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Opening Night Jitters | |||||
La Femme Nikita | |||||
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Episode no. |
Season 3 Episode 3 |
Directed by | Jon Cassar | ||||
Written by | David J. Burke | ||||
Production code | 303 | ||||
Original air date | January 17, 1999 | ||||
Episode guide | |||||
"Opening Night Jitters" is the third episode of the third season of La Femme Nikita.
Operations is desperate for anything that will make Salla Vacek come out of hiding, so he and Madeline force Michael to poison Elena. If he emerges to visit his ailing daughter, Section can then move in and eliminate him. When Michael resists the new plan, Section is forced to improvise.

Nikita and Birkoff talk about Salla Vachek.

Michael tells Nikita that he's been ordered to poison Elena.
Nikita dozes in her apartment listening to music and reading a discarded book. The ring of her telephone wakes her up. When she answers it, it's Michael asking for "Josรฉphine".
Inside Section One Michael is talking to Operations and Madeline in the Perch. Nikita observes this from Comm. She turns and approaches Birkoff. He tells her that things are heating up. Three terrorist incidents in the last week and intel on several new ones. Nikita assumes that she's going out but Birkoff doesn't know why Michael called her in. He's being updated as they speak. Nikita asks about the incidents and Birkoff tells her that they are all attributed to Salla Vacek. Nikita as Birkoff how long he knew that Michael was married to Vacek's daughter. Birkoff tells her that he didn't know long. Although he's been monitoring Vacek for years, he only found out about Michael a few weeks ago, around the same time Nikita did. She asks if a blood cover is a common thing and Birkoff tells her that it isn't. "Vacek is a special case." Nikita looks back towards the Perch and sees Michael still in conversation with Operations and Madeline until he turns and walks away. Nikita and Birkoff talk about how elusive Salla Vacek. He tells Nikita that Vacek has been extremely difficult to track and compares him to Hussain. Michael comes down and calls Nikita to him. Michael tells Nikita that she's coming to his house for dinner. She asks why and Michael says that Operations "wants a confirm." He's been asked to poison Elena. Michael noticeably stumbles in his words when he says it.

Nikita disapproves of the plan to poison Elena.
Act 1[]

Walter hands Michael the poison.
At Michael and Nikita walk towards Walter's station, Michael informs her that Vacek has begun a new string of attacks against the West and they have to draw him how. Nikita questions the poisoning of Elena. Madeline thinks Vacek is vulnerable in that area. "Would you kill her to get to him?" Nikita asks Michael. Michael deflects by saying that drug will only simulate fatal illness. It's not the answer Nikita is looking for. Disapproval is written all over her face. Walter instructs Michael on the poison that will be used on Elena. He tells her that the coloring of the poison would prevent it from being dispensed in water and suggests wine or coffee. Nikita watches the exchange silently. Michael says nothing other than saying that it's time to go.

Madeline and Operations watch Michael's dinner with his family

Michael poisons Elena's wine.

At the last minute, Michael prevents Elena from drinking the poisoned wine.
In Michael's home, the family, along with Nikita are finishing their dinner. Elena chats about Nikita's new apartment and her desire to help Nikita furnish it. Nikita politely declines and says she wants to do it herself. Michael asks Elena if they're having wine. Nikita wears a pendant with an embedded camera. Back at Section, Operations and Madeline watch the proceedings. After Elena pours a Bordeaux, she offers a friendly toast. "Congratulations on the job, the apartment, and now all we have to do is find you a boyfriend." After the adults have their first sip of wine, Adam says that he wants some. Michael asks Adam how old he is, to which Adam seriously replies, "Thirty." Amused, Michael asks to see Adam's ID. Adam hands his father his cloth napkin. Michael pretends to inspect it. "Everything's in order. You can have some," Michael tells him and serves Adam a small amount of wine. The two of them toast. Nikita and Elena make small talk about finding antique chairs for a while before Elena takes Michael's dinner plate and heads out of the dining room. With Elena out of the room, Michael subtly gestures to Nikita. She "accidentally" drops some of her cutlery on the floor and asks Adam to help pick it up for her. With Adam distracted, Michael drops some of the poison into Elena's glass of red wine. Through the camera in Nikita's pendant, Operations and Madeline watch. Elena returns and picks up her wineglass. Michael, Nikita, Operations and Madeline watch as she prepares to take a drink. Suddenly, Michael lets out a warning to Adam while reaching forward and grabbing one of the candlesticks on the dinner table. In the process, he knocks Elena's wineglass, spilling the contents. Confused, Elena asks what happened. "Adam almost knocked over the candlestick," Michael answers. Adam denies it but Michael tells him that it's okay. Nikita is pleased by Michael's actions. Back at Section One, Operations leaves the Perch upset at Michael's inability to complete his task to poison Elena.

