Nikita Wiki
Old Habits
La Femme Nikita
Episode no. Season 2
Episode 16
Directed by Terry Ingram
Written by Maurice Hurley
Production code 216
Original air date July 12, 1998
Episode guide
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"Old Habits" is the sixteenth episode of the second season of La Femme Nikita.


Section must stop a terrorist group that creates suicide bombs from land mines, but Section’s only contact with the group is a document forger with a certain “habit.” Nikita is assigned to get intel from him on a regular basis, but when she discovers his habit is the serial mutilation of prostitutes, her desire for justice may threaten an even greater number of lives.



Operations and Birkoff monitor a video feed in Comm.

Act 1[]

Operations leads a mission briefing about Halir's group Bright Star. : Their goal is to destroy all symbols of modern decadence.  Their weapon of choice: suicide bombings.  The bombs are constructed from land mines so the materials can't be traced.  Last night we sacrificed a mole in order to protect a more important contact. Gregory Formitz, a dealer in forged documents, passports, visas, press credentials. He supplies Bright Star with fake I.D.'s.  If we control Formitz, we have a chance to stop Bright Star. We've been brought into this one a little late, so we have to play catch-up.  We need any intel we can get.  Michael, it's all yours." As the group disperses, Michael approaches Nikita. "You'll be our liaison with Formitz.  Madeline has prepared a profile. You may find it useful," he tells her.

Act 2[]

In a more modern part of the city, Michael walks up an outdoor staircase that overlooks a plaza. Once at the top, the requests a status from Nikita. She is inside one of the buildings and reports that the delegates are all inside. Michael informs her that they've all been screened and that the threat will come from outside. Michael scans the area and the people down below. Birkoff asks Michael for a report. He tells him that the security team hasn't spotted the threat. Birkoff reminds Michael that he could be disguised. Nikita spots a bundled up woman struggling with a shopping trolley. She asks one of the other operatives to get a closer look. When the other operative approaches, the woman immediately pulls out a gun, shoots him and runs. People scream all around ask panic breaks out. Michael and Nikita immediately pursue. The target runs across the street with Michael and Nikita behind him. The target runs into an above ground train platform and uses zip ties to locks himself in with several commenters. He opens his coat to display a suicide vest as people pound on the glass windows to try and get out. Michael and Nikita arrive just in time to see the station explode, killing everyone inside. "Let's go," Michael says and he and Nikita walk away.

Nikita is walking along the corridor by Systems. Michael descends a set of stairs. She sees him and calls out to him. "Michael? Did you know about Formitz?" Michael walks up to her. "He just contacted us. You beat the hell out of him." Nikita tells him that she can't go back. "If I do, I'll kill him." She states this grimly and matter-of-factly. Michael comes close to her and looks at her. " You will go back. You will not kill him," he tells her firmly and then walks away. Nikita stares rebelliously at his retreating back.

Act 3[]

Act 4[]


Nikita is sitting at Comm alone when Michael approaches her. "Formitz is dead," he tells her. "Can't say I'm too sorry about that," she replies, unbothered and Michael picks up on it. "You don't seem to be surprised." Nikita is nonchalant."Dangerous line of work he's in." Michael comes closer to her. "His death compromises our ability to deal with the remnants of Halir's organization," he explains. "We'll just have to find some other way," Nikita responds. "This is important, Nikita. I want the truth. Did you give him up?" Michael asks her. "No,' Nikita replies simply. Michael walks away, unconvinced of her innocence. Nikita gestures with her hands as if to wipe them clean.


Main Cast[]

Special Guest Stars[]

  • Chris Leavins as Gregory Formitz
  • Donna Christo as Danielle
  • Cas Anvar as Halir
  • Eric Fink as Amar
  • T.L. Fursberg as Erica
  • Jill Dyck as Belinda
  • Stavroula Logothettis as Kara

Episode Quotes[]

  • Nikita: "Why didn't you tell me?"
    Madeline: "He's a very frightened man. Murder gives him the feeling of being in control."
    Nikita: "I know Section makes compromises. But he's Jack the Ripper."
    Madeline: "We need him."
    Nikita: "Shall I tell you what he does?"
    Madeline: "That won't be necessary. It's simple arithmetic. We sacrifice a few lives to save hundreds. Stay focussed on the mission. Try remembering the faces of the people at the bus depot just before the explosion."

Behind the Scenes[]

Joel Surnow said the following in Retrovision #6: "A very classic Nikita that was like trying to go back to season one. The ultimate brutality of the Section; the Section willing to be in business with a serial killer to get a bomber. That really had a season one feel for us, and it was intentional -- that this is the world we're dealing with. Nikita dealt with it a little differently than she would have in the first season when she cleverly was able to get [the killer in "Voices"] killed. In a sense, it reoriented the audience, because we were doing all kinds of other shows, where the series had come from, in a sense." [1] [2]


(can't you trip) like i do | THE CRYSTAL METHOD

space | KEOKI


  1. Gross, Edward (1999). Retrovision #6, "La Femme Nikita Episode Guide - Interview with Joel Surnow.
  2. LFN Forever! Episode Guide: Season 2 - 216. "Old Habits"