Nikita Wiki
Not Was
La Femme Nikita
02x13 Not Was1502
Episode no. Season 2
Episode 13
Directed by René Bonnière
Written by Michael Loceff
Production code 213
Original air date June 21, 1998
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"Not Was" is the thirteenth episode of the second season of La Femme Nikita.


On a mission to acquire a high-level Red Cell tactician, Michael is captured, and the subsequent interrogation wipes his memory clean. Knowing that if he’s discovered he may be canceled if Operations considers him a liability, Nikita protects Michael by shepherding him through his Section responsibilities, but his degree of emotional honesty makes things more complicated.



Michael makes his way across the dance floor of a crowded salsa dance club. He reaches a security guard standing at the entrance of a hallway with a series of stair. Michael immobilizes the security guard and takes up the post guarding the entrance. Nikita is stationed near the same dance floor Michael just crossed and she makes her own way through the club. A male dance stops her and together they dance for a few seconds. The man passes Nikita a small disk that she conceals in her dress. She continues her journey across the dance floor and approaches Michael. Facing him, she places her hands on his chest. Michael takes one of her hands and leads it slowly down his chest to the waistband of his slacks. He wraps her finger around the handgun his has holstered. Nikita removes it and steps into the hallway he guards. She cautiously descends the stairs.

Nikita gains access to room at the foot of the stairs and enters it. She uses a data card to access the data on a computer. She confirms to Birkoff that all the data she's looking for is present. Hearing this, Birkoff tells Nikita to destroy it. She does so and Birkoff tells her leave because her presence is about to be detected. She tries to escape but the door is locked. He tells her that they know she's there and he informs Michael that Nikita is trapped. Michael eliminates several hostiles as he descends the stairs to assist Nikita. Michael finds an alternate exit and alerts Nikita, but at that same moment he is immobilized with a taser gun. Nikita sees this and fires at Michael's assailant. Nikita informs Birkoff that Michael has been grabbed. He tells her not to pursue because there are too many shooters.

Act 1[]

A partially unconscious Michael is tied up inside a small cage on wheels. The cage is being transported through lab to a man named Perez. He crouches down and questions Michael but he refuses to answer. Orlando Perez holds up a syringe and tells Michael that he will eventually cooperate with them. He jerks Michael's head by his hair and inserts the syringe into Michael's jugular. Michael feels the effects of the drug immediately and passes out. The cage is wheeled out of the lab while Perez remains to look at several captives that he already has in the lab.

At a mission briefing Operations recounts the mission to destroy certain records belonging to Orlando Perez, a first tier Red Cell tactician, who has been responsible for the abduction of several high level players. They are likely being used as involuntary sources. Operations prompts Birkoff for followup information but Nikita interrupts by asking about Michael. He ignores her and once again prompts Birkoff. He informs those gathered that the information destroyed on the mission was incredible important to Perez's operation and it can only be recovered by subcontracting one of three data recovery experts. All of which Section has control of. Nikita once again interrupts to ask about Michael. Operations explains that if Michael is still alive and if he can be recovered without incurring further loses, then they will. Nikita says that recovering Michael should be a priority. If Orlando Perez can extract information so efficiently, then Michael could become a liability and therefore needs to be extracted. "Or kill him," Operations counters. He announces to all those gathered that Section One has a mandate to stop Orlando Perez. Michael is a Class Five operative and he has no intention of sacrificing him unnecessarily. After he concludes the briefing, Operations confronts Nikita about proper protocol. "This is a military organization. There is a chain of command and a protocol for speaking to superiors. I will accept a certain leeway from time to time when emotions run high, but not always."

02x13 Not Was493

Michael is subjected to chemical torture.

Michael is strapped to an apparatus that will be used to interrogate him. Perez asks Michael his name and he answers. He is then asked his last name and Michael reveals that it's "Samuelle". Then is is asked for the city of his birth. Michael answers "Marseille." The year of his birth is 1965. The technician indicates that Michael's answers are the truth. Perez asks Michael for whom he works for. Michael doesn't answer and resists the question. He's asked once more and his eyes roll back and he continues to resist. Perez asks the technician about Michael's reaction, to which she suggests that Michael has been programmed to resist certain "memory desensing." She'll another two hours to help get through Michael's training.