Michael is summoned to Madeline's office.

A disappointed Madeline watches Michael leave.
Michael steps into Madeline's office. "Unfortunately, I can't say I was surprised. So it wasn't a singularity?" Madeline asks. Michael tells her that it wasn't. "Under normal circumstances I would strip you of your Class Five status and take you out from your cover. However the situation with Vacek is too volatile," she chastises. A new approach will be attempted. A mission briefing will commence soon. Michael begins to leave before Madeline calls him back. "Michael, Operations was very disappointed," she tells him. After Michael leaves, Madeline face is one of frustration.

Operations leads a mission briefing about Vacek.

Michael is sent on a mission to compromise Vacek's courier.
At a mission briefing Operations announces that yesterday financial markets free fell until they were closed early to trading. Section was able to pierce the corporate veil of nineteen multinational holding companies dumping their technology positions. All nineteen companies are owned by Salla Vacek. Michael suggests that he might only be realigning assets. Operations says that he's liquidating that they've seen an acceleration of his strikes over the last two months. It's nothing compared to what he'll be able to do now. Birkoff reports that Section has been running a zero risk strategy on Vacek's couriers and recon people to protect Michael's position. That will change. Michael and Elena are still being watched by Vacek's people, Operations adds. He's asked Tactical to come up with a low profile way to see one of Vacek's people. Everyone is on Standby until they are successful.

Mick Schtoppel tells Nikita that Section as made him her new neighbor.
The mission on Vacek's courier, Beckman, begins. Beckman sleeps in a high rise hotel. Michael is stationed a breaker box and he cuts the power. When hotel personnel responds to the situation, Michael neutralizes them and steals the universal room key card. Using night vision goggles, he ushers two of Section's interrogation specialists, the Devos, into the apartment. They carefully prepare Beckman to receive visual messages from Madeline by injecting him with a serum. Through a series of questions, she extracts the current location of Sala Vacek.
Birkoff reports to Operations the information acquired by Madeline and that six teams have been sent to verify. Beckman will have no memory of the process.
Act 2[]
At Sala Vacek's heavily guarded location, Mischa gives a report to Vacek. He references a terrorist event in the near future that they will claim responsibility for via the news services, unless Vacek has objections. Rather than give him an answer, Vacek wants to know more about Elena. Mischa tells him that they maintain their surveillance and are continuing their investigations into her primary relationships. With the passage of two weeks, Vacek wants to know if anything has been unearthed that suggests that he shouldn't meet with her. With the answer being no, he tells Mischa to contact Elena and set up a meeting. Mischa is concerned that it's still too early and they don't have enough information. He counsels that it's not the time to be reckless. After a few moments of consideration, Vacek agrees. Before he departs, he tells Mischa to proceed with the statements to the news services.
At Nikita's apartment, she answers a knock at her front door to reveal Mick Schtoppel. She is not happy to see him. He lets himself in and reveals that he is Nikita's new neighbor. While poking around Nikita's apartment, he adds that it's standard procedure for Section to house him next to an operative to make access to his intel much easier. The previous operative that he was housed by was recently killed in an explosion, therefore requiring him to relocate.
At Section, Birkoff gives Michael an update on the location given to them by Vacek's courier. It was cold. Vacek had left more than a week prior. He tells Michael that their next move is being discussed. Michael witnesses those discussions when he walks down the main floor of Section One and glances up into the Perch.

A worried Michael hugs Elena.
When Michael arrives home later that evening, he calls out to Elena but he gets not answer. Noticeably worried, he continues to call out to her as he makes his way through the house. On the second floor, Michael finds Elena passed out on a settee. Worried, he approaches her. She was only asleep and she awakens when he sits down next to her. She's surprised that he's home so early. Relieved that she's okay, Michael embraces her.

A concerned Michael finds Elena sick.

Section One has poisoned Elena.
Later that night, Michael awakens to coughing. Elena is no longer in bed and he heads in the direction of the coughing. He finds Elena ashen, coughing extensively, and looking very sick in their bathroom. She tells him that she's not feeling well and doesn't know why. Michael looks disturbed at the information.

Nikita goes to the hospital to inform Michael to stay vigilant about Vacek.

Michael vows revenge against Section if Elena dies.
Nikita arrives at the hospital to find Michael standing alone in the waiting room. She asks about Elena but Michael tells her that the doctors are still running some tests. When she asks about Adam, he tells her that he's with a neighbor. When Nikita asks Michael how he's doing, he instead asks Nikita why she's there. She's somewhat reluctant to voice the callous truth. "Madeline sent me. She wants you to stay here in case Vacek shows." She asks how Elena got sick. Michael hypothesizes that Section must have gotten to her while he was on the mission. They sent him out to get him out of the way. "If she dies, they die," Michael vows.
Act 3[]

Michael checks in on a sick Elena

Salla Vacek awaits Michael's arrival.
Mischa reports to Salla Vacek Elena's illness and hospitalization.
In Elena's hospital room, her doctor tells Michael that all they can do now is wait to see how she responds to the treatment she's receiving. After the doctor leaves, Michael walks up to Elena's hospital bed where she's sleeping and he watches over her.

