Nikita Wiki
Threshold of Pain
La Femme Nikita
03x12 Threshold of Pain2552
Episode no. Season 3
Episode 12
Directed by Terry Ingram
Written by Michael Sloan
Production code 312
Original air date June 6, 1999
Episode guide
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"Threshold of Pain" is the twelfth episode of the third season of La Femme Nikita.


On a mission to capture a terrorist duo known for their love of pain and cruelty, a section operative is tortured and killed, but not before her boyfriend spilled sensitive intel in an attempt to save her life. Fearing his cancellation, Nikita organizes a secret mission to cover for him, but when the mission fails, he betrays Nikita, and now she is the one who faces cancellation.



In Munitions Walter stands at his worktable, examining a black box.  Birkoff approaches him and asks if he wants to grab some lunch. "Yeah.  Just want to finish looking at this," Walter replies. "Is that a Grunen 412?" Birkoff asks, intrigued. "Yeah.  I always wanted to see one of these things close up." Walter starts running through the halls of Section yelling at everyone to get out of his way. He reaches a containment hatch and dumps the Grunen 412 inside. It explodes but the damage is contained as intended.

Act 1[]

At a mission briefing, Operations shows video footage of the destructive work of a newly formed group called Black March. "They freelance for various terrorist organizations. They appear to be motivated by money and the sheer joy of causing pain and destruction." Their leaders are Simon Crachek and his partner Caroline. "Some sources say they're brother and sister others that they're lovers. In fact, they're probably both." Black March will be meeting the suburbs of Bucara in twenty four hours. Section's job is to terminate them. Operations tells the team that they leave in one hour.

Act 2[]

Act 3[]

While Nikita continues to wait in Containment, Michael enters the room. "So who do they believe?" She asks after a few moments. "They don't know," he replies. "Well thanks for coming, but I don't see how you can help," Nikita tells him somewhat dismissively and turns away from him. "They've located Black March. They're sending a team. I'll have Crachek brought here alive," Michael informs her. "Just tell me what you want him to say." Nikita is confident in her answer. "I want him to tell the truth. That Mark gave up the substation." Michael agrees and begins to walk away. "You don't believe me, do you?" Nikita suggests. "I do believe you," Michael tells her and then walks out.

Act 4[]

Michael approaches Birkoff in Comm. He's about to live with a mission. On his comm unit, he tells the team on the field to hold positions and that they active in three minutes. Michael tells him that he's inserting a mission parameter. Birkoff turns to him in concern. "This late?" Michael tells him that he wants Crachek alive. "That's not consistent with the profile," Birkoff argues and turns back to his monitor. "Then alter the profile," Michael tells him firmly. "Does Operations know about this?" Birkoff asks. "Just do it, Birkoff," Michael orders. Birkoff turns back to him and they have long stare down until Birkoff relents. He activates his connection to the field team. "All units listen up. We have a new parameter. We need Crachek alive." He then tells them how to reposition. On Comm, someone in the field argues about the change. "Birkoff, we can't change the profile now. It's too late." Clearly annoyed with the situation, Birkoff tells the operative that they're just going to have to deal with it, while throwing a side glance at Michael. "Good," Michael tells him in approve and walks away, leaving Birkoff clearly exasperated with the scenario.

Mark approaches Birkoff, who works near Comm. "What this about Crachek being taken alive?" he asks. Birkoff tells him that Crachek as just been brought into the White Room. "Profile calls for elimination," Mark points out. "Profile got change," Birkoff responds, simply. Mark wants to know under whose authority. "Michael's," Birkoff tells him. Mark takes in the new information and walks away.

In the White Room, Crachek sits restrained. Michael is in with him and he stands at a wall panel, watching the data on it. "You're here to turn the screws. If only you know what a complete waste of time that was for both of us," Crachek tells him. Michael turns slowly towards and walks closer.

Nikita is led out of her room by two guards. They pass Operations, Michael and Crachek on their way to a different area of Containment. The door closes behind them and a gunshot can be heard from within the room. Crachek face lights up with feigned realization. "No wait, it's all coming back to me now. It wasn't the woman who broke. It was the man, yeah you want details. The other woman was strapped to the fence. I took a scalpel and began to peel back her face, it's above the left eye I think. She was in so much agony, she couldn't even scream, just made this griggling sound, that's when he begged me to stop." Crachek tells them. "Convincing?" Michael tells him that it is. "It's a shame it's too late," Crachek says with a laugh. The door opens from behind him and Nikita steps out. Operations looks at Michael. "It worked, congratulations." Crachek smirks, "I suppose it means the deal is off?" Operations surprises them all. "Not necessarily. Take him to evaluation, "He instructs the operatives who had escorted Nikita. Nikita is visibly disgusted. "You can't be serious?" Operations smiles at her. "We have to utilize every resource we can. Operations walks away, living Michael and Nikita alone. She steps right up to Michael. "Thank you," tells him. Michael nods his acceptance.



Main Cast[]

Special Guest Stars[]

  • Adam Ant as Simon Crachek
  • Karen Glave as Angela
  • Vincent Corazza as Prisoner
  • Guylaine St. Onge as Caroline
  • Trent McMullen as Mark

Episode Quotes[]

  • Walter: "I donโ€™t need a pat on the back! Iโ€™ve been doing this job since before you came to Section, and I can probably do your job too."
    Operations: "Really."
    Walter: "Really."
    Operations: "One of these days youโ€™re going to carry this cranky old man act a little too far."


  • can't forget you | MOA