Operations approaches Birkoff in Comm. He tells Operations that one of Section's data recovery informants was approached by a woman who works for Perez. She hasn't offered any information and it's likely that she'll need some persuading.

Operations makes his way to Madeline's office and keys in his entrance code but the door won't open. From inside, he can hear a woman's laugh. He knocks on the door and the laugh can once again be heard. The door opens to reveal Madeline spending time with a young operative who greets Operations with a smile on his way out. Operations asks Madeline if she's busy. She's says that she's not, having just been told an amusing story by the operative, Russell Burke, about his last Delta pickup. She asks him what he needs and Operations tells her that Mobile is bringing in one of Perez's people that will need her attention.

In Systems, Operations tries to access Russell Burke's file but the computer doesn't allow him access. In frustration, he yells out to Birkoff for assistance. Birkoff accesses the file and Operations him what he knows about Burke. He tells Operations that Russell Burke does a lot of Valentine ops. "Women go crazy for this guy. He's brought in a lot of hard intel over the last couple of years." Now that the file is up, Operations dismisses Birkoff.

In the White room, Madeline walks in to greet Ms. Kahn, Orlando Perez's people. Madeline is courteous and offers her water. She references Ms. Kahn' upper middle class upbringing, her intelligence and attractiveness. "You got entangled into a relationship with Orlando Perez. A man who uses you for errands and sex. Trust me. You do not have the strength to withstand the pain our technology can inflict." Madeline asks her to cooperate or she'll be forced to "modify" her.

From the Perch, Operations watches Russell Burke to some fellow operatives on the main floor below. On the intercom, Madeline informs that they just got a location on Perez. Operations orders a team sent out.

Michael is still strapped to the interrogation apparatus. The technician tells Perez that the dosage has been boosted and that he should be ready. She tells Perez that Michael can only be saturated at those levels for only a few minutes. "After that, they'll be too much damage to get anything useful."

A Section team of five operatives approaches Perez's location from the outside.

Nikita breaks off from the team and goes in search of Michael. She runs down several corridors until she comes upon the room that houses Michael, still hooked up to the interrogation equipment. She approaches him and carefully removes everything to attached to him. She tries to bring him out of his trance state. "Can you walk?" Nikita asks. In a daze, Michael says that he can. Nikita hands him a gun and asks about. She tells him that the area still isn't secure. A hostile enters the room and Nikita turns and shoots him. Looking around, Michael asks Nikita where they are. Concerned, she tries to get him to focus on her. "Michael, it's me Nikita." Michael continues to look around confused. She tells him that they need to go. "Why do you keep calling me Michael?" he asks her.

Act 2[]

Nikita confirms to Birkoff that she has Michael and wants guidance how they're going to get out. Birkoff tells her that nothing has been secured yet and asks if she can augment a tactical. "No, Michael's been sedated. I'm going to have to keep him close." Nikita has removed her jacket and she helps Michael, who is shirtless, into it. Birkoff tries to create some space for Nikita and Michael. "Team three, increase your wedge by a few degrees," he suggests. Team three encounters resistance while they try to follow Birkoff's command. They rush past the captives that Perez has. Birkoff tells Nikita that there's a door ten meters to her right that leads out. It will remain clear for sixty seconds. Nikita tells Michael that they have to leave. "I don't know who you are," Michael tells her. "You've been drugged. I don't have time to explain but I'm here to help. These people are trying to kill you," she tells him. Michael asks why. "Because you're their enemy. You're an antiterrorist operative." Michael gives her a disbelieving laugh. "No I'm not," he tells her. "Who do you think you are?" Nikita asks kindly. "I can't remember," Michael admits as the reality hits him. Birkoff alerts Nikita that corridor won't stay clear for long and that she needs to get out of there. "You wanna live, you gotta come with me, come on," Nikita urges Michael as she helps him up. They head to the door and after checking that it's still clear, Nikita and Michael head out.

Nikita runs out into the main area and seeks cover. Michael follows her and together they move to another position. Gunfire can be heard in the distance. Another operative asks Nikita if their ready and she tells him that they are.