Michael pleads with Vacek to come see Elena.

Nikita and Adam look through a family photo album.
Michael enters the hospital waiting room and sits down. Another man is already there. It's Beckman, the courier from earlier. Beckman tries to make small talk until he stands and then sits down next to Michael. "I afraid you'll have to leave your wife for a few hours," he tells Michael. He shows Michael his hidden gun, while two other men also enter the waiting room.

Nikita looks at a photo of Michael with his family.
At Section One, Birkoff notifies Operations that Salla Vacek has made his move and that Michael is leaving the hospital. He confirms that Michael has been stripped of surveillance.
At Salla Vacek's current location, Vacek and Misha watch out the window as a hooded Michael is led out of a car. Mischa is not in agreement with Michael being brought to where they are. He says "a more disponible location" should have been used, but Vacek tells him that there was no time.
Once inside, Michael's hood is removed. Vacek and Misha are standing nearby. Vacek tells Mischa that he wants to be alone with Michael. Vachek asks about Elena. Michael asks if he's Elena's father, which Vacek confirms. "What do you want with me?" Michael asks. Vacek once again asks about his daughter. "You kidnap me to find out about Elena? She's dying. That's how she is." Vacek wants to know how he can help, but Michael dismisses the assistance, telling him that there's no chance of recovery. "If you want to help Elena you'll let me go. She needs me and there's not much time" Michael tells him. Vacek offers his own doctor's to look at Elena. Michael doesn't care. He just wants to leave and go back to Elena. "You'll have to accept the loss of your daughter just like she learned to accept the loss of her father," Michael tells Vacek before he turns to leave. Vacek tells Michael that he wishes he had the choice to lead a different life. Michael playacts as if he doesn't understand Vacek's cryptic words. Vacek tells Michael that he's powerless to help his own daughter. Michael pleads with Vacek to accompany him and see Elena. "So she won't die wondering if her father even cares." Vacek refuses and Michael walks away.
At Michael and Elena's home, Nikita looks after Adam. Together they look at Adam's baby book, which not only has photos of Adam's young life but of Michael, seemingly happy with his family. She sends Adam off to put on his pajamas for bed but Nikita remains to once again go through the book. She pulls out two photos of Michael happy and smiling with Elena. The images affect Nikita noticeably.
On the monitors at Comm is footage of an embassy bombing in Mexico City. Birkoff tells Operations that news reports are attributing the bombing to a group funded by Salla Vacek, Crystal Globe. Operations points out that their intel had the bombing in the Far East. Madeline thinks that there might be another terrorist act right behind it. A message from Michael on an encrypted channel interrupts them. He's back at the hospital. He confirms that he saw Vachek but that he still won't come. Michael reports that the location he was taken was three hours by private plane and another hour by car. He asks that they send the antidote for Elena. He doesn't believe Vachek will show. Madeline doesn't agree. "The symptoms are killing her," Michael tells them. "That's a chance we'll have to take," Madeline replies.
Elena sleeps in her hospital bed while a distraught Michael stands at the foot of it watching her.
Act 4[]

Michael brings Adam to see a dying Elena.

