think about it. Nikita rises from her bed, puts on a coat and walks to her window to look outside.

Nikita is walking across her apartment when a knock at the front door catches her attention. Her visitor calls out to her and tells her that it's "Henri". Later, Nikita and Henri sit at her table. He observes that she's sweating. She tells him that the thermostat is broken. He makes an annotation on a handheld device. "Who sees that?" Nikita asks without looking at him. "Does it matter? What are you afraid of Nikita?" Henri asks. "What do you think I'm afraid of?" She answers back. "You're waiting for the other shoe to drop. Well I'm afraid you'll grow old waiting. This is your life now," he counsels. "I've been in too long to believe that," Nikita tells him. "As soon as things get good, that's when it's time to duck." Henri makes another annotation. "So when are they gonna stop sending you?" Nikita asks. "When they think you've successfully integrated. This is an important test, Nikita. If it works for you, the program will continue.

At Section, Operations stands alone on the catwalk overlooking Van Access lost in thought. Madeline approaches him but he seems not to notice her. "Did you say something?" He asks. "Did Georgegive any indication something was wrong when you were at Oversight?" She asks and Operations tells her that he didn't. Madeline then asks if he was given any further explanation about Nikita's release. "What he said was that it was a pilot program," he responds. Madeline advises him to not let it distract him. "Maybe that's what George wants," she speculates. "What he wants is a war." Madeline wants to know if Operations is prepared to fight. "To the death," he tells her confidently.

Nikita and the man she'd been laughing with at the bookstore walk down a street at nighttime. He tells Nikita that he was glad that she called him. She tells him that she had fun and he agrees. They pass by a poster advertising the ballet and he asks if she likes it. "I don't know," she tells him and he's surprised that she's never been. Nikita is uncomfortably with his inquiry and doesn't know how else to answer. He puts an arm around her shoulder and tells her that they're going to have to rectify that. She glances at his hand on her shoulder but says nothing. They arrive at her new place and he asks Nikita if she'd like for him to walk her inside. "No that's okay. Thank you," she answers, turning him down gently. Nikita gives him a light peck on the lips and starts to walk away but asks if he can call her the following day. "I'll be upset if you didn't," she replies and continues on her way inside.

Nikita steps inside her apartment and is surprised to see George admiring a potted plant. "This is nice. What is it?" He asks, still taking in the plant. "It's a rigged begonia," Nikita tells him. "Are they hard to take care of?" Nikita doesn't answer him. "I'm George," he tells her. "I know who you are," Nikita answers. "What are you doing here?" He tells her to take a seat and she does so at her kitchen table. George joins her. "The man you were with tonight, Andy. Do you like him?" Nikita is noncommittal. "I don't know," she tells him. "But you could, given the time to get to know him." George presses. Nikita wants to know why he's there. "I'm glad you're enjoying your freedom, Nikita. You have me to thank, you know. Now I want something in return," he tells her. "Or you'll send me back," she concludes and George confirms. "What is it you want me to do?" Nikita ask. "I want you to kill Operations."

Act 2[]

In the evening, Michael approaches his parked car. Once inside, he turns on the windshield wipers to clear the snow that has fallen on the front window. Once the snow has been cleared, a radio frequency 89.7 has been written onto the window. Michael turns on the radio and adjusts the frequency to match what is on the window. Nikita's voice comes through the car speakers. "Michael, I need to see you. If you can get away, shine your lights." Michael does as asked. "Tomorrow, noon. The coffee shop across from Moldovy industrial park. Can you make it?" Michael once again flashes his headlights. Thank you."

In the Perch, Madeline and Operations are overhearing the final part of Nikita's message to Michael. "Does Michael know we have this?" Madeline asks. Operations tells her that he doesn't. Madeline asks about his plans. "I made it very clear she was not to make contact with her old life."

On a snowy afternoon, Nikita watches from across the street as Michael approaches the coffee shop. Once inside, he takes a seat by the window and waits. Nikita prepares to cross the street when she's grab from behind. Two Section One operatives load a struggling Nikita into a Section vehicle. In the cafe, Michael is unaware of what has just transpired.

Nikita's begonia is at the window, just like George instructed. "If I see the begonia in that window, I'll know you accepted the mission," George says in voice over.

Act 3[]

Behind them, the door opens and Michael appears. After Walter and Birkoff leave, Michael is left alone with Nikita. "How'd they find out?" She asks. "Operations had you shadowed," he tells her. "Operations talk to you," She asks. "They wanted to know why you contacted me," Michael tells her. "What did you say?" She asks. "I didn't have the answer," he tells her honestly. "I don't want to be free if I can't be with you," Nikita declares with sadness. "They won't make it easy on us," Michael tells her. "What else is new?" Nikita points out, quietly bitter. Michael mentions that he has a briefing. "I have to report to training." Michael turns and starts to walk away but he stops when Nikita speaks again. "That's where I'll be." Michael closes the door and Nikita is once again alone.

Act 4[]


Operations waits for George outside a series of lockers. "I think there's something you should see," George informs him. He opens one of the coffins and a body is revealed with a shroud over it. George pulls it back to reveal a man with his face. Operations wants to know who he is. "We're running DNA now," he tells him. "So it was this man, not you who gave Nikita the order to kill me." "While I was out of the country. Operations would like confirmation of the claim. "Yes, except for one thing. I don't understand how he got a weapon to her." "You think he was affiliated with someone on the inside?" "I'm certain of it."

Nikita arrives in Madeline's office. "As of now your Level Two status has been reinstated. Michael will brief you on all current situations." Nikita says nothing and Madeline watches her for a moment. "You were following orders, Nikita. I understand that now." Nikita asks if Operations is her father. Madeline says nothing and Nikita walks out.


Main Cast[]

Special Guest Stars[]

Episode Quotes[]

  • Michael: "They wanted to know why you contacted me."
    Nikita: "What did you say?"
    Michael: "I didn't have the answer."
    Nikita: "I don't want to be free if I can't be with you."
    Michael: "They won't make it easy on us."
    Nikita: "What else is new?"