Act 3[]

In Nikita's living room, Nikita draws a vial of Michael's blood. He asks the purpose and she explains that any drugs that were used on him might still be in his system. He tells her that she's a good friend but she seems uncomfortable with the compliment. Michael picks up on her discomfort. She tells him that it's difficult to get used to his more forthcoming self. He can't believe that he's withheld so much from her. "Did we ever dance?" Michael asks, referring to the music that is playing in the background. "Only under orders," Nikita says. Michael stands and silently gestures that he'd like to dance with her but Nikita pulls back reluctant. She tries to use the urgency of the blood analysis as her excuse but Michael says "Please" and sweetly cajoles her. They start to dance slowly. Michael hold Nikita close while he thanks her. He moves closer and lightly kisses her cheek before Nikita recoils at the affection he's trying to show her. "Please don't," she says. "Why not?" Michael asks, softly. "Because this is not who you are," Nikita confesses. Somewhat accepting her answer, they resume their dance with Michael laying his head against Nikita's shoulder. A cell phone rings and Nikita immediately goes to retrieve it. She tells him that it's his and hands him the phone. "What do I say?" Michael asks worried. Nikita tells him to "just agree". After he hangs up, Michael tells her that "they want me to come in." Nikita tells him that they'll get ready.

Act 4[]

Nikita asks him how long it will take. "At least eight hours. It has to saturate," Walter instructs. Nikita thanks him and he heads towards Medical. As she's leaving, Walter asks her to keep him in the loop.

Nikita enters Medical and approaches Michael's bed. She asks the nurse tending to him for a minute alone. Michael is lying there resting. She runs the back of her fingers along his cheek. At the sensation, Michael opens his eyes and turns to her. He gives her a sweet smile when he sees her. "How did we do?" He asks softly. "We did great. How are you feeling?" She asks. Michael tells her that he's okay. "And they still don't know?" He wonders. Nikita confirms that they don't but if they don't do something soon, they will soon. Nikita takes the syringe Walter gave her and starts to feed its contents into Michael's IV. "Have I ever told you that I love?" Michael asks. Nikita is surprised by the question. She walks back towards Michael and gives his question some serious consideration. "Actually, no," she tells him. "I do," he promises. Nikita takes his hand and kisses it before she walks away.


As they walk down a corridor in Section, Operations ask Madeline if she followed up on Michael. She hasn't because he's still too groggy. "When he's strong enough, we'll test him thoroughly," she adds. "Let them remain convinced that they fooled us," Operations tells her. At that moment Russell Banks walks by and says hello to Madeline. "I thought you send him to Uzbekistan?" She asks. Operations tells her that he changed his mind after he took a second look at his panel. "He's still single sourced in some areas." Madeline smiles at the news. "Good for him." Operations mentions that he's having Christopher prepare Coq au Vin at little later and he invites Madeline to join him. "Not tonight, thank you," she declines politely. They both go their separate ways. Operations heads up the stairs to an upper level and he glances down when he hears voices. Madeline is now walking the halls in conversation with Russell Banks.

Nikita waits by Michael's bedside while he sleeps. When he awakens, Nikita notices immediately. She steps closer to him. When he moves, he cringes in pain. Nikita asks him how he's feeling and he notes that he's been shot. When Nikita tells him that he was shot on a mission the day before in Germany, Michael is confused. He remembers them being at a dance club in Amsterdam. When Nikita was pinned down, he broke position to help. Michael wants to debrief. Nikita tells Michael about his captivity with Perez and his subsequent memory loss. It lasted for three days. Michael asks if Section is aware and she confirms that she protected him during his vulnerable time. He thanks her. Nikita looks both relieved and saddened that Michael's memories have been restored. She holds back on the little physical affections she had previously bestowed on Michael's earlier self. She leaves him to finish recuperating.


Main Cast[]

Special Guest Stars[]

  • Sam Moses as Orlando Perez

Episode Quotes[]

  • Michael: "I must be a real jerk."
    Nikita: (laughs) "Actually, I'm very fond of you."
  • Michael: (tries door) "It's locked. What should I do?"
    Birkoff: (annoyed) "Open it."
    Nikita: (over the comm unit) "Michael, the U-Key. It's in your jacket."




La Femme Nikita- "Fire and Roses" - Mimi Goese

Michael persuades Nikita to share a dance.