Nikita encourages Michael to call Walter for Elena's antidote.
Outside Elena's hospital room, Nikita takes Adam a glass of water. Inside, a weak Elena asks Michael to bring in Adam. She'd like to speak to him alone. Michael steps outside and crouches down to speak with Adam. He tells him that "Mommy, wants to talk to you, but it's very important that you be a good boy." Michael tells him. Adam affirms that he is a good boy. Nikita watches the two of them in sympathy. Michael tells Adam to listen to what Elena has to say to him. Michael walks Adam into Elena's room. Adam cautiously approaches his mother. Michael shuts the door behind him to give them privacy.
Nikita asks Michael if Vacek is coming. He tells her it's possible but it's clear that he doesn't believe what he's saying. Nikita encourages Michael to call Walter and find out what was in the poison that was given to Elena. After a few moments of consideration, Michael begins to pull out his cell phone when from inside Elena's room, a telephone ring can be heard. Michael walks inside and he finds Adam holding the phone. He tells his father that "Daddy, he says he's Grandpa, coming to see Mommy."
At Comm, Birkoff tells Operations that their people are in place and that the antidote was give Michael. He's currently with Elena and she's recovering. He confirms that they're ready for all scenarios. "Nobody moves a finger until Michael makes the ID. He's the only one who has seen Vacek," Operations orders.
Outside the hospital, severals cars pull up. Various men exit the vehicles. On Elena's floor, the men fan out and position themselves throughout.
At Comm, Birkoff is informed that Vacek's advance team has arrived. Twelve men have been accounted for. Birkoff informs Operations. "We should be able to handle this without harming innocents," he's told.
Michael sits at Elena's hospital bed. She confirms that she's feeling a little better. He tells of the positive prognosis the doctors have given her. Elena asks about Adam and Michael explains that he was tired but fine.
Salla Vachek exits an elevator, surrounded by four of his men. He walks down the hospital corridors filled with his other men to Elena's room. Outside the room, they encounter Nikita reading a magazine. She greets them but they ignore her.
Once inside Elena's room, Salla Vachek greets Michael. Michael rises and introduces Elena to her father. She warmly greets him. At Michael's confirmation, Birkoff alerts the Section operatives stationed at the hospital to proceed in taking out Vachek's backup. Operatives dressed as hospital employees silently shoot, choke and further disable Vachek's men. Vacek expresses his remorse at not visiting Elena sooner. Michael now stands at the window overhearing their conversation. Tears are in his eyes. Elena expresses her happiness at Adam having the opportunity to know his grandfather. Michael turns to face them and mentions that Elena's fever has dropped. "The doctors say her immune system suddenly responded." Vacek stiffens in suspicion and questions when the positive turn happened. The coincidence of it happening just a few hours previously is too great. "Say goodbye to Elena," Michael tells him somberly. Confused, Elena points out that her father just got there. "You have to rest," Michael tells her, his voice thick with emotion. Michael steps back and Salla Vachek kisses Elena on the forehead. Vachek moves towards the door.

A recovering Elena with Michael and her father.

A catatonic Elena after Michael and her father are killed in front of her.
Outside the hospital two of Vachek's men wait next to Nikita. One takes out his gun and Nikita disables him and uses his gun to take out the second man. Alerted by the noise outside, both Vacek and Elena turn towards the door. An armed man walks past Nikita and into Elena's hospital room. He shoots Salla Vachek in the chest. Elena is shocked and distressed at what she's just witnessed and starts to scream. The gunman turns towards Michael and shoots him in the chest as well. Elena screams even more. The gunman leaves and once again walks past Nikita. In the room, Elena has gone into shock. She's silently rocking while the bodies of her father and Michael lie on the floor.

Operations and Madeline praise Michael on his closure of the Vacek mission.
In the Perch, Operations has a congratulatory phone call from George. Madeline stands nearby. "It was a long hard road. We're all glad it's over. Early intel gives us an excellent projection that what's left of Vachek's organization can be handled by lower agencies." After he hangs up, Operations tells her that she should follow through with her proposal for Level 9. He doesn't foresee any resistance at the present time. On intercom, Operations is informed of Michael's arrival. A somber Michael enters and approaches Operations and Madeline. "Congratulation," Operations tells him. "You carried off what everyone at Oversight considered an impossible task." Madeline informs Michael that Elena has been released from the hospital. "Physically, she's fine." Operations adds that she and Adam will be provided for. Madeline asks if he'd like to be copied on their progress reports. Michael continues to say nothing. "I think we should acknowledge the personal sacrifice Michael has made and give him some time alone." Operations agrees and Michael is dismissed.
Nikita waits in her apartment with drying tears on her face. She nurses a glass of wine when she hears a knock on her front door. She opens it to reveal a somber Mick Schtoppel. Used to his antics, Nikita promptly tells him that she's in mood for him that night. Mick asks if he could speak with her. Noticing his serious tone, she relents. He tells her about an incident that involved a car bombing. Mick allowed an innocent girl who wanted to go in the targeted car to do so. He was unaware of the car's fate and wonders why he wasn't told. He tells Nikita that he never would have allowed the girl to go if he'd been hold. "Why wasn't I told?" Mick asks Nikita. In friendship, Nikita invites Mick for tea.
Late at night Michael walks the streets of a busy city area alone. He is deeply lost in thought as he does so. When he reaches an intersection, he stops and looks off into the distance before he walks off again.
Main Cast[] |
Special Guest Stars[]
Episode Quotes[]
- Operations: (To Michael) "Congratulations. You carried off what everyone at Oversight considered an impossible task."
- Madeline: ""I think we should acknowledge the personal sacrifice Michael has made and give him some time alone."
- chanson san issue (ne vois tu pas) | AUTOUR DE LUCIE
- is jesus your pal? | GUS GUS
La Femme Nikita- "Chanson Sans Issue " - Autour de Lucie